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Posts posted by GEARSOFWAR147

  1. http://images.vg247.com/current//2012/05/zombie-art.jpg

    In ^ this image.

    I remember seeing "The Losers" a couple of days ago and realized that the girl in the photo may be an actor.


    That actor. ^

    Here is a better photo of "The Losers" and she is on the bottom.

    She is kind of making the same face.


    Let me know what you guys think

    - Nathan

  2. Following what treyarch has been doing with Black Ops...what if Zombies doesn't end playing as our favorite freakbag hunters? What if they are just American astronauts? I want Dempsey, Richtofen, Takeo, and Nikolai with me for my final GAME OVER, don't you?

    If you don't understand, in Black Ops, every other map had new characters, then returning to our regular gang.

    Kino - Gang

    FIVE - JFK, MacNamara, Nixon, Castro

    Ascension - Gang

    Call of the Dead - Sarah Michelle Gellar, Robert Englund, Danny Trejo, Micheal Rooker

    Shangri-La - Gang

    Moon - American Astronauts?

    HELL NAH!...I hope.



    :facepalm: :roll:

    :cry: dont do that to me

  3. Lol and if the map pack was called infected it wouldnt go with the F.E.A.R. thing.

    (F)irst Strike




    Not that it would matter. Guys we are all hoping for a fourth map pack but dont get your hopes up.

    The F.E.A.R thing is just a theory. There is a whole list of words the begin with (F.E.A......)

  4. Hey codz just wanted to say there's supposed to be aliens in mw3 Not zombies..at least thats wat my friend said. If so do you think its gonna be legit or shit

    :roll: :facepalm:

    I would rant but this 8 year old just needs to get off the site. Or find some (physical) brains.

  5. yes, it is indeed an upgraded claymore. however i doubt it's a papd claymore.

    although now i ponder on it it really could be, because when you select claymore you hold it in your hands, so in theory you could use the pap whilst it's selected. unlike all the grenades we've seen (standard, monkeys, gersh, dolls, semtex) which aren't held until throw is pressed, and obviously thrown upon release, so unlikely they can be papd.

    as i started this post i was sceptical, but after a little thought i think you are right, moreso i hope you are. +brain.

    (edit) i brained some other guy and can't brain you now. remind me that i owe u a good brainin'.

    :D ok

  6. The trailer probably would have come out already...


    I thought they knew we were all expecting it today, f*cking thanks Activision, for the GREAT trailer, you awesome guys :facepalm:

    :facepalm: Dude, you f***ing flamer....

    MS updates the dashboard every tuesday at around 7:00 P.M. Eastern Time.

    Get with the program :)

    Lol anticipation that brings you nothing only leads to anger, so I apologize =3

    Yeah I know man.... I know. :lol:

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