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Posts posted by RuskieMoneyMan

  1. Well thanks to theater mode booster are one video away from a ban.

    Any ideas how that will work? How will we be able to report people? Treyarch won't be aBle to monitor every game

    In theater mode there will be an option to report to Treyarch or something like that. And I believe the team they made to prevent hackers will be banning the boosters. Theres no more then 10-20 thousand boosters and Treyarch works many hours a day most days a week.

  2. First of all off topic: You're my nemesis!

    OT: I like the idea of getting more COD points each time you prestige, I'd definitely prestige in order to get more points but based on past COD titles it seems like you will lose your points once you've prestiged in order to buy all the weapons etc again.

    I think the contract idea would be more likely than the points but I HOPE your right about the COD points.

    I have a nemises? *Turns around, fist pumps* Interesttinnngg.

  3. Well, he could have meant that right now its just an internal beta.

    no.. im sad but he made it very clear that an open beta is not going to happen. i am REALLY pissed. mw2 had so many flaws at release it was unreal- afghan rock glitch elevators everywhere, the models, and of course the ones they dont give a shit to patch- commando, and even though it wasnt made at release, the fuel rock glitch isnt going to get patched. atleast treyarch will give a shit and patch things unlike infinty ward.

    If Activision tells Treyarch they are done with Black Ops and it is time to move they will move on. Infinity Ward DID patch but with Black Ops only 2 months away Activision wouldn't dare alow Inifity Ward to Patch itl

  4. Are people really bit*hing about the graphics? OK it looks like mw2 cause it has only been a year! They day they make a COD that looks like God of war i will sh*t my pants now with that said this game is gonna be AMAZING i am soooo stoked for this game.

    I do hope you realize Black Ops is on the W@W engine but what ever. No one is still bitching. This is an old thread I apologized for ever making.

    No need for apologizes I'm just stating a fact and its a hardcore updated w@w engine.

    Im not apologizing to you. Wow. Can you not read. I apologized for ever complaining about Black Ops. Dont flatter yourself.

  5. No No No

    War against Treyarch Cheapness! >:|

    But the processor explanations have really solved this, thanks everybody! :D

    It's like having 2 glasses of water, with the intention that both be filled to the brim.

    But one is very big, and the other quite small.

    The small one will be very easily filled to the brim, reaching it''s objective *yey*, but it won't quench much thirst.

    The big one is very hard to fill, but solves a mighty thirst when it does reach it;s objective.

    In this case, the small glass of the XBOX was filled with satisfaction

    but the large glass of the PS3 was left half empty :(

    WOW i would give you [brains] for that awesome explanation but i cant right now and ya i know what you mean it sucks that they leave the ps3 with crap graphics i e look at god of war its like playing a movie but they said they haven't even come half way to using the ps3's full potential for graphics and that's just insane! That's why Sony's system last 10+ years I'm not trying to start a console war I'm just saying hey company's need to stop showing how much they don't care about there ps3 fans. sadface :(

    Turning this thread into a fanboy one. Stop before they lock it.

  6. Will reporting be used for team-killers too? I mean I've gotten to tenth prestige lvl 70 in MW2 and there is nothing else to do other than prey on little kids with flashbangs.

    Yea what the other guy said. You waste time by anoying people who still enjoy the game. If you are done don't play. Dont upset other people

  7. i think is first presige level 14 because ive heard about ther only being 10 prestiges


    no man i read somewhere there were only five prestiges im praying for it to be a rumor but i think 15 or 20 prestiges are too much so i say again its probably just the first prestige

    Lol nah theres ten. Probobly someone who hasn't played much CoD before. Every 2 prestiges you get 1 new Creat a Class slot. And there were 5 extra ones in the video. 5x2=10 simple math. The guy saw five and said to himself oh 1 per prestige!

  8. I feel that if i put 8+ days in a game and I'm 7th prestige i should get a gun only prestigers get cause i think that's worth prestigeing and maybe a lot more people will prestige to get that gun.

    Giving exlcusive guns to people with more time is a bad idea since CoD's lvling system is more time based then skill. The extra points would help people wrap up their game and finish quicker but extra guns would shun the casual gamers Activions loves o so much. In short its a good idea but Activision cares mainly about $$$. I wonder how hard Treyarch begged for the wager matches or the slight recoil?

  9. Are people really bit*hing about the graphics? OK it looks like mw2 cause it has only been a year! They day they make a COD that looks like God of war i will sh*t my pants now with that said this game is gonna be AMAZING i am soooo stoked for this game.

    I do hope you realize Black Ops is on the W@W engine but what ever. No one is still bitching. This is an old thread I apologized for ever making.

  10. Yeah this may seem strange stupid or whatever but did anyone see the clock over the fence across from the mainframe in Der Reise. I looked at it and noticed that the clock has a second hand. It's small but it's there and it just keeps repeating the same five seconds over and over again. I'm posing this because of the whole "Right Before your eye" thing and just though maybe there is something there. Just musing a little. It may be nothing.

    Yea this has been talked about. Personally I have pre orderd the hardend so I think more easter eggs will be added to the updated old maps. Lets wait till then.

  11. First of all off topic: You're my nemesis!

    OT: I like the idea of getting more COD points each time you prestige, I'd definitely prestige in order to get more points but based on past COD titles it seems like you will lose your points once you've prestiged in order to buy all the weapons etc again.

    I think the contract idea would be more likely than the points but I HOPE your right about the COD points.

    I hope im right to :D. It just seems like once you have devoted more time things should come more fast paced.

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