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Posts posted by RuskieMoneyMan

  1. If you saw the the final part of the interview with Dan Suarez around 3:00-3:05 he shows some custimization and camos. About 3:03 he scrolls over a camo that says Classified until prestige level 14. Do u guys think this could mean more than 10 prestegies or 1st prestige lvl 14??

    Link to vid- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JA561uLGvnE

    NO because there is also only 5 additional creat a class slots. So only 10 prestiges.

  2. You guys were so f*cking stupid to 'forget' about HL, there have been 4 laptops across three countries, they have met with 4 forum members, they have sent countless envelopes containing the answers the the first live drop and they also showed a video of Carbon meeting with U-Boat from U-Boat's perspective. You guys are pretty silly! :S

    Did you save those videos? They disappeared before I could get to them. Please PM me about it.

    ok this topic is NOT about HL so stop flaming.

    Blackopstiger, you are one mysterious fellow, I choose to add that if the journey is more precious then the finding, this thing must lead to a bigger picture.

    Please Please, explain more,

    and are you part of the marketing team?


    Hell is Purple.

    Alpha 23-8-1-20 13-15-18-5 9-14-6-15-18-13-1-20-9-15-14 3-1-14 25-15-21 20-5-12-12 9 1-19-19-21-13-5 25-15-21 11-14-15-23 13-15-18-5

    I wish I could explain more. Perhaps in a couple weeks or so. And yes, it is all part of a big picture. It may seem complicated but it is actually simple. Yes, the Journey is indeed precious. I just wish you guys can be apart of the journey. Maybe sometime soon? You should PM me also.

    Amigo. They are here. I have been surviving for weeks of the carcus of my cat. Send help.I am getting so much gas from the cat meat. Shhh heesssss heeerree.


    P.S if im not back in 2 hours tell my shemale wife I ate the last pop tart!!!

  3. Since CoD4 there have been no true rewards for prestiging other then a new level emblem and a new creat a class slot. Treyarch needs to step it up this time around and I may have an idea.

    Once Prestiged all emblems are kept. After the first prestige you get challenges that will stay with you forever and never restart. Also ones prestiged all CoDPoints should be multiplied.


    1st- all earned CoDpoints +10%

    2nd- all earned CoDpoints +20%

    It keeps going up till at tenth you get 2times more points then normal.

    And last but not least reduced contract waiting times. Treyarch said after a failed contract you must wait 24hours you can try again.

    For instance.

    At 1st prestige its takes 1 hour of

    At 2nd its 2 hours of.

    At 10nth you get 20 hours off. I think a short 4 hour wait time will be a nice reward for spending days on this game.

    Oh and obviosly a new creat a class slot but thats been confirmed already.

    Im just tired of getting to 4-5 prestige and having nothing to show for it other than bragging rights.

  4. omg, are you guys serious? Nobody but me has tried to discuss the possibility of SPLIT SCREEN ONLINE ZOMBIES?!?!

    Look Zombies haven't been confirmed nor split screen online? Kind of a long shot to put them together dont you think?

  5. deff not ump :]

    butt id say ak good power decent acc good distance and fair recoil

    and i so want ak74u back pleaze treyarch please:]

    Obviosly you are new and WELCOME.The ak74u has been confirmed and it looks alot like the one in CoD4. As well as the Ak-47 not that gay MW2 ak the real CoD 4 ak!

  6. i agree with legend game winning kills and quickscoping is about the only good thing in mw2

    The quick scoping in MW2 WAS HORRIBLE. Way to fast and easy and auto aim gave people kills they don't deserve.

  7. I don't see what the big hubub ( YESSS finaly got to say that word ) is but I never really like WAR. If I wanted a gamemode to kill only I did TDM. If I wanted a Try hard game mode it was SnD. If I wanted fast paced objectives it was CTF. Sure I experimented a little but WAR is not THAT special.

  8. This might be a long one. . . I apologize in advance, but major clarification is needed.

    I understand your concerns, but you are worrying needlessly. . .

    880cloud088: "Is it just me or with every new info on Black ops it seems to get worse and worse. First the campaign which seemed good(nice gritty graphics like W@W) but then the multiplayer trailer came and the graphics looked exactly like MW2's."

    Actually, the graphical improvement is astounding. Watch the Black Ops Trailer, then watch a modern warfare 2 trailer. The graphical Difference is UNBELIEVABLE! Really, just Try it for yourself. I felt the same way before I did. And not only can you see the graphical difference, you can really see that the gameplay and gunplay is different as well. Although one reason it looks similar at first glance is because the gore is turned off.

    880cloud088: "Crossbow is a 1 hit kill and a 3kills treak remote control car the blows up... A camera thats gonna help campers and crappy social feature."

    Would you expect to get shot with by an Explosive Bolt and live? There's enough explosive on military crossbow bolts like that to destroy a lightly armored vehicle. Look it up. And besides, did you see the way he switched to it? How slow it was when he switched? Slow like an Rpg or Bazooka or Flame Thrower. Thats the category the Crossbow Falls in. You have two shots and thats it, like a Rocket. And it will probably take up a perk slot like the Bazooka From World at War. While the Camera may help Campers, it has tons of other strategic options, just use your imagination. Treyarch Knows how to Balance weapons, and don't go complaining about the Mp-40, because in World at War, if a player wants to, but only if they have the SKILL(Something required in World at War), they can be that powerful with ANY WEAPON in the game.

    880cloud088: "When did CoD a hardcore military shooter become Twitter with guns? Sure a Smiley face red dot and customizable call signs might be nice but its not CoD."

    When modern warfare 2 was released, but it looks like Treyarch is running with the customization. Which is a good thing.

    880cloud088: "Also something that I will never forget is when Treyarch said they want to make matchmaking as fast as possible I got pretty let down by how naive they were. They also said dedicated servers would not help. We all know Treyarch pays them to say that. The whole Host system is a horrible idea but cheaper for Activi$ion. The host always gets more kills and god forbid he leave we all get to wait 30 secs"

    Really? I HIGHLY Doubt the Developers at Treyarch are getting paid more to not let you pick the map. Its just a simple fact, Dedicated servers don't work that great on consoles. The matchmaking system in World at War was GREAT. I Played on a 700kb satellite connection for 3 years, and NEVER had a problem with the host in World at War. So I don't know what your problem is.

    880cloud088: "Ill admit MW2 doesnt lag"

    Hmm. . . What game have you been playing? Because modern warfare 2 has built in lag, LITERALLY. How? infinity ward took to heart all the people complaining about some sort of "Host Advantage", and the modern warfare 2 engine give every player a little bit of latency to try and balance out the "Host Advantage", EPIC Games did the same thing with Gears of War 2.

    880cloud088: "And the prestige edition. WOW a remote control car $70 more then the hardened."

    Go look at Radio Shack for an RC Car with the Specs that this one has, AND a Live Camera and Mic, you'll find that they run upwards of $200.

    880cloud088: "Everything I hear and see makes the game look more like Modern Warfail 2."

    Like I said, I understand your Worries, but they aren't necessary.


    Because Treyarch is Using a DIFFERENT ENGINE. Treyarch is using a "Heavily Upgraded" version of the World at War engine, not the modern warfare 2 engine like all the fanboys are saying. So Heavily Updated, that "Not one line of Code, has been left untouched". Those are the words of Mark Lamia. That means the Gameplay itself literally Has to be more similar to World at War.

    The Engine IS the Game. A different Engine means no built in lag, different Host Migration, different matchmaking, different everything. Even If Treyarch didn't change anything, a lot of the problems would be fixed simply because of the different engine.

    I mean none of that anymore. After seeing the reveal it looks more CoD4/W@W with more interactivity. Which is a good thing. P.S cant belive carbon gave me a -1 :(

  9. http://blackops.digitalwarfare247.com/n ... lists-info

    In the link above they are talking about Black Ops(es?) Playlists and modes.

    And I think you will all be happ Barebones is returning as a play list with 2 modes.

    Bones TDM (12 players, Team Deathmatch, everything disabled. No Perks, Killstreaks, Attachments, or Contracts)


    Classic TDM (12 players, killstreaks at 3, 5 and 7 levels like MW1 did)

    Hope you guys are excited as I am for this. My most wanted feature for Black Ops.

    Also now barbones TDM doesn't have ANYTHING. No perks no killstreaks or attachments!

    Thank God for Treyarch!

  10. how about if its not a perk? before you go crazy think about it with all the balancing that they are doing why dont leave like you can have one typie of sight and something on the barrel or under it (red dot with silencer or red dot and grip)

    LOL Howd you get 2 brains? In other news ITS WARLORD! Do you guys think the pro is the same as MW2? Alowing you to get 2 attachment for your'e secondary?

  11. Wow, thanks for the help on that. I looked up the method and was able to verify it myself.  I haven't gone to bed since yesterday after I saw your reply.  I thought maybe would get some helpful info out of it, but now I just have a code I can't crack again. I spent like all night trying to move the alphabet 25 different ways but I didn't get anything from this


    I don't really know anything about how to solve these, so I don't know what to try next.

    Wow go away troll. We can tell its fake. How can someone who cant even decipher find coded text people like Carbonfibah couldn't find. Untill Black Ops is realesed Gknova6 is likely to be dead..

  12. yeah, they really need to slow it down a bit- and i saw about 2 or 3 glitches during multiplayer part 1 and part 2 , that would get pretty annoying.

    i quite it though- it took whats good about mw2(very little) and mixed it with treyarch-iness. i hope they've included some big maps in there like in cod waw.

    the next couple of cods will look like this (3 maybe) but after that, id will release the new ID tech engine for the developers.(this meens more people in a game, better visuals. 60 fps)basicly, its gonna be on the RAGE engine

    The Day CoD looks anything like Rage is the day Infinity Ward makes a beta.

  13. During the whole twitter thing I remember someone writing theres a sniper in wich you must unlock all other ones to get it better. Maybe "better" was the wrong word. But I remembeer someone said that.

  14. When Treyarch was talking about having to unlock all the snipers before you get to buy the best Sniper Rifle then they probobly will do the same thing with cameos. Maybe if you unlock every cameo you get to buy golden for a very high price.

  15. The Chopper Gunner Puts You Inside the helicopter controlling a torrent. Not the old way. Also it moves much faster so it is very easy to destroy and there are SAMS wich can take it down. Gunship controls kinda like the way we saw in the campaign. You fly around using a little crosshair to kill.

  16. Im saying in private matches where health is set to minuscule, but never mind that. You do realize when you shoot a gun with a silencer you dont show up on the mini map? Right?

    That depends ;) 3 guns are glitched so their silencers do not work, it's the M9, the M240 and the other LMG that begins with an M.

    I think its the M240? No. And who cares. If your'e a true sniper your'e well out of reach of their radar.

  17. Sorry BBS but im strictly an Intervention only sniper. And yes it does add recoil. After shooting there is a much bigger kickback. And the point of a silencer is to hide the gun your'e using. Id rather have people rush at me thinking I have a ump or something so I can easily pick them of.

    If anything silencers reduce recoil. In Quickscoping 1v1's i find that silencers are really useful on the intervention if health is set to half or minuscule and UAV is off. Yeah they are pretty terrible in normal game modes, but i they are useful on the M21 and WA2000. And i don't get your logic about the whole noise they make thing.

    And I don't understand your'e logic. You are saying that a silencer helps you kill people with half health who would die by 1 pistol shot? It adds recoil like it does to other snipers. And using the M21 or WA2000 is barely sniping. Considering you put an acog and they become stronger FAL's. The sound they make is really unique. Whats the point of putting on a silencer when the sound it makes is really easy to tell apart from any other gun.

  18. Sorry BBS but im strictly an Intervention only sniper. And yes it does add recoil. After shooting there is a much bigger kickback. And the point of a silencer is to hide the gun your'e using. Id rather have people rush at me thinking I have a ump or something so I can easily pick them of.

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