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Posts posted by football5699

  1. I hated the concept of someone following (stalking) you around the whole entire game. And, if that wasn't enough... WHY did it have to be a dude nobody has ever heard about??? Oh, and, I hate treyarch. But all maps are GREAT except for: Five, and Shangri-La :P

    Whoa Whoa Whoa...I hate George but he is the last person that no one knows about. He made zombie movies famous.

    HOWEVER.....I like the idea of no camping. Hell I love running around to an easter egg song. It's when he chases you with his stupid light stick and slows you down.

    If you are camping and he approaches you, fine, let him hit you. But when you are moving around DONT SLOW ME DOWN.

  2. I'm going to settle this "New clean clothes" thing once and for all. If Nicolai is hit, he shouts "How dare you tough Nicolai!... I have just showered for first time!" I mean come on. The dudes havent taken a shower sence 1945 and the come across a flowing waterfall majestic waterfall in Shangri-la. But no, I could see if they time warped backwards agains all evidence, their cloths magically got OxiCleaned by Billy Mays as they went through hell/aether and the just said "Hey, thats neat, lets go fight some zombies!"

    That said, has anyone tried to shoot down the huey in the background with the LAW?

    These damn quotes are screwing over ALL of my theories. :lol:

  3. Thing is, I'm not sure where it can go! I plan on trying to get all 4 stones in one game This week after Tuesday, so, possibly, I think if it does continue, it would continue AFTER that. Like seeing if it still goes into eclipse, more radios, etc.

    Think about this, too. in Ascension, the characters are bloodied, and older. However, in this, they are younger, cleaner. So, maybe the Golden Rod and Stone all get used sometime before the other maps? we have to try to think about continuity here, and This pretty much means that COTD and Shangri-la came before Ascension and Kino.

    and then, if I find it doesn't seem to continue, then I will have to hope we get an MP4 and don't have to wait for the next 3ARC game. (Remember, the theater and lighthouse have been covered in this game, but there is still paris to be done. I can't see 3ARC ditching their easter eggs, so we may see Paris before Area 51 or whatever).

    I also find it odd the only radios are from the Easter Egg side quest, so there may even be more of those, more notes, and I think there is more to that elevator.

    I'll have to get a group after tuesday to do it with me, and I'll stream and report back if we find anything more.

    HA, that is where you are wrong sir.

    takeo makes a quote about lunar landers when you go to the mine cart.

    sad but true :cry:

    that quote irks me badly

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