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Posts posted by iLLMATICxKiNG

  1. Let's face it. When Black Ops comes out, who is seriously STILL going to play World at War? I know I'm not.

    I have an idea for the community of Black Ops and World at War (which is us) to set up a date (can discuss whenever) and give one last farewell to World at War by playing online matches such as TDM and SnD. This would mean we need to gather as much people as possible to play World at War and try to see the full servers that I (we) miss. It will probably be my last time playing, I don't know about you. I am throwing in the towel and retiring from it. I think it will be a neat idea and will be a really good opportunity to say goodbye. For some of you it will be your last, for most it will not be your last! Everyone is welcome, any console! (I play on 360)

    I will list more information later if people are interested.

    Thanks for reading! If you are interested please tell. I can turn this into a petition thread if it gets popular, so sign. :D

    Link to original thread by ME: http://callofduty.com/board/viewtopic.p ... &sk=t&sd=a

  2. You can get the exclusive flight suit now up until September 30 (Gamestop should give you a card with a redemption code on it). You cannot actually use it until 11-9-10 though.

    And for the Woods thing, there is a code in the actual game box that has the Woods avatar code AND the Co-Op maps on it.

  3. From lilmike002001 on CallofDuty.com forums

    "After hearing about the special edition releases of BlackOps I headed to my local gamestop to upgrade my preorder. I asked the guy behind the counter if he had anymore information on the special editions. He then handed me a pamplet of 4 papers stapled together. The front page reads 'Hardened edition details' with 4 pictures dipicting the 'medal' 'avatar outfit' 'steelbook' and a classic picture of WAW zombies on it.

    Under the list of 'summary of features' it says "Four exclusive Zombie maps from World at War updated for the Black Ops engine ($15 value)"

    Reply from Muttdawg509

    "he is right, as soon as I read this I called gamestop to ask "what comes in your special edition" and he told me aboutthe medal, the steelbook, and 4 EXTRA ZOMBIE MAPS!!!!! I then said "did u just say zombies?" hhe verified it, and then I said "u know treyarch hasn't revealed that yet right?" all he said was "oops, oh well" and then chuckled!!!!! its O F F I C I A L"


    BEST BUY CONFIRMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    http://www.bestbuy.ca/en-CA/product/cal ... 0fc595en02

  4. Also some translation messed up a little but...

    http://www.codblackopsblog.com/wp-conte ... 92_024.jpg

    First paragraph of the article that shows the factory “Als die Nationalsozialisten 1933 die Macht ergriffen, war Deutschland auf dem Gebiet der B+C-Rustung ein unterentwickeltes Land. Die Siegermachte des Ersten Weltkrieges hatten den Deutschen die Herstellung und Lagerung von erstickenden, giftigen oder ahnlichen Gasen verboten. Nur die Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft beschaftigte sich seit 1926 insgeheim mit Chemikalien, die sich fur die Herstellung von kampfgasen eignten.”

    “When the Nazis seized power in 1933, Germany was in the area of B + C-Rustung an underdeveloped country. The victor of the First World War the Germans had banned the manufacture and storage of asphyxiating, poisonous or similar gases. Only the Emergency Association of the German science since 1926, busied himself secretly with chemicals that are eignten for the production of gases battle.”

    second paragraph “Deutschlands einstige Gegner aber hatten inzwischen produktionsreife CStoffe entwickelt und arbeiteten an weiteren Waffen: England forschtc in der Gasschutz Forschungsabteilung Frankreich testete im Nationalburo fur wissenschaftlliche und industrielle Forschungen und Neuerungen, und die Sowjet-Union experimentierbe im Kriegschemischen Dienst”

    “Germany’s former enemies but had now become production-ready CStoffe and worked on other weapons: England forschtc in the gas protection research department in France tested Nationalburo for scientists and industrial research and innovation, and the Soviet Union in experimentierbe Kriegschemischen Service”


    http://www.codblackopsblog.com/wp-conte ... 92_017.jpg

    “For the friendly Godenken and I also on behalf of the IG Farben Gefolgechaft the New years ubermittelten good wish I can tell you I think it best Donk ereidere sincerely….”

    and i cant get the name

  5. Some translations I did:

    Picture Captions from Left to right http://www.codblackopsblog.com/wp-conte ... 92_025.jpg

    "This work is immensely"

    "with gas bring laughter to enemies, Gas-American soldier in Vietnam

    so that they forget the battles"

    Bottom of the document

    "History is made, the media campaign"

    This Article http://www.codblackopsblog.com/wp-conte ... 92_024.jpg

    Die Pest ist denkbar unzuverlassig - The plague is very unreliable

    Deutsche Giftgasfabrik in Dyhernfurth, Tabun-Erfinder - German poison gas factory in Dyhernfurth, Tabun-inventor

    Schon im Herbst 1934 stand der erste Chemie-Krieger der Wehrmacht, der Nebeltruppen-Soldat, auf dem Kasernenhof - Already in the autumn of 1934 was the first chemical warriors of the armed forces, the mist-forces soldier in the barrack

    Doch selbst als die Truppe endlich stand, herrschte noch keineswegs Klarheit uber die Gasart, die sie im Ernstfall hatte Verschieben sollen - But even as the troops finally got up, there was still no clarity about the type of gas they had in an emergency move to

  6. ***I do not know if any of this has been found***

    *I have noticed a sequence of baseball related pictures on transmission 1.

    *Also on transmission 5 if you sit on it for a while, after like 5 minutes you can hear what seems to be a weird tone followed by what seems to be alien sounds.

    *And lastly, on the Call of Duty Wiki for GKNOVA6 under trivia it says, "While on the site if you press "enter" the lights and some of the electronics will go off for a little while the reason is still unknown." I have done this just yesterday and it worked. I tried it today and it didn't do anything. Could have it of been updated?

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