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Posts posted by xxRAINCLOUDxx

  1. someone recently found something involving the illuminati and it left me thinking how this has anything to do with call of duty or zombies.

    actually, if you listen to dr. rictophen he talks about the illuminati and how it should continue=)!

  2. when shi no numa was first introduced to us more than a year ago you probably wondered where did those characters come from? i actually have an idea to that! when you play the campaign you come across these characters in numerous missions. in the first mission there is that japanese solider that burns your allies eye out with a ciggarette ! that japanese solider happens to be Takeo! in the mission Vendetta, you come across general amsel! at the beginning of the mission take your rifle and glance over him! amsel looks identical to Dr. Rictophen! coincidence? when you storm the beaches of okinoawa, the character Tank Dempsey is cleary Private Polonsky and for Nikoli that is Chernov! all of these 4 characters died during the campaign and that is why they make an appearence in the two Nazi Zombie maps! thanks for checking this out!

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