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Posts posted by Daveyjone

  1. Nice! Have fun on the site, we've got theories aplenty, zombie game challenges, teammate finder sections and all that, but also more like zombie fiction and the deep thought section if that's what you want :D

  2. I'm going to do some more Victor posts, but again I know the fact I'm going back and forth is confusing (being a time traveler half of the present is happening after the past events :3) But I'll try to change that.

    Also an Idea I've had since the beginning, as Victor can see events unfolding before they happen could you guys possibly skype or pm me what you plan to do? Only to make what he says more relevant :3

  3. Wildcards are new, unusual bonuses that you can spent your spare points on. You can use them for the stuff like 3 attachments on a primary, one more perk (limited one extra perk per tier), and 2 attachments on a secondary.

    I'm so glad the knife is a 2-hit kill, I've been wanting that since MW2. :D

    I'm so glad the knife is a 2-hit kill

    I'm so glad the knife is a 2-hit kill

    I'm so glad the knife is a 2-hit kill....

    (Shoots himself)

    :P I agree with you, its more realistic and better for the game, just I've been running around knifing since CoD 1 (when it was clubbing with the stock of the rifle :P) So this is a shame... but hey, the original CoD was more than one hit melees, so back to my CoD 1 strategy! :D

    Also, thank you for the info on wildcards ^.^ Would that mean I could remove my primary and secondary and use the points on wildcards?

  4. I really like how perks are strictly player enhancements and weapon attachments are strictly weapon enhancements. I'm surprised it took 5 years... :D

    here here :P

    And I also love the idea of substituting weapons for perks etc. I for one play for fun, runnig around knifing and being a fool :P Removing my weapons is all I ever wanted to do :D

    My ideal class from this: (better use it fast before it gets nerfed :3)

    •Combat knife


    •Fast Hands


    •Marathon (Wild card: perk 3 greed)

    •Combat Axe

    (unsure about tac grenade :3 so much choice!)

    •Counter-UAV (I am a big troll :3)

    •War Machine (do love GLs :P)

    •EMP Systems (Like I said, big troll)

    Also, do we know if GLs (now being nerfed to oblivion themselves) will be able to be scavengable? Or are they going to nerf it even more by cutting out other types of grenades, letting you only scavenge for your rifle/pistol etc?

    Also, apologies if I missed something, but can someone explain wildcards to me?

  5. I was focusing more on the battle itself than the setting, you know, focusing on the events as the soldiers would rather than the 'grand scheme' :3 But you're right, background does allow for a smoother finish. If you're going to post first I'll let you choose the setting, if you don't I will when I post :3

  6. I love it, but remember the efficency of a tactic is dependant on the player, not only their skill or how use they are to a tactic/map, but a player who has certain traits i.e. good reactions or conservative with ammo may find one tactic easier and may be more efficient on it than another. I just wanted to throw that in there as it is a variable that will effect your attempts at quantification very badly :P

    Of course there are simple solutions out there, I can think of perhaps categorising the type of player, but that again creates problems with what to make as the variables :P

    Then there are so many other things, like you said, round time, as some people don't have all day to round up. I remember getting to round 40 on Ascension took me from 7am to 2pm :mrgreen:

  7. Well, friends and I turned up in a wager match (you know the one's you randomly get invited to?) Apparently even though GLs now take two hits to kill you with (unless making contact on the body) and cannot be scavenged, oh and is nerfed at the rounds beginning to prevent spawn killing :P, even though all of that is present, the full 9 player clan we faced (may I add we play for laughs, not to win like them :3) claimed this 'nooby tactic' had unbalanced our match, the cause for our easy win :D

    Of course we accepted for the fun of it, hilarity ensued, due to them foolishly choosing Sticks and Stones for a mach with me, a guy who spent his time on CoD 1 - 5 running around knifing, and in games since then; throwing knifing, for fun :3.

    Let's just say everyone came first with 0 points :mrgreen: May I point out this was the High Roller game mode and had a full group :D

  8. I like it! Keeping it simple would allow all to use it well with any skill, as well as keeping it simple enough for our console brothers to use rather than hogging it on the pc to ourselves :3

    A good example would be Timesplitter's map editor, literally an architectural top down view, add blocks of areas, set up the map in levels, add enemy spawns etc, effects on walls including guns etc, then you can test it as both AI: Solo, co-op, or multiplayer.

  9. finished reading :P loved the 'cute and fluffy' :3

    Hate to throw a spanner in the works but wouldn't voice know of the Nazi's being in alex' head when he was captured by them at the beginning? Of course you could always say they never mentioned they were Nazi's (which I remember they didn't :P)

    Edit: Oh yeah, forgot he still wore a straight jacket :D (I assumed he would have changed after staying in the swamp with Victor but again you never said he did :3)

  10. Being a 'run around knifing' guy, what bugs me is when I lag of course, but that's unnaceptable, but the lunge which is present in certain games only ruins this :P You shoot forward, making you miss if anything, leaving you facing the wrong way and open to a knife :3

    And I agree with you, same way people say using x y or z is nooby, whatever kills them seems to be unnaceptable even though its part of the game (untill the moment they use it...)

  11. Victor dropped into the trench. The only sound through the fog was a soft squelch as the others slid in behind him. Achim noted as always Victors attitude as he directed their advance, experienced as he was, he showed a disregard for his safety, focused more on keeping his men safe than his own safety. He imagined such was the making of a good officer and was how he had reached Sergeant so quickly. Silently they advanced down the forsaken trench. It was surprisingly longer than expected until they came across a patrol, the English perhaps slacking due to the decimating victory over the Germans - no one would expect them to be able to launch any form of assault for months, let alone that night.

    Victor halted the squad, peering around the corner Achim saw a dosing Tommy, helmet nudging his rifle as his head fought the urge to loll forward. Zöller brought the working parts of the rifle forward eagerly, but Victor, still observing, held a hand out behind him to steady the eager youth.

    “No one need die tonight.”

    “Oh? If I might speak out of turn sir, he’s a Tommy, a Brit. You know? The guys we’re fighting - that is to say, killing?” Zöller retorted in a harsh whisper. “If you seem to be incapable of doing what soldiers do, may I ask why you are here?”

    Heidrich moved his hand to his rifle, a mere gesture, but one implying his displeasure at the implication. Achim scowled, but he could understand why Zöller spoke the way he did. He did not enjoy killing, but he too understood that they were fighting for a greater good. While perhaps all the nations believed that they were fighting for freedom and repression of ‘the evil beyond their borders’, the common soldiery was not so ‘noble’ (though he preferred the term ‘not as dishonest about their aims’), usually fighting for their family, their pay and their lives. Victor didn’t. As far as he could tell the man refused to fight for anything, at least not going so far as killing. Achim mused that he had not actually seen him kill anyone during this war. Nor would he let them do the same on his watch.

    “No man deserves to die Zöller. Least of all for being different to you or I.”

    Zöller gave him a long stare. Eventually he conceded, spitting on the ground.

    “Of course Sergeant. Just remember you can’t keep getting us to shoot to wound or taking prisoners forever. One day you’ll find someone who you will have to kill. I just hope I’m there to see it.”

    With that he moved past the group, stealthily approaching the Tommy, with a fluid move he lashed out at the man’s rifle with his boot, causing it to strike the soldier squarely on the temple. Catching him in his arms he dragged him into a small clove while the others moved up. As they moved through the trench they continued to do the same, taking out the troops while incapacitating them through binds and gags. This was what they did; soon their commanding officer would be woken and told that the trench had been taken and would send German troops to occupy it, by morning it would be under their control. If anyone objected to the large number of prisoners compared to other fire teams, they accepted it as payment for the continued success far above other squads in the area.

    They came across a bunker, signalling Heidrich – who silently opened it and moved inside, Victor continued down the trench with the others. Moving inside, Heidrich became aware of the surrounding layout. Even without his knowledge of the trench system he could tell from the papers and furnishings this was the officer’s bunk they had been looking for. Heidrich’s eyes narrowed beneath his mask, silently he appraised the situation. Something was wrong. He could almost taste the unsettling primordial fear the room screamed at him. An upturned chair, an absence of candle or oil light source, no noise of any kind to indicate sleep or wakeful persons present. Danger. Something had happened here. Or was happening.

    Removing the safety from his rifle he scanned the scene for any form of assault, moving forward slowly and silently as he did so. Turning the last corner he found himself standing in the officer’s bedroom. The duvet sprawled across the floor, the pillowcase ripped and torn, feathers everywhere. The officer was also present, twitching as a figure covered his mouth, the other hand digging deep into his spinal cord.

    Heidrich responded to this scene the only way he could, aiming his rifle upwards he fired it once, not only to alert the others to his situation but to warn the aggressor, who turned in response to the noise, letting the British officer to sprawl on the floor dead, his body in spasm.

    Heidrich’s eyes widened under the mask as the abomination faced him, yet as he was he did not speak. Rather he backed away. The creature cocked his head, as if curious of his form. Taking a step away from the corpse behind him he advanced on the soldier. However rather than fleeing as it seemed to expect, as was his training and experience in the field Heidrich calmly pointed his rifle towards it and fired.

    The creature reacted by lashing out, the rifle swept out of his hands and across the room. Retreating he pulled out his luger and fired point blank into the humanoid, even then with its fast reactions only managing to score a wound on its shoulder.

    However this seemed enough, and with a screech it barrelled into him and for a moment he grasped the air, his sight befuddled and his balance thrown. By the time he had got to his feet it had clambered out of the doorway and was gone.

  12. After a fight with Pariah Victor has just been taken in a Kulak in Russia, yet thats only been one day after, all else in my writings are flashbacks to past events in his life (yes as he is a time traveler among other things that means his age is not befitting a chronological timescale in most of them.) Once I'm finished I'll develop beyond one day after season 1 :P

  13. The skies screamed as the men threw themselves forward, many slipping in the mud, few getting to their feet. Feeling the pattered kisses of droplets, whether they be mud, water or something more, it didn't register on his conscious mind. He ran. That was all to think of, all to do, willing your legs to keep up their pattern. Panting, ragged breaths piercing his lungs. Pay no heed to the man crying out for your aid, nor for the barbed metal groping your feet. If every second here was a lifetime in hell, he could not say, only that they must keep running.

    Sliding down into a muddy crater, Achim turned to survey the scene. Wide eyed and misty he could only stare at the black sky, the chocked atmosphere of smoke and fire. The only escape the muddy sea below, islands of pallisade and wire, mangled shipwreaks of bodies surfacing between them. Across the sea, a trench of demons, familiars of hell who wanted to drag them down to their realm. He turned to see Zöller slide down alongside him, a look of distaste on his young features.

    "So much damn mud. Disgusting."

    Heidrich, his steel sniper mask hiding his emotions, was as usual silent and stoic in his reaction to all this, calmly reloading his rifle as the carnage reined around the crater. Achim was restless, waiting for the final member of their squad. In response to their sucess and their 'unique skills' as the higher command has put it, They had been pressed into a specialist unit, a 'fireteam' as the British or Canadians may have called it, though it was more to the Boer's sabotage or guerilla operations that they were directed towards. Victor had always called them, 'my little Stoßtruppen.' although what he meant my shock troops, a term none but he seemed to have heard, was anyone's guess.

    A cry pulled Achim out of his reflection, looking up he saw a flaming missile launch itself over his head into the muddle pool below. After a few moments of tossing, the object pulled itself to its feet, now smoking slightly. Victor greeted them in his usual jovial mannerisms.

    "My apologies, It seems it is not so good to stand next to a Kleinflammenwerfer unit when advancing." He patted Achim's padded shoulder. "Ready to follow me into Hell?"

    Zöller spat out a cigarette on the ground. "With respects sir, we're already in it."

    With their sergeant now present, the team made its way up and over again, towards the trech whose guns had now fallen silent.

  14. I am honestly curious why you guys are trying to change everything? Everything looks nice and is fully functional, what is exactly "wrong" that you need to change? The only thing I would really like to see is a Chat System. But mainly, I want someone to tell me why you guys are trying to change everything.

    To be honest the questionaire made it seem more like "add on" than change anything :3 I could be wrong though..

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