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Posts posted by football5699

  1. Well actually I think "Five' may have taken place on November 16 1963. The last date on the chalkboard isn't actually October but is November.

    10/16/63 info info info info info info info


    11/16/63 BLANK

    Thats kind of how the board is set up. They never got to record the data because they got attacked.

    So wait....when was JFK shot i believe it was the 12th wasn't it?

  2. |------------x-----/-----------------|

    I moved one more over I think...i estimated idk lol.

    You are so close to convincing me...it just doesnt seem right thats why im on the fence.....

    TBH neither does Clarke but thats another thread.....I. Just. Don't. Know.

  3. True but what would MP1 of B Lops 2, or w/e there next game will be, be about....Richtofen has everything he needs....I think its the final countdown.

    Unless of course Treyarch wastes 3-4 maps on aftermath....

    Let me rephrase...This next map pack will be the last of the Richtofen Storyline....expect new characters next game.

  4. ^ No. You fail. :facepalm:

    Based on Abracadaver, Sam had some sort of revolation that made her realise that see doesn't want to keep killing. Now, sees looking around and seeing the world for what it really is. Her "friends" the zombies arn't really her friends, they are freaks of nature, and as long as she is tied to them, see will never be free.

    That OR

    It's Dempsey as he looks around and starts remembering things, and Richtofen's control over him begins to break.

    Agred (1st one) We need a lyric anylisis! :D

    !st. one. Notice the lyric 'hide my sight from eyes i try to fight'. she secretly relises this and keeps it to herself because the zombies will turn aganist and kill her. i like to consider myself a good lyric anylist.

    LMAO i looked at your sig and nazi zombie cheats are ahead of nazi symbol :lol: :lol:

  5. Im starting to slowly shuffle towards TacInsert, Matuzz, and MonopolyMac :? \

    I'm about here:


    Left - Tac

    Middle = slash

    Right = Anti

    And yes I will be using this method until the whole thing is resolved 8-)

  6. so on one side we have TacInsert, Matuzz, and Monopoly....The other side is Anti Earth

    Then there is me in the middle who just wants the freaking answer :lol:

    At least when the story is all said and done...Treyarch needs to answer ALL plot holes :mrgreen:

  7. Just wanna update you (those who entered) where we are at with the contest. I am still waiting to hear back from a few devs on which are their 4 favorite, I assume that will wrap up this week. I plan on shipping the prizes hopefully by the end of the week, if not then the beginning of next.

    That is all I got for you now, I really want to get a wider opinion, so I am waiting a few more days to collect the dev's input. So bare with me while I conclude this contest.

    Don't forget we have another contest/event/fundraiser coming soon, so stay tuned for that!

    carbon out

    Good job finding out cause i was getting impatient :mrgreen:

    This is really making me nervous :?

  8. Guys...lets be honest here.....What gun doesn't suck by round 50

    YOU GOT TO ROUND 50 be happy....damn most don't even make it that far.

    P.S. - I have shot the Thundagun to a zombie about a foot in front of me and it does nothing.

    Double P.S. - It is not based on a real gun therefore is a special/wonderweapon

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