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Posts posted by ZombieChaos23

  1. I don't know what you guys are all on about, but I think it looks great. I definitely can not wait to see more.

    Yeah I changed my opinion. I officially got sucked into this again -_-

    But guys, go to 1:21

    Teddy Bear type laugh?

    It just sounds like sound editing to me, but I could be wrong.

    There is still more to come because #DavidVonderhaar said we are going to get more on the TV version. Also get it trending so he can tell us something he is not supposed to. :shock:

  2. I am a little upset at the viral marketing so far. GKNova was absolutely amazing, but the

    pics on Callofduty.com didn't really give us too much to work with in my opinion. I am sure there

    is more to come in terms of that though.

    In terms of the actual game, I don't think we have enought to judge it on yet.

    Wait till the reveal trailer to see if they do any other type of Zombie Marketing, for all you know they do it after rather than before ;)

    That is what's REALLY exciting me.


    There is no doubt I am excited as all hell for this trailer coming today. I haven't even thought about zombies yet because I won't be able to withstand the PAINFUL WAIT :cry: for a trailer.

    I can't even comprehend what it is they are going to do with MP yet. Heck, I can't even wait another two hours for the trailer! I know it will pay off in the end though. :D

  3. I am a little upset at the viral marketing so far. GKNova was absolutely amazing, but the

    pics on Callofduty.com didn't really give us too much to work with in my opinion. I am sure there

    is more to come in terms of that though.

    In terms of the actual game, I don't think we have enought to judge it on yet.

  4. Not robots, ZOMBIES! That was the master plan that we were told at Der Riese. Richtofen is part of the Illuminati, and he was part of the plan to replace soldiers with the zombies. You also have to look back to the loading screen pic with all of the mind controlled people (BBD has a great thread on it), it is their attempt to find a way to control the zombies. This whole backstory is for the Illuminati to control the world.

    Here is BBD's thread on the mind control and human genomes, which is another alternate to the zombies theory


  5. I know that with other games, and like GKNOVA, they created an ARG. I may be taking a shot in the dark here, but if those coordinates are pointing there, it might be something towards something actually being there or that will take place. We had the GK case last year and maybe if someone like Covert or another VIP goes out to XP, E3, or a campaign or MP reveal, then these may come in handy as well as the new letters. We may get another pickup of some sort. Again this may be way out there but you never know what Treyarch will pull off.

  6. Also, the second or 3rd Tuesday in November, which is usually the release date of all CODs, falls on November 13th. On the same date, there will be a solar eclipse on that date; coincidence? Also, I made this theory before, didn't really share. Tacitus was a Roman senator, who was most famous for writing about the eclipse that occurred after the death of Augustus. Shangri La - Eclipses activated basically the scenery for all Easter Eggs.

    FPSRussia already conformed that it has nothing to do with the Roman emperor unfortunately. Tacitus is just a weapons manufacturer of some sort in BO2

    No matter what he said, you can't ignore the small fact that it is true and links up in a round about way.

    It is true and I understand that it sounds right because we all had the same idea, but if it has been confirmed that the roman emperor has nothing to do with it then that is that.

  7. Also, the second or 3rd Tuesday in November, which is usually the release date of all CODs, falls on November 13th. On the same date, there will be a solar eclipse on that date; coincidence? Also, I made this theory before, didn't really share. Tacitus was a Roman senator, who was most famous for writing about the eclipse that occurred after the death of Augustus. Shangri La - Eclipses activated basically the scenery for all Easter Eggs.

    FPSRussia already confirmed that it has nothing to do with the Roman emperor unfortunately. Tacitus is just a weapons manufacturer of some sort in BO2

  8. Charlene Corely was a defense contractor of C&D Distributors, a supplier of small hardware components, plumbling fixtures and electronic equipment to the military. She was convicted of fraudulent invoices from the DoDand on two accounts of conspiracy.

    It seems a bit relevant, and there could be a deeper conspiracy. This could go with the production of the quadrocoptor, and they would be some evil compnay just like the Project NOVA. I have my doubts though and is probably just a coincidence and means nothing, but I thought I would post it :D


  9. I could definitely see "classified" being the solution. The only problem is that FPSRussia is saying that it is common knowledge, yet people have been tweeting at him about it meaning "secret" but he hasn't said anything to them about being correct or his promise of t-shirts.

    I don't believe he said that, I believe that tweet was him responding to someone else.

    It's going to be hard to find out what it means.

    Ah, the was my mistake :D

    It looks like it is going to be a long way to deciphering this one :geek:

  10. I see it as the game being set in the 70's and 80's possibly, and this technology being about 15 to 20 years into the future from 1980. This is probably when, in reality, they started making these toy helicopters. Just like the crossbow and r/c car were ahead of their time in the 60's and 70's. I dont think we should be taking what FPSRussia said literally. We have to think about when a sequel would be set and then add the advanced years and technology.

  11. I am in favor of increasing the perk cap. There has to be some catch to it though. Maybe mule kick could give you three guns and the extra perk, or you could hack the last perk that you want to get it.

  12. In multiplayer it would be really cool. There could be night maps where you have to use the night vision to get around. As for zombies, I think it may be a little distracting or weird while playing. Instead maybe flashlights on the guns for the really dark parts of the maps. This would give you a line of sight for the zombies without taking away from the actual gameplay. It would also give that classic feel of shining your flashlight around a corner when a zombie pops out at you :lol:

  13. My best, most epic experiences with zombies has been with four people when we all run out of ammo at like round 40. We have to then work together or scramble for our lives to get to the mystery box or a wall gun. There is screaming and terror, but overall that is the fun of it.

    That is what zombies is, those crazy moments at the brink of death. The ammo-matic would take away from the chaos and fun of zombies for me and I think a lot of other people too.

  14. Lost City of Z sounds a lot like it could be WWZ :lol:.

    On the topic of El Dorado, maybe collecting the crystal skulls could be apart of finding artifacts to save the world and end Richtofen's terror. Also our new scientists in the radios could also be Colonel Percy Harrison and his son. This could lead to many things, and maybe some plots of greed and murder just to thicken it even more. Then we could have a dual plot going on. We would have maps in Russia or other countries, while having another sequence going on in South America, where the "Super Race" has their underground cities. This could mean releasing two maps at a time with two coincinding plots that come together in the end at the center of the Earth.

    Here is also another good read on the Lost City of Z and El Dorado


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