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Posts posted by Korima

  1. The only reason why Treyarch might not put it in is because Theater might not be compatible with the engine they're using. Bungie customized their engine so that they could put theater in.

    And I believe it is WAY too far into development to scrap the project and restart it from scratch on a new engine.

  2. Not MLG. I really disliked that in Halo, but that's why we have Hardcore mode. However, Theater would be nice, since we could look back at our epic moments and share them with our friends, or see exactly how someone managed to snipe you in Hardcore, or just plain catch hackers/glitchers.

  3. Can someone post a screenshot of the GKNova site on here? I cant access it on the computer... but i was going to experiment in typing the numbers that are on the GK screen while the phone number was ringing

  4. Tell me this wouldnt be a beast of a boss? ^_^

    I dont know where it's from though... just kinda found it on the interwebz...

    as well as this one:

    It's a bit out there, but y'know... worth a shot. XD

  5. I know I'm gonna sound like a total Noob for asking this, but is there any way to do this on xbox? I know i've hotswapped to get some console commands on my game now (God mode when im bored and just want to slaughter lololol), but I was wondering if there was some way I could possibly hotswap a disc that had this map on it instead of like, nacht der untoten or Verruckt.

    If not, dang... time to save up for a better computer...

  6. There's a room that was never finished and removed from the game, presumably last minute. It's that small area caged off by Juggernog. The door leads to the door by C and there are windows that can be used as zombie windows. MY guess is that it was the room of the fabled Amm-O-Matic

  7. Hello. I couldn't help but come across this in my search for gknova, after seeing ALOT of correlation between this and WaW Nazi zombies... I noticed some of the documents involving radiation sickness... Remind anyone of Shi No Numa and the meteor (tungska?)...

    Also, a user named Richtofan in the black ops forum posted something i thought was very interesting..

    I believe I may have discovered the true answer to this. Let's start from the beginning...

    We know what Dr. Richtofan is a part of the illuminati. It can be guessed from the quotes he has said on Shi No Numa when revived or when witnessing Nikolai kill zombies. Further evidence of this is his ability to read the illuminati notes found in Der Riese. He was ordered to kill Maxwell, and did so.

    So... Taking this into thought we turn to the final trailer for Map Pack 3:

    It shows Nikolai and Dempsey dying. And that leaves us with only Takeo and Richtofan. So, Could it be that Richtofan lead the four back to Der Riese to kill the Nikolai, Dempsey, and Takeo because they knew too much as well as to pick up the rest of Group 935's research FOR the illuminati?

    Now... Let's go to the Viral Campaign for Black Ops...

    The poster had a phone number that plays a little jingle when called... That Jingle is VERY similar to the tune you hear on the iPhone version of Shi No Numa, when activating the three radios. (if you activate 2 out 3, listen to the static). Also, on the viral site, GKNOVA6, there appears to be a man on a respirator looking at multiple screens... Scientific screens... Could it be that within the 30 years between the game, Richtofan suffered an injury at Der Riese and is stuck on a respirator due to his age and the injury?

    I see Group 935 being replaced with the illuminati... and Mr. Richtofan...

    Possibly the first boss of Nazi Zombies?

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    ^ That's where i found his post...

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