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Posts posted by BRA1NL3S5

  1. Im sorry if this has been posted before if it has i will take it down.

    So i am on gknova6.com and if u click the 5th button on the TV and wait till after the little song/tune plays it will play the weirdest sounds i am asking if someone would please to a temperal frequency analysys on this

    Thank you remember you have to wait quite a while but you will know when it happens TRUST ME.

  2. OK So if you listen to the HL transmission 10 he sais halfway through

    "In 3 weeks, Everyone will know what you did"

    He is saying this to some Russian

    Now this was uploaded on 11 August 2010, So 3 weeks from that date is 1st of september and the 1st of september is when the full MP release date is so do you think that these dates are related atoll and if anyone knows of this "Russian"?



  3. Yes this is a good idea but! This could introduce glitching, You could just set them to easy or to normal and practice at the glitches, which , unfortunatly would happen. :(

  4. No he didnt say anything specific about who you have to pre order it with, His GT is DJVahn he is in the mp trailer but i am begginig to think he hasnt got any codes because of this tweet by josh ollin

    "No BETA has been announced. Anyone claiming to have #CODBlackOps Beta keys is a scam. There's no way to play yet (unfortunately), I swear. about 11 hours ago"

    so there is the real answer i have asked him if DJVahn is legit and if he has got beta codes but he hasnt replied yet so i will keep you guys posted kl

  5. Am i the only one who thinks http://callofdutyzombies.com/documents/4.jpg looks like a teleporter from der riese?

    The numbers r just split in the middle put the 2 sets on numbers together and it look like a teleporter

    I can see what your saying ... My first thought was very resembled "the bell" Nazi UFO prototype ..

    Something for sure .. Those numbers must translate to something... Maybe using the "punch cards" they can be deciphered ..

    Has any other site cracked this one?

    They had weeks head start... They should know something

    "The bell" was the main thing that they used for their teleportation and time travel stuff. It is called "Die Glocke" in german and the structure that is the fly trap in Der reise is set right on top of die glocke and supposedly thay used the fly trap for a power source for testing UFO like craft. It had massive power leads bluit into the fly trap but unfortunatly die glocke's workers were all killed.

  6. I dont know if i am the only one to realize this but in the E3 confrence demo of BO when you steal the Helicopter woods (i think thats his name) the guy with you is talking to you via the radio in the helicopter and if you listen i think that you can actually here your character say things, Now what i was thinking is if this is true then that could mean a possible voice for your MP character????

    Post on what you think.

    Thank you, BRA1NL3S5

  7. I am sorry if this has been posted before but here is the link to the Gamestop black ops website. This was found by entering the code into your search bar and it gives you this http://www.gamestop.com/underconstruction unfortunatly the site is still under construction but people are lead to believe that this is a BO co-op website i myself have put in my details so i am informed when this site is up.

    Thank you, BRA1NL3S5

  8. some of the members here have gotten very deep into GKNOVA6 and carbon signed with treyarch saying he cant tell us anything. but there is some new stuff on black ops and what others are figuring out(warning it is 11 pages)

    http://forums.digitalwarfare247.com/ind ... -new-viral

    How do you know Carbon agreed with TA to not say anything? I think that they just agreed to not talk about some of the things he might have seen while at Treyarch headquarters.

    I can confirm that he did infact sign a TA. I know this because i was asking him questions about GkNova6 aInd he said that he cannot answer one of the questions that i asked him because he signed a TA. HERE is a suspicious thing that he said to me "Join the dots, Bassicly part all of the peices of the story together to make one GIANT story, Remember the dots".

    I myself still havn't managed this yet but hopefully someone will.

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