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Posts posted by Korima

  1. Just gonna throw out this idea here.

    What if V R I L is actually an encrypted code as for the dials?

    If we theorize V R I L goes from top to bottom, and we use the code:





    That would leave us with





    Fuuu that doesn't work.

    Well maybe there's some other sort of encryption key to those letters that relate to the dials?

    Maybe subtracting from the appropriate papers with the numbers on found...

    I dunno, just kinda throwing out this idea to get things thinking since I think you're on to something.

    Well, i think it's just talking about vril as in the crazy Nazi documents about the vril generator (Golden rod). And the combination has been found in another thread. But no reaction yet... So... There must be another step... Once ive taken a nap, ill test a foghorn theory then the combo... XD 4 hour sleep=headache... Zombies will be the death of me...

  2. Yeah, Shini ended up solving the puzzle by sitting there for an hour rotating them while i distracted Romero and Skippy (crawler). He solved them so it was 6472 from top to bottom at the same time.

    Also, we just restarted and did it again. Now the light did blink, and the sub appeared and the light stayed solid. So it should be noted having the levers at the right place at the same time as the radios will glitch it.

    EDIT: I'm calling it a night. 3 in the morning... yeah... I'm officially obsessed... So, if anyone wants to play and help us do this and kill Romero tommorow, shinigamiofdoom and I (FormulaThomas) should be on around 1 pm Pacific time.

  3. Wut?! The sub didn't pop up when we did it... but we already had the ship'swheel and levers set like in solo when we did the radios, so that might have glitched it....

    Also, when the sub shines a green light on the lighthouse in solo you use the VR-11 on zombies to have them sucked up into it which makes the golden rod appear outside the lighthouse.

  4. Okay, So for multiplayer, we can't get past the vodka part, right? WELL, There are 4 radios that DO NOT play Richtofen. They usually play a tuning sound. WELL, after the vodka is turned in, they play morse code. 4 radios, each playing morse code.

    My friend, Shinigamiofdoom (his gamertag), and I discovered each radio were assigned a letter. These letters were V R I L in morse.

    The first one, V, is under the power room on a generator/computer thingy next to the sparking wire.

    The second one, R, is on the barrels next to staminup.

    The third one, I, is on the front half of the ship, right of where you land on the zipline, and in a crate next to the window there.

    The Fourth one, L, is on a shelf under the stairs in the room you talk to the 4 heros.

    Now, here's the catch. you only need 2 people, but they have to have Stamin-up otherwise you'll fail it. It's a timed thing. If you hear the sound of the box moving, you failed.

    At the end you hear the foghorn sound (like when you use the levers correctly in solo). We can't figure out whats next... But the wheel and lever no longer move, and there is no blinky light.

  5. @Anti Earth

    Yes. And i keep up to date on the Internet Group Anonymous.

    They were the ones that took it down in response to sony lawsuiting those people and gerting i.p. Adresses of those on their Youtube channel. The info was hacked and released by a few rouge members of them 'for teh lulz'. Before you go accusing someone of fail, check your facts. AnonOps, AnonyNews, and a certain Board will tell you all you need to know.

    Btw, they will continue their assault on PSN and releasing credit card info and personal info until Sony releases the lawsuits and pardon said innocent parties.

  6. Unfortunately, I don't see it happening. In the terms of Service for PSN it states that they are not responsible for any downtime the PSN has. That is due to the lawsuit i believe happened against either them or Microsoft by a guy who was enraged because it was down way back then.

    And the only reason Xbox is getting it first is because we pay for Microsoft to bribe developers to release stuff for us first. It's a get what you pay for thing. PSN+ gets you cheaper add-ons and downloadable games and a few BETAs. Xbox Live gets you first pick at stuff and higher quality servers, but everything is still full priced.

    PS> If you read about why this is happening, you'd know how selfish Sony is. It all happened because a guy and his friends never hooked up a PS3 to online services, hacked it and made a 'mock version' of the playstation store and put a video of it on youtube. May I note, by note connecting it to PSN or internet in any way, he did not accept the TERMS OF SERVICE. Sony saw this, had him and his friends get hit with lawsuits, and requested the I.P. addresses from everyone who saw their video on Youtube and their blog, which Youtube gladly agreed. Thus Anonymous jumped in since they really didn't do anything wrong, and Sony tried to silence someone's freedom of Speech on the internet.

  7. I agree this might be a 'for fun' map, but I think there will be a bit more background given to the zombie storyline from here. Such as finding out exactly WTF Sam is. Trapped between dimensions driven mad, caught in limbo possessed by something?

    Also, we might get more info on what Group 935 were trying to accomplish by brainwashing Taco, Dempsey, and Richtofen.

  8. I have a theory....

    Perhaps this is the Nazi base that Group 935 brainwashed Dempsey, Taco (Takeo), and Nikolai? Thus it ties in... We find maybe radios on why they were brainwashed, and why Richtofen is still following with them, since it's obvious he has more planned than what it seems.

  9. @ Blackopstiger

    I honestly agree. I believe in the end, all of them will tie together and either finish off the storyline, or thrust us into a sequel.

    Lol, now the fun begins. A few friends and I were discussing this. so far we have 12 playable characters. they release another map with another 4 new characters and we have 16. In the end they all meet together, after following the clues left by 935, The original 4 we know and love, and (good) Sam's hints. We guessed that the storyline for the original 4 is done for now. Guessing they have 3-4 more map packs, we'll find out what happens to the presidents, the new characters, and might possibly find out what happened to these celebrities.

    In the final map pack, 16 player multiplayer zombie killing on the moon with an "Iron Sky" feel to it. I'd laugh if Treyarch is working with Iron Sky. XD

    Anyways, that's the end of the speculation...

  10. They most likely will, and release the stuff after a certain time so the Hardened and Prestige people will enjoy their 'exclusivity' for the time. Since they already released some of the Avatar outifts that were Hardened/Prestige exclusive ,I'd say Give them until march or april to make an announcement.

  11. Its a light. I hate to be so negative but a PaP dragunov can't even reach out there let alone a death machine. If you don't believe me have one of your friends try shooting it and look at the bullet it goes no where near it. The only thing that can reach it is the raygun.

    :facepalm: WOW. You really are somethin', eh? A Dragunov bullet can travel 1,300 m with scope. I doubt that light is farther away than that. A Dragunov can definitely shoot that light, so a PaP Dragunov can shoot probably twice that of a normal Dragunov. And don't even get me started on the L96A1. Okay, it's range is about 1,500 m with scope. :lol: But a Dragunov can more than hit that light. Now for the Death Machine... 3,280 ft (1,000 m, 1,093 yd). Yep. Death Machine can reach. I win. You should just delete your post now...

    I did the same as him, but with a pack a punched L96A1, my friends watched me do it and said the bullet went nowhere near the light. It was so off to the point where they were mocking me asking if I was even trying to aim at it. The snipers, pack a punched or not, can not hit those lights.

    PaP ray gun also just kinda disappears by the time it gets to the light by the rocket. I think it's just a scenery thing since they're both shining upon the satellite thingy. XD

  12. :roll: w/e dude i think your just jumpin at shadows IMO

    Are you sure you're in the right forums? Everything we do is chasing shadows until we find something that works. How do you think we found all of these previous steps? Trying every little thing we can. Ranging from shooting all the batteries to looking for hidden buttons that only appear in one round.

  13. Can somebody please shoot at the batteries named sparky with the four death machines in sync?? Death machine is called sparky.

    There are a total of 7 batteries i found so far. All in the centrifuge room, and one in the room adjacent to it near the quick revive. I cant seem to get a 4 man team at once, since my clan has high school going at the moment...

  14. My guess is they didnt think of it and were focused on the other things, as well as not wanting to go through the hassle of creating an entirely new engine when they could just reuse one of the pre-built CoD engines with a few tweaks.

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