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Posts posted by RuskieMoneyMan

  1. If they add Silencers for Sniper Rifles what do you think they should do. In MW2 it was a concept I was really looking forward to but failed. Its added recoil took away damage(witch got rid of OSK almost completely) and it didn't give you anything because it made a unique high pitched sound that people can still realize is a Sniper Rifle. So what do you think they should do in Black Ops. Personally I think it should add recoil but not take away any damage. And instead of a unique high pitched bullet noise it should have a sound similar to the AR's and SMG's. What advantage should it have for your'e snippy riffle?

  2. TBH no. After MW2 I don't see any point. Remember when people saw the MW2 multiplayer reveal everyone thought OMG this is perfect.. Yea so im not looking forward to Sept. 1 because its just gonna get hyped up no matter how bad it really is. And its kinda stupid having to rely on a 6-8 story and 4-5 co-op modes if the multilplayer don't you think? With my Assassins Creed Brotherhood im guaranteed for a 10-15 hour campaign with free roam(wich lasted me 5 hours in the last AC) and alot of collectables. And multiplayer that seems like it could last 30-40 hours.

  3. i want a better hit indicator system. i am tired of not knowing who and where im being shot at.

    Yea like instead of just showing up on your'e screen they should put it on your'e compass and/or minimap.

  4. It's ok I can almost guarantee they will put a little teaser of the co op mode at the end of the video. Or hidden stuff that tips us off.

    Well, this whole thing isen't just a video. Its an event in LA where they let people play multiplayer. I would have figured you knew this considering that your the one that posted this thread...

    Hmmm funny cus I can remember when MW2 did something like that where people got to play the muliplayer and they released kinda of like a montage.....

  5. Well its impossible to tell, considering they're inaudible to humans. But I'm sure they would play out something like: "You love this game even though it sucks" and "Don't quit just because this game is horrible" over and over again. And probably something along the lines: "Buy our ridiculously overpriced maps that won't be any good".

    Subliminal messages aren't usually complex, the simpler the better infact, and if the subconscious "Hears" these messages enough, eventually the person begins to believe that it is true, and it is their own opinion.

    Hahaha Infinity Ward would pull shit like that. OMG thats why they didn't have a beta. OMG!! They were planning this....

  6. New post on JD_2020's twitter (not sure if anyone else posted this)

    Remember remember the 1st of September; the Killstreaks, Attachments, and Game Modes surrendered! #CODBlackOps #MPReveal

    And another one

    @homiciderabbit September 1st will be a HUGE deep-dive reveal of #CODBlackOps MP. Not just a video of a few maps =).

    Also he confirmed all the supposed "leaked menus" are fake.


  7. No One Man Army or Danger Close, the timed makes sense but I doubt they would do that. I mean if they really cared they could just create like a TDM playlist without allowing NoobTubes or something like that. I'm just glad that they already confirmed that Commando is gone.

    when did the confirm that? I think i missed somthing....

    by that I mean "I'm just glad that they already confirmed that Commando is gone"

    I think he confirmed it on Twitter a while back. OMA and Danger Close have not been confirmed nor denied YET!

  8. Personally the kool aid splatter in MW2 when you got shot was anoying. Would you like this to return in Black Ops or the CoD4/W@W red glow around the screen?

  9. Well like I said they should give us BASIC tools. So our maps are not to complicated. Just fun. Obviosly their maps would be perfectly laid out, have a shit ton of easter eggs, and last but not least come with multiplayer maps. Which would make it sell. BTW they should just charge you for extra tools. And if someone makes a map using those tools and you dont have it they wont let you download it. So I think that would be great. I just want some real replayability in this game incase the mulitplayer fails.

  10. Does anyone else think they should include custom map making in zombie modes. Not anything like Little Big Planet but more like what they can do on PC. No leader boards obviously. Just 6-8 matierals such as concrete and metal and wood. Then some basics props such as windows that you board up fences and openable doors. That would add so much replayablity and would make up for it if they decide not to have any new zombie maps.

  11. Did you even watch the trailer? A crossbow is a one hit kill with C4, which is the only thing we've seen used with it, except for in the campaign, ITS LIKE A SNIPER. As for Host migration, i've never had problems with host lag/ host getting more kills, sounds like an excuse for you getting whooped? The car is a good idea, it's interactive, more useful than a statue, and way better than Nightvision goggles that are cheap as fck. And as for the killstreaks, you're thinking too much of em, The rc car will get you ONE kill, and i'm sure it's harded to use than it looks, plus it's contact sensitive so if you hit something, it blows up, plus the only way you're going to get a kill with it, is if you know where someone is camping/ happen to find someone along the way. And the camera is bright, if you can't see it, get a bigger t.v

    Wow basicly what I heard you say is the following.

    1. 1Sk with your'e secondary Semtex gernade shooting crossbow is ok.

    2. You have either not play MW2 alot or you always get host thanks to good internet.

    3. A shity RC car is cooler then a collectible figure you could actually put on display.( PLUS ITS $70!)

    4. Getting a free kill for getting 3 kills is ok? Not only that but you can see the enemies in their base.

    5. The camera is bright. So its balanced. I dont know about you but I dont check every god damn corner. Plus what if you have the high ground? I can already see Camera+Claymore being op.

    Ok let me try to explain why this game is gonna be better than that bullsh*t game called modern warfail 2 its made by TREYARCH. Now if there is problems with mp like over powered crossbow or something they are gonna fix it with a little thing called an update. Oh ya there is no scavenger in this game treyarch said nothing from mw2.

    I also said you could pick ammo up from other people who have the crossbow which is gonna be ALOT. And yea W@W had sooo many updates its completely balenced. Really the Mp40/Jug is balanced like crazy! Don't trust Treyarch that much. Once Activision says OK make some DLC and lets move on to the next game its over. They will make a couple map packs ahead of time and will slowly release. Thats it.

  12. No claymores?

    Claymores are equipment, the Camera is equipment. One or the other.

    Umm you realize they are called boosters as in 2 people. Meaning 1 guy has the camera the other has claymores.

  13. I was unfortunate enough to never really play W@W multiplayer but I think I know what your getting at.

    Although hopefully there will be a beta, so any problems could be straightened out then?

    You actually have a good point about the crossbow but I dunno, hopefully it won't have the same characteristics of the noob tube. That clip may be exaggerated to make the crossbow look more badass :lol:

    IDK maybe. But I doubt they would make a crossbow with a semtex at the end a 2sk.

    Yea im looking forward to a beta but unless they make it 2 months I doubt even half the imbalances would be found. It took almost 4 months for people to start finding out the most OP amazing combos and best hiding spots. IDK I made this thread because I was just so disapointed that this is going to be another MW2 but people are gonna be like "its ok we got zombies!" I knwo it.

  14. Did you even watch the trailer? A crossbow is a one hit kill with C4, which is the only thing we've seen used with it, except for in the campaign, ITS LIKE A SNIPER. As for Host migration, i've never had problems with host lag/ host getting more kills, sounds like an excuse for you getting whooped? The car is a good idea, it's interactive, more useful than a statue, and way better than Nightvision goggles that are cheap as fck. And as for the killstreaks, you're thinking too much of em, The rc car will get you ONE kill, and i'm sure it's harded to use than it looks, plus it's contact sensitive so if you hit something, it blows up, plus the only way you're going to get a kill with it, is if you know where someone is camping/ happen to find someone along the way. And the camera is bright, if you can't see it, get a bigger t.v

    Wow basicly what I heard you say is the following.

    1. 1Sk with your'e secondary Semtex gernade shooting crossbow is ok.

    2. You have either not play MW2 alot or you always get host thanks to good internet.

    3. A shity RC car is cooler then a collectible figure you could actually put on display.( PLUS ITS $70!)

    4. Getting a free kill for getting 3 kills is ok? Not only that but you can see the enemies in their base.

    5. The camera is bright. So its balanced. I dont know about you but I dont check every god damn corner. Plus what if you have the high ground? I can already see Camera+Claymore being op.

  15. I know most people don't look for realism in COD games but tbh I think if you were hit with an exploding arrow from a crossbow you would probably die with one shot :lol:

    Seriously though I'm incredibly psyched for this game. Every game will have its flaws, some more than others *cough* MW2 *cough*, but too be honest I think the positives of Black Ops will completely override the negatives.

    Yea but still. Its looks to powerfull. Basically a sniper with crosshairs that explodes. Sure it may be fun getting the kill but what about when you are the guy hearing the beeb and then boom? What about when thats across the map and they do it multiple times? Not so fun for the guy getting 1SK. Also it can kill him teamates which is just sad :(

  16. I know most people don't look for realism in COD games but tbh I think if you were hit with an exploding arrow from a crossbow you would probably die with one shot :lol:

    Seriously though I'm incredibly psyched for this game. Every game will have its flaws, some more than others *cough* MW2 *cough*, but too be honest I think the positives of Black Ops will completely override the negatives.

    ^ This... I mean there are a few things of which I think that they could be exploited but Treyarch will soon do something against it.

    I understand but what about W@W's MP40? It could have had a little more recoil or less damage? Pretty easy patch. A day to make a week to test.

  17. Ya there maybe a camera but it gets rid of your HUD there maybe a rc car but im sure it has a timer there may be a one hit crossbow but you get two bullets and the graphics look identical to mw2 maybe cause its only a year? Now and if you are gonna complain about a game that hasn't even hit the store then don't buy it.

    1. Whats better a couple red dots or a camera cleverly placed in a corner?

    2. Im sure the crowbow will get ammo from something like scavenger. If not Im sure enough people will be using it in every game to the point where you can get ammo where it all the time.

    3. But its not running on the MW2 engine. Its on a heavilly modified W@W engine. Look at the campaign E3 gameplay. They are much grittyier and W@Wish.

    4. The game is coming out in less then 3 months. There is no way anything major like graphics will change.

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