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Posts posted by football5699

  1. Just imagine....you buy or get all perks.....and you hear that guitar riff.

    It's Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd

    Anyone? Anyone?

    Or even better....Run Like Hell by Pink Floyd

    Cmon i could go forever lol :lol:

  2. That does sound like a good idea but now that you mention some people would be dissapointed with only four of the maps I think it would be better to just have them stay in black ops. I am actually really bored of these maps now that I think about it anyways. I do like the idea of zombie map packs with two maps in it though. and have twice as many maps for black ops 2.

    And zombieofthedead I did actually get some of these ideas from your thread but I didnt think I should post this there because its not about the classic maps.

    I have always been in favor of them releasing a MP and Zombie Pack seperate.

    I am starting to believe that Activision is afraid that their sales could decrease if they did this though.

    BUT for the people who play both like get the other pack at a discounted price if you wanna purchase both

  3. I think in the hardened/edition of black ops 2 they should put four of the black ops maps back in the new game. I think this time they should actually change something about them though. For example, they added a little bit of new stuff to the waw maps in black ops version of them but I think this time they should make more areas accesible and that would make the maps also bigger. They should also put in black ops 2 weapons and maybe some new wonder weapons for all the maps but leave wall guns the same. Also it would be nice for the original four perks but also put in maybe flopper for all maps and add some of the new black ops 2 perks they add.

    I Think they should bring back, kino, ascension, five(would be much better with new perks and weapons), and maybe shang or cotd. Tell me what you guys think about this and if you have anything that would improve this add that too.

    See the only prob with map modifications is that everyone requested this with the new classic maps but we didnt get it.

  4. So basically I am taking facts about the maps and yes you do kinda have to have prior knowledge to some easter eggs.

    If there is also any confusion....the sections directly affecting Nikolai's recruitment and Takeo's "events" are flashbacks told by Tank.

    I have realized it is kinda confusing with continuity issues and I will try to revise them.

    If you say specific parts I could clear it up :D

  5. I saw ure reply on the other thread lol but I feel like Modern Poland, Russia, and the Himalayas are compressed enough to be the targets. If they were truly trying to destroy the atmosphere, then they would've seperated them and they didn't.

    Next, is what is in that VR11 that brings them back to life just like that? I feel like that could play a strong part in the story.

    If 115 is radioactive, the atom will go through its half-life cycle until either it evens out i think or it just disappears.

    Think of it this way to clear it up. When you go to the dentists or doctors and they make you put on the lead vest and they leave the room. It's because constant exposure will give you cancer.

    115 is radioactive as long as the Zombies' 115 is the same as the Periodic Table's 115

    It can reanimate the dead but it also has the POTENTIAL to kill you over time. I also feel like you would need just as much of a source to reanimate as you would to kill. This is proven by the Multitude of 115 rocks lying around.

  6. So I've come to realize a crazy thought...

    There are 4 maps with the moon in it but we can exclude Nacht.

    That leaves Der Riese, Ascension, and Shangri-La

    Those could be 3 very plausible arguements for targets imo

  7. OK so you are trying to prove that 115 cannot kill a human but instead re-animate the dead? if so, I believe it can do both because Ununpentium in real life is observed as radioactive on my Periodic Table at least :lol: I feel like it is no different than the radiation in a Nuke or even a microwave.

    If you stand next to your microwave you get no radiation

    If you stick your head in there then you're an idiot :lol:

    Anyway, if I was wrong on your stance of things sorry again I'm having serious memory blanks right now lol.

  8. crazy thought....

    I know you can see the moon on 4 of the maps but I feel like Nacht should be left out.

    You clearly see the moon on Der Riese, Ascension, and Shangri-La right?

    Maxis sent off the rockets right?

    -Der Riese may have been a target because of the main testing facility of the zombies.

    -Ascension was a main testing facility because of the monkeys and the theories of the Russians creating zombies.

    -Shangri-La is where Richtofen receives the Focusing Stone that floats on a shrine to himself...I see Richtofen's own fowl play here.

    Could these be the 3 targets of the Rockets? :o

  9. In regards to killing the characters/humans.....There was a note in Der Riese that translated or stated (and I'm paraphrasing of course) that prolonged exposure would cause zombification. Dempsey, Takeo, Nikolai were all chosen because they seemed to show resiliance and pretty much immunity to the use of 115. We don't know about Richtofen at the moment as some believe he is starting to turn.

    The COTD people....Romero could've given them a cure-like syrette or vaccine

    The Five people....I'm not sure....Since JFK had a loadout ready he may have some access to a cure of sorts. Now that also goes for McNamara and even Nixon. Castro, I'm not so sure.

    The Marines....wellllllll they get a free pass because Treyarch had virtually no story while they were around


  10. If the missles were indeed nuclear though, it could make sense that it literally vaporized the ozone. The sky is blue during the day because of the ozone and atmosphere of Earth.

    NML took place during the day while the map is taking place. That means that because you can clearly see the stars I believe (or is that part of the skybox glitch), then the atmosphere might be literally gone.

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