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Posts posted by NukaColaClear

  1. As of 4:00am ET Sunday morning, I'll be going on a two day road trip, so I won't be back for three days starting tonight. I just wanted to say a temporary goodbye for now.

    I know it's only three days but it can seem like a long time, so see you all Tuesday.

    Per Audacia Ad Astra

  2. After staring at the picture for 5 minutes, I noticed something.

    It seems as if the original picture was removed from the image leaving only the static lines in the image, the static lines all sort of flow to the center of the picture. In a spiral like shape.

    I don't mean lines like this: __________

    But like a wave like this: (((((((((((((X)))))))))))

  3. Just letting you guys know, the website has changed. It is now red, had a little radar going on in the background, and a millisecond timer has been added on.

    I know, that freaked me out when I went too it. Wasn't expecting it.

    Maybe it's the countdown to Nuclear War/End of Days?...

  4. Thanks. But I tried every game on my shelf. Tried 3 movies, and 1 CD. Nothing worked. And I've waited 12+ hours now, so I think it's pretty cooled down. I didn't notice the scratch until it had become a crack in the disk, but I take pretty good care of things (put the games back in their cases, ect.)

    But, thank you for trying to help. I understand you're just going off of what I posted and aren't here to see it for yourself.

    Oh, and I don't move my xbox while it is, or isn't running. I know people that have done that so I avoid it entirely.

    I've had my xbox for a while though (3 years), so it may just be time to get a new one anyway. The mic was old too(3 years too), so that probably has something to do with it.

  5. Well, Im royally F*cked. My xbox's DVD drive broke somehow. None of my games even work anymore because it just says, 'open tray'. Great, now not only do I need to get a $60 game, but now I need a $300 system. Oh, and I need a new mic because mine broke in half. So that's $20 more added to that bill. :evil: :evil: :evil:

  6. For all of you that think that its call the wonder waffle, it is freaking not! its called the wonderwaffe (pronounced vundervaff)!!! there is no waffle....and yes that is strange that his point went up. :evil: :facepalm:

    This made me die a little inside. No, it's not the "Wonderwaffe", it's the "Wunderwaffe" and it's not pronounced Vundervaff, it's pronounced Vundervaffe.

    Anyone who has taken basic German would know that. Sorry for going off topic xD.

    But about the thread. I think that the title needs to be changed because as of yet, we don't ACTUALLY know if it works. But I do agree that we need to test every hypothesis because how do we know someone isn't telling the truth.


    Its Wunderwaffe. Change the title of this thread. Try all ideas.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that knows a little something about German pronunciation and spelling... But it sucks because I can't test any of this with a Locked-Up Ascension.

  7. I got a new second hand 360 after my last one had a DVD drive problem but im having a problem with ascension

    Everytime i try to load ascension it freezes at the loading screen (usaully near the end) but the xbox itself still works

    Im hoping that it isnt another issue with the DVD drive- but i have heard of other people having this problem.

    btw- ive tried re downloading it.... but it stays the same

    btwbtw- all the multiplayer first strike maps work fine.

    :( :x

    I have that exact problem. And it cracked my disk at a part of it. Check yours and see if that happened too.

  8. For all of you that think that its call the wonder waffle, it is freaking not! its called the wonderwaffe (pronounced vundervaff)!!! there is no waffle....and yes that is strange that his point went up. :evil: :facepalm:

    Am I the only one that thought of eating Waffles when I read this?


  9. The zombies got to Disney world

    That would be an EPIC zombie map. Instead of monkeys or hellhounds we have zombified guys in Mickey Mouse costumes.ROFL

    lol hell hounds become pluto (the dog) lol

    Even more epic! We need some PC modding tools and make this stuff... It would be extremely difficult but.... Pluto Hellhounds. How is that not fun? We must make it.

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