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Posts posted by football5699

  1. When people say this it always makes me mad. Do YOU want it to drag on? They said they will listen to us.

    I, personally, DON'T want this to continue. Dragging something on is what they did to Spider Man. That is what they are doing with Final Destination. Do you REALLY want to see this mode bashed and bashed and buried to finally put an end to it.

    Let's let it go out in style

    (BTW no rage meant to you I just wanted to address the whole dragging on aspect.)

    No rage taken, however i have a counter point, if treyarch dont drag it on or make a new story arc...then say goodbye to codz as this site was made for that specifically, and rightly so. without zombies codz will fade away and be forgotten. dont bite the hand that metaphorically feeds you mate :)

    Wise words....That is true...we shall see :D

  2. *sigh* just like the missing piece of Der Riese was "right in front of us"

    Insert the immediate comment :o "THE COLT" :facepalm: ahhh memories 8-)



    If I'm not mistaken Treyarch hinted that we were missing something from Der Riese when it was released that was "right in front of us"....thanks that narrows it down :roll:

    so I just read this. and im a teency bit drunk, hence my use of teency. anyway what im currently trying to wrap my head around is are you saying the colt was the hidden easter egg or was that just a comment you tossed in there for f*cks sake because it fit the clue. and I say if we want to try and find this clue. we think in hide and go seek terms. generally th easiest place to hide is roght in front of us. or generally the place we wouldnt bother to consider because it seems that a place that obvious would be chosen. maybe its in the fact thats it near breslau. or maybe it has something to do with the numbers 935.

    The colt is what people were saying....and the fact that you are listing of a million possibilities is the perfect example why we will never know the "secret" :lol:

    And whoever mentioned a Kino trailer....WHERE. IS. IT. :evil:

    NVM found it lol

  3. *sigh* just like the missing piece of Der Riese was "right in front of us"

    Insert the immediate comment :o "THE COLT" :facepalm: ahhh memories 8-)



    If I'm not mistaken Treyarch hinted that we were missing something from Der Riese when it was released that was "right in front of us"....thanks that narrows it down :roll:

  4. Yeah that only happens when something glitches up (you were standing on something that it didnt want you to) and then it instantly kills you so you cant glitch there. its probably like the zombie death timer. when they glitch in a window or something stupid they quickly die so you dont screw around for ages looking for it.

    Not. quick. enough.

    so far the tally is twice on Der Riese, once on Shangri-La and once on Ascension

  5. Honestly, I want to play a game about zombies, not freakin aliens. If I really wanted to kill aliens, I'd play Halo or Resistence. Besides, aliens have RAY GUNS. In other words, we're dead in 1 hit.

    As soon as I saw the thread I'm like "he has to have posted about this" :lol:

    and to the post above me...no I believe the Iluminati built it :D or whoever Richtofen was working for there were so many groups *shivers*

  6. - Monkey Bomb and Carpenter are in all of them (Was only originally in Der Riese).

    - SNN contains a radio explaining how they got from DR to Kino.

    - The Fly Trap still works, yes, but the bear holding the Bowie Knife in the building seen from the Spawn area is missing and cannot be gotten. The Monkey Bomb in the furnace and the Bear holding a Perk-a-cola are in the cage are still there though. This means 2 can only be found instead of 3.

    - Beauty of Annihilation and I think The One are glitchy. They end earlier than they should.

    - Zombies hit through windows in NdU.

    And the obvious ones not listed already.

    - Play as Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo and Richtofen in NdU and Verruckt.

    - Demonic Announcer says the power up in NdU.

    - It's called Verruckt instead of Zombie Verruckt, but it comes up as Zombie Verruckt when seeing someone playing it.

    And Quick Revive has a use in Solo now :)

    You have some errors there, Carpenter wasn't orginally on Der Riese, it was on SNN too,

    SickSickSick already corrected you on that one,

    When it says Zombies on every map when you see someone playing EX: Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies Kino Der Toten hope this helped :) don't want to sound a douche or anything

    Regards Yellow-card8

    I don't THINK carpenter was on SNN.....99% sure on that...but hey if im wrong im wrong

  7. So me, two of my buds, and my future bud who was a random was doing pretty well and we were in the process of the egg. We had to wait for a Napalmbie so we were advancing in the round. We all had decent guns and everything was going pretty much fine.

    All hell decided to break loose when I decided to use the mine cart.

    I bought it.....glitched......fell from the height of one of the highest trees near it....dropped....downed....sam laughed...bled out instantly.

    Had Ray Gun and everyone had good guns.

    So from there on for like 4 rounds we were basically falling apart but mad was I mad i got extra screwed over...it was so fast my friends didn't even know I died because it didn't even pop.

  8. theres alot of story treyarch can drag on and use to keep zombies alive, i for one doubt this is the end, id bet money on it

    When people say this it always makes me mad. Do YOU want it to drag on? They said they will listen to us.

    I, personally, DON'T want this to continue. Dragging something on is what they did to Spider Man. That is what they are doing with Final Destination. Do you REALLY want to see this mode bashed and bashed and buried to finally put an end to it.

    Let's let it go out in style

    (BTW no rage meant to you I just wanted to address the whole dragging on aspect.)

  9. I just hope they don't do like...you play as Maxis and Samantha and like Yena and the people getting revenge at Richtofen...

    That might just ruin Zombies....Even if it isnt the last map....This better be the last of this storyline.

  10. so in film reel two we hear a familiar line by a familiar voice "God forgive us all" Mystery man from Der Riese radio??

    And in Reel 4 they make it sound like Richtofen is on Earth in Der Riese...Eddy says I'll deal with Maxis and that little brat personally. They also mention a conduit for the pyramid. Samantha is in the pyramid......

    Mhm exactly.

    So he might be talking to the Iluminati...maybe this wasn't initially Iluminati but maybe after a while Richtofen informed the Iluminati. Things are getting intense in the Zombie World.

    The last radio explains why Sam is the way she was (see what i did there ;) ) The continuation to the Richtofen Betrayal

    With the result of the easter egg it seems like this is the end of our heroes.

  11. Kinda with what Strwrsbob posted...I wanna suggest posting the progress here and have all multiple topics to be merged here....

    When I check in to see what is going on with the easter egg...I don't want to go to the 2nd page to see it because of multiple topics (and i'm sure you don't either.)

    Listen, we all know how this site will get come 5 AM EST...if you don't, the site gets kinda iffy with duplicate topics and slow bandwith...hopefully this can help the situation

    So XBOXers...have fun....enjoy this...because it might be the last time you get this :twisted:

    If this could get stickied as soon as possible that would be great so it doesn't get buried :lol:

    Thank you and I will see you all on the other side

    For the last time before the Finale,


  12. Haha, I guess it depends on how complicated they decide to make it this time. xD

    I heard it would take months. This is the last DLC for BO so this is gonna be big

    You don't realize how much i hope for this....imagine if XBOX does all the dirty work and PS3 can just pick up the pieces :D Talk about sweet sweet revenge :D :D

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