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Blabba labba

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Posts posted by Blabba labba

  1. Don't post Henry Langham related posts. You'll be in big trouble.

    If you that voice on any Nazi Zombie Video its fake and its done for lame fun reasons.

    Just saying.

    can you please explain how this is related to Henry Langa, and in future try to use correct english.

  2. I think this is a great idea. And when I started reading this the first person who came into my mind was patastinky xD. I think you should get straight on with posting some stuff about the new black ops map pack and the theories about ascention island and other stuff. I would gladly help but I think other members of this site would be able to do a better job than me.

  3. 1).The party system, I can never play with a group of friends bigger than 2 or 3 because for some reason only a few of us actualy get into the game lobby and the rest lag out.

    2). There needs to be an option on zombies to only search for people with mics in gamechat (aslong os you are aswell). It is so fustrating being placed with a noob who all they do is open the wrong doors, kill crawlers and pick up max ammo when we are all still reloading.

    3) Sound. I have been using a headset since World at war and I rely very much on hearing footsteps, bouncing of stun grenades, people placing clamores etc. But now these seem to make no noise at all. (accept to the people who are making the noise). If you were wondering I have tried all the sound setting including the headset one.

    4) Some games dont save into recent games in theatre mode.

    5) Spawning, you often spawn in stupid places near enimies or no-where near them so you have to treck accross a big map to get back into the action

    Still this is, in my opinion, the best call of duty yet. And I do not in anyway dislike this game.

    What do you think needs to be sorted out/changed?

  4. If you don't already know there is a code to unlock the zombie map "five" without doing the campaign is "3arc unlock". Also if you play combat training the clan tag for the bots is 3arc. And I have just noticed this:


    so 3arc is treyarc, or treyarch. :D

  5. I think the perks should be less powerful. In mw2 you had unlimited sprint but cod 4 you had increaced sprint. In mw2 you had invisability to killstreaks and uav and the red name thing. in cod 4 you had invisibility to uav. There are so many other examples... (btw cod 4 is the much better game)

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