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Posts posted by argyros

  1. Yep, Nikolai and Dempsey.

    Oh, and at the beginning of the clip, Nikolai claims he will throw up and Richtofen claims it is a mere side effect, most likely caused by the tests.

    i think hes talking about the side effects of teleporting

  2. i always thought when the guy in radio was talking about programming he was referring to a zombie because in the der reise radios you heard maxis trying to give commands to a zombie so maybe they are trying to find a way to control the zombies.

  3. to me after playing some cod4 and then watching the videos of black ops the kill time looks the same.Then i played some mw2 and saw the kill time was much faster in mw2 then black ops :D

  4. Meh, I hate Infinity because they never listen to their community. Treyarch does, and that's why I love them with a passion.

    Oh yeah and..........Zombies owned Spec Ops so....

    no infinity ward did less to the community they just added alot of stupid ideas like akimbo

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