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Posts posted by AngelOfDeath815

  1. don't the landers have "wings". They are little edges that jut out a bit. Plus, i f you look at the picture of them when you are walking up to the area, it seems as if they have "wings". Perhaps you have to skewer the landers?

  2. Hey! So I've been playing Ascension a lot recently and I've noticed a strange find. When you shoot the fire extinguishers scattered around the map with any gun, they explode causing white gas to come out. Also, when I get nukes, the white gas seems to come out again. I'm not sure if this means anything or not, but when you really get down to it, most of the things in the map serve some function if they are given an animation....

    I also wanted to bring up a point regarding the end of the easter egg. If you think it's over, please don't even bother responding to this. I don't want this post to turn into a flame war. Anyway..... Has anyone gone to the power switch after Kasmir is freed? It seems so obvious, but the power goes out. Maybe something is happening by the switch.... Technically speaking, it only takes 2 people to free Kasmir. All you need are 5 weapons which 2 people can easily hold. Maybe the other 2 people are needed for something else.

    Can anyone explain to me why the numbers 3 & 4 are on a garage by stamin-up as well. I was possibly thinking that there could be doors labelled 1 & 2 as well, in which case we have found a use for the death machines.

    Let me know what you all think. :)

    Just some ideas I'm throwing out there.

  3. The 8th Radio is in Der Riese on the iPod touch. Although nothing has been done with it yet, I did activate it. Unfortunately I couldn`t listen to it as I got overwhelmed by zombies and had to run. I haven`t been able to activate it since.

    Do you think you could do it again and post some 8th radio audio up here?

  4. I feel like there is so much to be discovered in this game. When mw2 came out almost everyone forgot about W@W. Well I didn't. I want to make this topic known. We need to get a team together to investigate every little thing about ALL of the zombie maps. Especially Der Reise. the release of mw2 seemed to overshadow the undiscovered mystery of Der Reise. Heck maybe they even left stuff in there about Black Ops. Who knows??

  5. zom B you can't be saying MODDED stuff like that. You gotta have some MODDED respect dude. Especially for the MODDED mods who work so hard trying to keep these forums clean from MODDED language.



  6. when you go to the site and enter in the passcode, you go to that main station with a ton of tvs. Has anyone else noticed that if you hit the enter key the whole station goes black? This has probably been posted already, so if it has can someone tell me please? Thanks

  7. What I want to see is as follows:

    Customizable killstreaks (no nukes or "Game-Enders") for the normal playlist

    A 3-5-7 killstreak playlist

    A no killstreak playlist

    A hardcore playlist

    A Map Pack (combined of all map packs) Playlist

    Then in terms of perks I would love

    Perk Category 1:

    Stopping Power (X) - X is like Pro, but with better upgrade abilities.

    SP-X makes 1 random bullet in each clip explosive.

    Eagle Eyes (X)

    Eagle Eyes allows you to have thermal and x-ray vision scopes on your gun. EE-X lets you have exponentially increased zoom abilities.

    Stealth Cong (X)

    Stealth Cong allows you to be undetectable to Recon Planes, Air Support, and other killstreaks. SC-X allows you to make a customizable ghillie suit.

    Quick Draw (X)

    Allows your primary and secondary weapon to be drawn twice as fast. QD-X allows your equipment and grenades to be thrown twice as fast.

    Perk Category 2:

    Vulture (X)

    Picks up ammo off of dead bodies. V-X allows you to pick health packs off of the bodies as well.

    Juiced-Up (X)

    Lets you reload faster. JU-X lets you have faster ADS as well.

    Hard Dash (X)

    Lets you have unlimited sprint. HD-X lets you run with the ability to aim and run at the same time.

    2 Piece (X)

    Lets you have more than 1 attachment on your primary gun. 2P-X gives you more than 1 equipment.

    Perk Category 3:

    The Silent (X)

    Makes you have no footstep sound. TS-X makes enemy footsteps louder as well.

    Dead Aim (X)

    Makes Hip fire aim more accurate. DA-X lets you hold your breath for 3 times as long as usual.

    Switchblade (X)

    Lets you use a knife in place of a primary weapon. S-X lets you use 2 knifes (one with the ability to throw).

    Belay (X)

    Allows you to climb trees and other tall objects. B-X lets you shoot while climbing.


    Some kind of C4 explosive device

    Standard Grenades

    Sticky Grenades

    Flare Gun (to shoot at people or can be used to give away enemy location)

    Portable Mortar

    Throwing Axe or Knife

    Small Shield (can deal with explosives and bullets, but cannot withstand much)

    If I saw just one of these things in the game I will be happy! :)

  8. I still play W@W pretty regularly. I'm on after 4 west coast time. Hit up my psn ID if anyone wants to play zombies or multiplayer with me. My Id is AngelOfDeath815. I'd love to play with other people from the forum. :)

  9. Okay I'm not sure if this could work, but you know how people decoded gknova6 using that bacon sequence. Maybe we have to do the same for the phone number. Maybe there is some other sequence that will lead us to a different number with more information..... After all, the gknova6.com tv just looked like a tv until we pushed its buttons. I feel like there is more to this number. Tell me your thoughts guys.

  10. wait if the guns just get reabsorbed into the machine then maybe that's there for a reason. Do you think that the wunderwaffe has to be reabsorbed into the machine to give it more power or something? Sounds crazy, but anything is possible in zombies.

  11. Hardest Task happened today. I got downed during round 13 by a stupid crawler and lost my wunderwaffe and browning. My 2 teammates were too far away to revive me. I ended up spawning in the next round with 670 points and only a pistol and knife. We made it to round 18. I had to go prone on the catwalk while they hid in the back shooting their mg42s and ray guns. I went in front to act as a barrier, and it kind of worked for a while. I'd block the zombies and knife their knees and they wouldn't really attack me. Then I got downed 12 times in one round. XD

    Never using that strategy again.

  12. Whoever said White House map, I totally agree with you. They should name it Executive or the West Wing or something to that effect.

    I would also like to see a map on a ship. We have yet to see one in mw2. I would like it if they could make it in a war torn sort of atmosphere. Maybe name it Barge or Cruiser. It would be cool if you could get in smaller boats too and ride around the ship or something. They had sweet boats in the campaign, so I don't see why they couldn't translate those over to the multiplayer maps.

    I would also like a level on an oil rig. They had some in the campaign, but no multiplayer maps on oil rigs. Possible names include: Oil Rig, Float, Platform, or DrillShip.

    I would love to see downpour and bog make a return. I could see both fitting partially well into mw2.

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