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Posts posted by That'sWhatSheSaid

  1. While quick scoping looks cool in a well edited montage I think it's an extremely cheap way of playing.

    I mean people complain about knifers (sometimes with or without commando) they complain about rockets and grenade launchers, they even complain about people using assault rifles!!

    And yet ALL of those methods are possible in real life, whilst quickscoping is impossible.

  2. I personally think "zombies" will be included in the game, however I can't see them bringing something so... sci-fi into a realisticish game so rather than the conventional type of undead zombie that eats brains I think in a singleplayer mission you'll come across a testing lab where the Commie's are trying to create super soldiers using mind control. You won't necessarily have to kill the "zombies" but you'll discover what the Russki's have been up too and maybe get a peek at said zombie.

  3. I think it would be awesome if they had alternate endings etc just to give playback value.

    As for individual missions I hope for a stealth mission with barely any kills, possibly a sniping mission.

    I'd like the ending to be a surprise, one that leaves me shocked for ages!

    All in all I hope the story keeps me guessing, keeps me entertained and wanting more

  4. I for one, Will Never Use Any of the Controllable Killstreaks. Just to make a statement. It doesn't matter if they aren't as powerful in Black Ops, There shouldn't be controllable Killstreaks.

    I also hope they don't allow Killstreaks to Persist through multiple Search and Destroy Rounds. It Seriously makes getting a killstreak in Search and Destroy a Lot less exciting.

    I will have multiple Classes set up for Different Maps, and the different Weapon Types.

    Pretty much everything Zieghail said but I'm pretty sure every class I use will have the ballistic knife.

  5. First of all off topic: You're my nemesis!

    OT: I like the idea of getting more COD points each time you prestige, I'd definitely prestige in order to get more points but based on past COD titles it seems like you will lose your points once you've prestiged in order to buy all the weapons etc again.

    I think the contract idea would be more likely than the points but I HOPE your right about the COD points.

  6. breathing heavily dead.

    How could he be dead if he was breathing heavily? Maybe I'm having a complete brain fart here but that just doesn't seem possible.

    I don't think there will be a 7th trans. It's been so long.

    Sorry about my grammer, im saying maybe the guys who was breathing healvily was tortured.

    Also you said that there won't be a 7th tranmission,who knows maybe after the full multiplayer trailer*thats setember 1st*.

    No worries dude, it just confused me :lol:

    I think the next we'll hear of GK will be IN the game, but who knows!?

  7. I just recently joined the site but I've been coming here since GKNova6 started up and even since then, the amount of members we've gained is awesome. I hope to stay as long as this site is up and running and become one of the many hardened veterans that I look up to in a strange way :lol:

    I SHOULD be donating soon, providing I can get A job!

  8. Yeah, your right. Although with Reznov returning, he could be Treyarch's captain Price :lol:

    I think there'd be a better chance of Price being in the game had he been a Treyarch character

    No, Its the Very Same Person, not just a look-a-like with the same name. Black Ops is sequel-ish to World at War, which is why its already been confirmed By Mark Lamia to be the same Reznov.

    Why is it, there are Hundreds of Assumptions about Zombies, but when something is ACTUALLY Confirmed by The Head of Treyarch, people just ignore it.

    Sorry dude, that's what I meant. I know it's the very same Reznov. How could I explain this without sounding more stupid than I already have?

    I mean: Reznov in W@W and BO could be Treyarch's version of Captain Price in both the Modern Warfare games.

    Like both characters returning in the sequels.

  9. You don't understand why the threads were locked? There were thousands of posts! Hundreds of pages! And only maybe 1 in 10 posts contained something useful/relevant to what the topic was supposed to be about, while the rest was usually spamming about passwords.

    The topics were locked for good reason in my opinion.

  10. I was unfortunate enough to never really play W@W multiplayer but I think I know what your getting at.

    Although hopefully there will be a beta, so any problems could be straightened out then?

    You actually have a good point about the crossbow but I dunno, hopefully it won't have the same characteristics of the noob tube. That clip may be exaggerated to make the crossbow look more badass :lol:

  11. Yeah, it's awesome. I mean they could release the same animation as that but make it more... how could I put it, more COD looking. Like the zombie pet that's currently there is like cartoony etc, whereas the black ops one would look more savage, with a torn military uniform etc.

  12. I know most people don't look for realism in COD games but tbh I think if you were hit with an exploding arrow from a crossbow you would probably die with one shot :lol:

    Seriously though I'm incredibly psyched for this game. Every game will have its flaws, some more than others *cough* MW2 *cough*, but too be honest I think the positives of Black Ops will completely override the negatives.

  13. its a crazy theory, but i don't think treyarch would put in a character from 2 infinity ward games, but it is interesting none the less...

    Thats actually wrong there also was a Captain Price in CoD 1 and CoD 2 they therefor got him in EVERY of their games...

    True, although some fans of the game believe that the Cpt Price in Cod 1 & 2 is the father of the MW version

  14. I was looking at the "World Premiere uncut" trailer and I noticed the same bloody hat that we've come to know and love from both the MW's.

    At first I thought it couldn't be. Treyarch wouldn't use an IW character would they? Especially a MAIN character.

    But the more I think about it, it could be him.

    In the MW games, Price seems quite an old age, and the battle of Hue (the mission that I reckon he appears in) was in 1968. So if he was in his VERY late teens/VERY early 20's, that would mean he would be 60ish in MW's. Which obviously suggests it isn't.

    Just have a look for yourselves and tell me what you think.

    Pause at 1:02

    I apologise if this has been mentioned but I searched and couldn't find it.

    Also I know this is a crazy theory but you never know!

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