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Posts posted by JackalBoy88

  1. People forget that when they're speaking to new members they are speaking on behalf of the entire CoDz community. Manners, respect and sometimes a little patience are a must.

  2. This is the sort of thing that is happening a lot at the moment and shouldn't be.

    This guy has coming here looking for help and answers. He didn't come here to be absolutely shat on by the arrogance of people that have been on the site for all of about five minutes.

    Not everyone knows the ins and outs of Zombies. I've met people who have played many a game and didn't know there were major Easter eggs. It may be obvious to some people but to others it's not.

    We are a community, and the only way our community grows is when new members join in search of answers. It's really not that hard to show some manners and direct them to a thread that has the details they are looking for. Comments like the ones above are just plain rude and the OP doesn't deserve them. I suggest that people show a bit of courtesy rather than insulting the inquisitive and dragging CoDz' name through dirt at the same time.

    well put bud thanks for seeing it the sensible way as I do and It takes more me's and you's to help this place move in a positive direction :)

    I speak from experience sir, all of these things have happened before and probably will again:

    BirdDogDan = Henry Langham

    Next step to Tower of Babble = Next step to Ascension

    There's always a lot of new players seeking answers when a new game/map comes out, and there's always a few newer members on their high horses thinking they know all. It will blow over.

  3. This is the sort of thing that is happening a lot at the moment and shouldn't be.

    This guy has coming here looking for help and answers. He didn't come here to be absolutely shat on by the arrogance of people that have been on the site for all of about five minutes.

    Not everyone knows the ins and outs of Zombies. I've met people who have played many a game and didn't know there were major Easter eggs. It may be obvious to some people but to others it's not.

    We are a community, and the only way our community grows is when new members join in search of answers. It's really not that hard to show some manners and direct them to a thread that has the details they are looking for. Comments like the ones above are just plain rude and the OP doesn't deserve them. I suggest that people show a bit of courtesy rather than insulting the inquisitive and dragging CoDz' name through dirt at the same time.

  4. I've though a lot about it as well. You can't reverse enginner the link between both doors, having a turbine at the PaP door will not open the Power Station door. I have a few things people can try.

    Turbine at trains and someone watching the Power Station door?

    When turning on the radio at Farm for the first time in a game, it sounds like a door opens in the disstance. Has anyone tried hitting the radio while someone is at the door? Has someone tried hitting the radio while someone is at the Nacht door?(I really feel the nacht door has some meaning as well).

    When you turn on the radio, does it sound like a door being opened in-game or in the radio transmission?

    I was curious about the old Nacht help door as well, but there's lots of dirt and rubble in front of it which makes me think it can't be opened. Also if you go outside the building and try throwing grenades inbetween the wooden boards on the upstairs/help room windows they just bounce right off instead of going in.

  5. You know that purple car right in front of the path to Nacht? That car has a different license plate than any other vehicle in the game. Every other vehicle also has the same license plate.... strange.

    See, that's what I'm talking about! Nice work Malachi.

    Can anyone get a picture of said car? And possibly compare it to a Sedan? I'm currently at work otherwise I'd investigate myself.

    Just out of curiosity, does anyone know the license plate numbers? On both the mystery car and all the other vehicles?

  6. I can't stop thinking about the door with the green power symbol on it when you drop into the power station and turn around 180 degrees.

    Obviously it's common knowledge now that placing a turbine next to it opens the Pack-a-Punch tunnel, but nonetheless, it is still definitely a door.

    When we first discovered the PaP tunnel, my friend and I were convinced there was a way to open that door to create an underground shortcut between the Power Station and Town. And I still ponder about it.

    We've seen various new ways to open doors in Tranzit, (grenades, turbines,) and I can't help but feel that there might be a way to open it. I don't have any wild ideas about how to do this, and hate to repeat myself but it is a door! Let's see if we can't get that thing open.

    One final thought that came to mind is all the recent discussion of the "Train Station." Let's say hypothetically the door could be opened, it would lead straight underground towards the mysterious structure that's surrounded by de-railed train cars. BirdDogDan may have been a nuisance, but perhaps he was on to something. Perhaps not.

    I am just suspicious when it comes to that. Damn. Door.

  7. Don't forget the radio at the garage where the diner is located. You HAVE to jump...maybe treyarch wanted to show us that you have to go prone or jump to pick up several objects :idea:

    Precisely my son. Can't hurt to try right?

    I had a look around the Diner as a couple of the booths are suspiciously illuminated but didn't find anything.

  8. What makes me more curious about the billboard, is the content of it.

    The guy is holding a magnifier, looking through it into the car.

    Could there be the last item that we haven't found, in one of the cars around the map? Or maybe, should we start investigating the ground near the billboard?

    I don't know, but it definitely is weird.

    That's interesting. Perhaps it might be worth having a little jog around the map, and seeing if there are any cars that look similar to a Sedan.

    I can't shake the idea I proposed on another thread about the fact that you HAVE to crouch to pick up the meteorite at the bus depot so perhaps there is a part somewhere underneath a car or something that you HAVE to go prone to see/pick up.

  9. "PE2HR" is exactly what the sign says whem the lights flicker. so its an obvious nudge towards the diner.

    To be fair, there are parts and things related to the Easter egg pretty much everywhere else. Bus depot(navcard, meteorite) tunnel (jet gun part) farm (tvs) power station (jet gun part, table) town is where you build the jet gun. And obv Faux-Nacht, Bowie hut and Tower.

    I've not got very far into the Easter egg yet so I may be wrong, but when I think about parts and stuff related to the EE the only place I don't think of is the Diner. And the roof makes me suspicious.

    Granted the galvaknuckles are up there, but is that the ONLY reason to go up there? Surely not. I think a thorough search of the diner needs to be conducted. I've gone prone and looked under cars and in the booths in the diner for things but no joy so far.

    My thinking is, in order for the writing to even show up to pick up the meteorite, you must crouch, so there may be a part somewhere that you need to lie down next to for the "press X to take part" to show up.

  10. I would love to play this.

    But I cba to play something like that on my own.

    None of my friends want to play this.


    I've been playing the solo league, gold division. Perhaps we could round up a few teams on here. If I was playing league play with a team I'd like to play with people who are strategic and actually go for objectives. Losing a league game is like being punched in the face.

  11. So jealous PINNAZ i still got another 9 hours, I'm catching up on some fringe until the release also gonna tidy the bedroom in preparation so i have nothing to do for the next few days !!!

    Right there with you! I've tidied up and set everything up for a hardcore all nighter, might even leave my disc drive open when I go off to work in preparation. Only thing left to do is stock up on energy drinks.

    Also, as many others have said, great thread! Very well managed sir.

  12. So excited!! In less than 24 hours I will have BOII finally!!!!!!

    I've had a countdown on my phone since the game's release date was announced! Hell, when there are ten seconds left I have the Tactical Nuke soundbite playing!

    So stoked!! :D

    Yes!! Me too. I was going to post a screenshot of mine but I don't think I can. Any iPhone users know how? 15.5 hours left for me!

  13. HQ and hardcore SnD are my fav's and sometimes a bit of CTF for fast paced fun. I'm looking forward to Trying Hardpoint with a team as I love the strategical game-modes. If anyone ever want to play send me an invite saying you're from CoDz. Xbox live: JackalBoy88

  14. Hi everyone, I felt that it was time to log back into CoDz as the week leading up to BO1 release was a great time to be part of the community. I've been a member on here for a good couple of years, but I'm more of a reader rather than a poster. I see a lot of new faces, (well avatars) who are making great posts and theories. And a few old ones who were here back when I was a more active user, Alphasnake, good to see you're still coming up with theories! Great reading. I've been wondering if there any other older members still around? Anyone remember the Henry Langham incident? Anyone who spent hours trying to decode the Gknova transmissions?

    Anyhow, hello CoDz, It's good to be back!

  15. I'm not going to post some long winded response but I will contribute my opinion. Personally I love Black Ops, and I don't feel that anything is "Over-Powered" the problem with that term is that it's become a buzz word, anytime somebody gets a kill with a gun that not many people use all you hear is "OP! OP!" if someone gets a kill with a gun that a lot of people use.. "OP! OP!" I honestly think that people don't realise, it's not the game that annoys them, it's the people playing it. Everyone has different tactics, strategies, weapon preferences. And each player, (whether they are a No Scoper, Hard Scoper, Run and Gunner, Camper, Knifer, or any other random word thrown at people who are winning,) has spent time discovering what they can do to; get less deaths, get more kills.. Win. And if somebody is winning or doing well, then somebody else has to be losing and not doing so well. All you have to do is evolve as a player,

    change things up a bit.

    I like all the customisation, Theater Mode is amazing, there aren't loads of new things as it's still a Call of Duty game, and as a series it evolves, that doesn't mean it has to be a completely new game, it is a proven formula.

    I feel bad for PS3 users due to the problems they have, I play Xbox so I don't know the extent, but that doesn't mean the game is shit, it means there are a few problems that will hopefully be fixed. I honestly don't think the devs are sitting in their office laughing it up. I think they are working there hardest trying to make us all happy, and for that I'm grateful.

    Wow, that was pretty long winded. Didn't know I had it in me.

    EDIT: Also, I wonder how many of the people who "hate" Black Ops are gonna smash their disc in their for some double XP this weekend...

  16. Dude, it's fake. I'm not even going to watch it.

    You know why?

    That GK Resistance logo in your avatar. All you Henryheads do is fuck with us. Stop it. Delete your account and leave.

    Warning: Wall of text ahead.

    I will defend this man, a lot of people got roped into that Henry Langham tosh, myself included, in fact if you were to go back to the big old thread about all that stuff that was littering up the forum, I was actually the person who suggested the name GK Resistance. And i also had GK Resistance in my signature for a long while after HL had been outed by JD, not because i believed it still but because I kept forgetting to get rid of it. Everyone knows that Henry Langham is a load of sh**. There's absolutely no denying it. But people keep bringing him up again and again. I know it's annoying but let them get on with it. At the end of the day, the ones of us who can say, "yes I did believe it for a while but when told it was fake I accepted it." are the ones who won't be disappointed when all the lies that he tells end up being just that. Lies. They're the ones that will look like fools.

    I haven't watched the video, nor am I going to either. I just wait for official announcements/trailers, there's no point sniffing around on the dirty floor known as the Internet looking for tiny bit of info, when real news comes we'll all know about it.

  17. I

    Now I'm seeing things...great.

    I had the film reels in, and shot the radio on the chandelier.

    I apologize if I'm just seeing things and I assure you I'm not "trolling"

    Don't worry.. You're not seeing things. It is interactive.. For definite. I'm not sure of the criteria to switch it "on" so to speak but I activated it like 3 times last night. It just flies off into the ceiling. Not sure if it actually does anything though. I'll try and get a video up in a little while but fair warning it will be filmed on my iPhone. Lol.

  18. Hello everyone, I'm a new user but much like alot of people I have been spectating this whole thing since it begun..

    Firstly, Carbon, congrats (or hard luck maybe lol) for being the one selected for the drop..

    I can't stop thinking about the pencil.. Obviously, it's in there for a reason and I've got a feeling that it's connected to the Caeser Cipher rings.. We all know what the Caeser Cipher is as of Transmission One and they know that, so obviously there must be something in that briefcase that requires decoding using it.

    So, back to the pencil. I couldn't come up with anything for 357945, but I came up with an idea that maybe the "X's" represent how many times this number should be multplied or squared to give us a number that could be decoded somehow. Sadly I couldn't find a calculator that could square that number 7 times and give me a whole number. Any ideas?

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