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Posts posted by Spencers132

  1. if ebola is wat cause the death then what causes them to return to life or did they never die.

    this would also destroy most of our theorys on how the orignal zombies became zombies and a ebola epidemic didnt happen in ww2.

    im really confused about this but rember this is only the begining of what we have more will come

  2. i am interested in everything that has happened GK or henry langham i like to pay attention to all that goes on because we dont have proof that this is real or fake so i try not to get too into these thing so i wont get let down if it is fake but i am interested, the only thing is GKNOVA0 is updated at a ridiculous rate like every 10 minutes and i carnt keep up, but your right some people get WAY too into it, its not real henry isnt real GK isnt real, group 935 wasnt real this is all fake made treyarch to keep people in the game for other reasons

  3. isnt this a little old........

    you watch the video and you'd wish it was

    his fuckin head exploded

    ive seen it but i dont see the reason to post this....

  4. This Henry stuff is not treyarchs style... If I had the time / no life I could make a vid with half truths and condescending ideas for you all to believe .. But remember guys this is an unreliable source.. No new info .. No proof

    Please respect this thread and do not spam.. I no I've ranted but the intention of this thread is for discussion of henry being a hoax

    Thanks for reading / skimming


    i can see were your coming from but you carnt really say thats not treyarch style when treyarch are so hard to follow we dont know what there style is the clues left behind in cod5 and gknova6 are completely different,

    but i dont belive in henry either why bother using human photos when everything else about 935 is animated(if this is treyarch they need to pick up there game)

  5. while i am unsure about this i dont think it should be completely ignored because if it is real there is alot of info however if it is fake we havent lost alot exept time.

    i do know someone who is a faker though benntheren he was trying to act like henry langham but someone found his youtube channel which has some mw2 videos on it, either he is a faker or someone made a youtube account with the exact same name letter for letter.

  6. Am i the only one who thinks http://callofdutyzombies.com/documents/4.jpg looks like a teleporter from der riese?

    The numbers r just split in the middle put the 2 sets on numbers together and it look like a teleporter

    I can see what your saying ... My first thought was very resembled "the bell" Nazi UFO prototype ..

    Something for sure .. Those numbers must translate to something... Maybe using the "punch cards" they can be deciphered ..

    Has any other site cracked this one?

    They had weeks head start... They should know something

    you could be right but isnt that like a illumanati symbol?

  7. i know this may sound extremely stupid so please dont flame me but what is all of this stuff about GKNOVA6? i am extremely confused about it all would someone mind summing it up for me? I am interested to know about all of this zombie stuff but i am just 2 confused. so any help would be appreciated :D . and again dont flame!

    well the thing is so far zombies havent been mentioned but all we know about what you would call zombies are they were people who were brain washed by GK as part of the nova project using a isotope of uranium and other things.

    thats all i can make sense of so far

  8. she was bitten by the hell hound maxis created because edward locked them in the room with it but that begs the question of what happened to dr maxis?

    it was her dog but her dad (maxis) experimented on it, or its puppies

    but how does being bitten turn her into alma wade?

    idk, jesus?


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