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Posts posted by Gr4phix

  1. I see a bunch of people saying "quickscoping is easy in MW2, you have auto-aim, faster ADS" etc...I really think you guys are over-exaggerating, if you people seriously have "auto-aim" then freaking give me some...jesus...do you know how straight on my shot has to be to get a QS?? aiming down sights does not give you any auto-aim whatsoever, unless you are playing CAMPAIGN, and even in that i don't think it does it with snipers.

    The only auto-aim that MP has is when you are already aiming down your sights, and someone moves, THEN your reticule will move slightly, and follow that person, and that doesn't even work with snipers, and honestly, i freakin hate that in the game, it robs me of kills soooo much because I'm trying to aim at someone, and my stupid reticule just feels like moving. and about the faster ADS...yes that's in there....and so? what does that give you? absolutely nothing to help with your aim for QSing, in fact, it makes it harder, it gives you LESS time to make sure that your sight is on target before you are scoped in.

    So when I QS you in MW2, you'll get pissed at me? let's go back to WaW, when I QS you, will you get pissed at me? let's go back to CoD 4, when I QS you, will you get pissed at me? etc... I have been QSing from back in CoD 3, before I even knew how popular FPS's were, how good people were when they QS'd, etc. because I was young. I have not found a difference in the difficulties of QSing in any of the games, I can still go back to WaW, or MW and QS just as easy as I always have. I seriously do not get why people get so pissed when you get QS'd, the only thing that pisses me off about it is when people get mad at me for NOT QSing, because yes, I hardscope a lot when I need to, when I'm just trying to have fun and play Domonation, or FFA, I won't hardscope unless I am on a really big kill streak, but I play search mostly, and I play it competitively, and the only time I QS is when I turn around a corner, and there is someone right in front of me, or there is one guy left on their team, and we have more than 3 people, then I will try for a nice Killcam.

    Sorry for the wall of text, but I hate how much people hate QSing now for absolutely no reason.

    EDIT: I just realized that this is getting off-topic lol, i'm getting tired, now for QSing in BO, I think that it'll be like QSing in WaW, and in MW, because there is a difference in HOW the QSing works in the games, but not the DIFFICULTY in getting kills with it.

    I shed a tear, as you took the words I've been wanting to say, but couldn't find them.

  2. Quickscoping is the cheapest way to get kills in MW2, but it is also one of the easiest. I remember the first time I got quickscoped in a match, so the next match I asked him what he was using and copied him. That match I went 12-0 (S&D). After that I didn't do it very much cause it felt cheap. I like to feel like I'm earning my kills, maybe that's just me.

    How's it cheap?

    Really now, how?

    I mean, we can miss, and can be an easy kill.

    Whereas, Noob Tubers can stay in one spot and get a 25 kill streak, and Commando Fags can run around the whole game knifing. We actually have to go out there and try and try and try.

    Its cheap because IMO its easy maybe I just got lucky the few times I did it, and the people on the other team were bad. And you're right I would much rather take on a team of quick scopers than noob-tubers, but the topics was quickscopes so that's what I wrote about. I wasn't trying to offend anybody I was just giving my opinion.

    Believe me mate, you didn't offend me or anybody else. I'm just a cranky person.

  3. Quickscoping is the cheapest way to get kills in MW2, but it is also one of the easiest. I remember the first time I got quickscoped in a match, so the next match I asked him what he was using and copied him. That match I went 12-0 (S&D). After that I didn't do it very much cause it felt cheap. I like to feel like I'm earning my kills, maybe that's just me.

    How's it cheap?

    Really now, how?

    I mean, we can miss, and can be an easy kill.

    Whereas, Noob Tubers can stay in one spot and get a 25 kill streak, and Commando Fags can run around the whole game knifing. We actually have to go out there and try and try and try.

  4. So, recently David Vonderhaar a.k.a Vahn made a tweet regarding Sleight Of Hand pro. I was very happy to read what he said in that tweet. Someone had asked about the fast Aim Down Sight (ADS) with Sniper Rifles using Sleight Of Hand. This is exactly what Vahn had to say:

    Sleight of Hand Pro does not work with any sniper class weapon.

    Now, with that in mind, how many of you actually did Quickscope in Modern Warfare 2? I did, but only when I got bored. I usually snipe the way the sniper is meant to be used. But it's gotten to the point where if you even look through your scope for 0.5 seconds you're hardscoping. Why did people like zzirGrizz and the OpTic clan have to ruin these games?

    im sorry i ruined the game experience for u....i only did what everyone wanted me to do which is make vids for people to enjoy....and we will always be quickscoping, just because there wont be Slight of Hands PRO doesnt mean there wont be any quickscoping....people have been quickscoping since cod 2 and that wont change..............

    I honestly don't think you're the real Predator.

    I'm sorry for saying that if you are, but there are a TON of imitators out there, as you know and I hope you can understand mate.

    @Shoreyo : I put the Corriolis Effect there just cause, does it really matter? Seeing as how the rest of what I've put really can determine a shot almost always. I also don't see Jamming being put to use in MP, it may work for other games, but I don't see it happening in such a fast-paced game.

  5. Ok, if you guys really want Realistic in a game, then lets say that the next CoD game after Black Ops had this :

    1 Life - You could only die once, and then you could never play it again.

    Real Gore - A .50 Cal hits you in your leg, it's not going to be there the next second.

    Snipers - Corriolis Effect, Wind Speed, Gravity, Spotting, Distance, etc.

    Real Reloading - When you reload in Mw2, CoD4, etc. you take replace your clip that you have, but you keep the ammo that was still in the clip. Like, if I had a clip of 12/30 and reloaded with 100 Spare Rounds, my Spare Rounds would go down to 18. This would take away all of the ammo you still have in a clip.

    I honestly can't think of anything else right now, so if anyone would want to add on, please go ahead. Now, taking from that, isn't this realistic? Is THAT what you guys want? Games aren't supposed to be realistic, they're supposed to be fun. Quickscoping to me, is fun. That's why I do it, like I've stated many times before.

    @Wince : zzirGrizz I believe is the one who started the whole, "Quickscoping" idea. OpTic is a clan who Quickscopes in Clan Battles.

    @Shoreyo : "strange as normally the more experianced one would do the sniping..." Let me ask you this, would you really want to sit back and just target people? Not being able to kill any? Not being able to sit right under a tree and snipe some dude in the face and seeing the blood splatter out the back of his skull!?!? I know that I'd, HATE that. Also, you say that Treyarch makes guns more realistic, yet I haven't seen a Jamming gun, a backfire, etc.

    @BBS: So, I'm not the only one who thought that the snipers in W@W weren't registering?! THERE MUST BE A LORD!

    Call of Duty has never been about realism, as it's an arcade shooter. But even CoD needs some realism.

    And Quickscoping in MW2 is awful because of the auto-aim and bullet detection. Most of the time when you quickscope, the sights get targeted on the player who is in the general direction that you are aiming. And if you get a game winning kill by quckscoping, half the tiem the bullet doesn't actually touch the guy, it goes within a metre of him and he dies.

    That is why I dislike quickscopers. Especially when they claim that it is harder than "hardscoping".

    I actually agree 100% with you. No sarcasm involved, I'm going to turn off my Auto-Aim next time I play MW2.

    I need to know, do you guys hate Quickscoping all around, just the little brats who yell at you when you Hardscope, hit detection, what?

    Cause, it doesn't seem like it's so much the Quickscoping, just what has made quickscoping (Hit Detection, Auto Aim, etc.)

  6. Ok, if you guys really want Realistic in a game, then lets say that the next CoD game after Black Ops had this :

    1 Life - You could only die once, and then you could never play it again.

    Real Gore - A .50 Cal hits you in your leg, it's not going to be there the next second.

    Snipers - Corriolis Effect, Wind Speed, Gravity, Spotting, Distance, etc.

    Real Reloading - When you reload in Mw2, CoD4, etc. you take replace your clip that you have, but you keep the ammo that was still in the clip. Like, if I had a clip of 12/30 and reloaded with 100 Spare Rounds, my Spare Rounds would go down to 18. This would take away all of the ammo you still have in a clip.

    I honestly can't think of anything else right now, so if anyone would want to add on, please go ahead. Now, taking from that, isn't this realistic? Is THAT what you guys want? Games aren't supposed to be realistic, they're supposed to be fun. Quickscoping to me, is fun. That's why I do it, like I've stated many times before.

    @Wince : zzirGrizz I believe is the one who started the whole, "Quickscoping" idea. OpTic is a clan who Quickscopes in Clan Battles.

    @Shoreyo : "strange as normally the more experianced one would do the sniping..." Let me ask you this, would you really want to sit back and just target people? Not being able to kill any? Not being able to sit right under a tree and snipe some dude in the face and seeing the blood splatter out the back of his skull!?!? I know that I'd, HATE that. Also, you say that Treyarch makes guns more realistic, yet I haven't seen a Jamming gun, a backfire, etc.

    @BBS: So, I'm not the only one who thought that the snipers in W@W weren't registering?! THERE MUST BE A LORD!

  7. Why did people like zzirGrizz and the OpTic clan have to ruin these games?
    it really pisses me off when people like you, say that Optic and Grizz and others have RUINED an ASPECT of a game, not the game entirely.

    People like me? You mean people who want to play the game the way it's meant to be played and not be overburdened by a full team of quickscopers who think they're the next OpTic Predator? Alright, so say, people like me, want to One Man Army grenade launch. Not saying I do, just an example. So, you join a match and you get grenade launched by me. You're going to bitch and complain after the match aren't you?

    Hypocrisy is a huge part of gaming today. People enjoy grenade launchers, it's funny to watch that character fly through the air. Others despise it and hate that people use these features, then those people use it themselves. However, I don't try to be like OpTic or Grizz, I just do my own thing. I'll quickscope from time to time, but it's not a chronic thing for me. For them, it is.

    As for your point of "ruining an aspect of the game" they have done more than that. They've showed a flaw from the developers that will not be patched because it's so popular. Now you can't even join a match without encountering a quickscoper. This is in a sense "ruining the game" as I said above. However, you're right, Quickscoping is entertaining and you feel good after getting that shot, but how do you think your victim feels?

    Alright, I'll admit it, I went a bit out of line when I meant you and I apologize. As to your OMA + Noob Tube Example, yes I will bitch and complain, as the match is going on, and after the match because I know it's going to happen again. Also, how is the game meant to be played? By a sniper actually being a sniper and laying or sitting in one spot for God knows how long to finally get one kill? That's not fun, that's just boring.

    I agree with hypocrisy being a huge part of gaming today, because when something pisses you off, it's like a plague. Say I was MLC-ing, and it pissed you off, you'd probably do it the next round or RPG me or something, to try and get back at me. I don't try to be like OpTic or Grizz either, I think 360's and all that are overrated. I just quickscope, cause I think it's cool, fun and entertaining.

    Are quickscopers the only ones who've ruined a game like MW2? I would say not, I mean, we have MLC, OMA + Noobtubers, RPG-ers, and the list goes on and on! So quickscoping is popular, so what? I've run into a TON of Quickscopers who ultimately suck, and have only found a majority who are actually good and can hold their own. How do I think my victim feels? It depends. If the guy is actually good, and he's pulling off God-Like shots left and right, I'll watch my killcams and go, "Holy damn that guys good!" or, "Fuuuu- I wish I could do that!" and try and mimic or see what he did to get better. Like I said before, quickscopers most of the time ultimately suck, and are easy to kill and get points off of, you have to admit that you like ranking up and stuff, right?

    Ending thoughts :

    If this turns into a flame war, I'll call it quits. But for now, it's just my two cents and I hope I haven't started a flame war or anything.

  8. Why did people like zzirGrizz and the OpTic clan have to ruin these games?


    I quickscope, and honestly, I think it's fun. It provides even more longevity for any CoD game for me, and it's just hella fun.

    Infact, for me, Grizz and Optic have opened up a new way of playing for me.

    Even if SoH Pro doesn't work with Snipers, I'm going to quickscope anyway.

    Also, remember, this is a GAME not real fucking life! I'm sorry for the language, but it really pisses me off when people like you, say that Optic and Grizz and others have RUINED an ASPECT of a game, not the game entirely. Back to my point of it being a game where you're supposed to have fun and take your mind off real life (Keep this in mind, this is IMPORTANT.) quickscoping again, is fun and I love it when I get an amazing shot on someone.

    Sorry for the rant, but it's my two cents and I feel it needed to be said.

  9. ---Getting Info...







    -Weapon Type : Sub-Machine Gun (SMG)

    --Weapon : AKs-74u



    --Reflex Sight

    ---Diamond Outline



    -Weapon Type : Pistol

    --Weapon : M1911




    PERKS :

    -Tier 1


    -Tier 2

    --Sleight of Hand

    -Tier 3



    - Spy Plane (3)

    -- Napalm Strike (5)

    --- Valkyrie Rockets (7)


    Above is EVERYTHING I will unlock first.

    Depending on what level the AKs-74u is unlocked at, I'll be using whatever guns they give you at start until I have enough cP to buy my Havoc Bringer Class.


  10. Now knowing that the September 1st is just a stupid red carpet reveal, I'm dissappointed. Only allowing certain members of the community to play a game as hyped as this is a total let down, and I would expect more from trey. Unless they announce a Beta, I'm not as hyped as I would be. Will be watching the Ustream from Carbon though.

    Where can that be viewed? And does anyone know I treyarch is gonna put reveal footage up on their YouTube channel or something along those lines? My crappy of can't really handle live feeds.

    Carbon said he'll be updating the homepage so keep checking there.

  11. Now knowing that the September 1st is just a stupid red carpet reveal, I'm dissappointed. Only allowing certain members of the community to play a game as hyped as this is a total let down, and I would expect more from trey. Unless they announce a Beta, I'm not as hyped as I would be. Will be watching the Ustream from Carbon though.

  12. Heres mine.

    PS: The glow around the Co-Op mode is the "Selection" notifier.

    OMG! i just realized we put the exact same multiplayer image! great minds think alike! jk...heres my menu so u can see it

    Your pics not working mate.

  13. Hey mate, just my 2Cents on your "Poll."

    I don't think it's a good idea, since people can vote for themselves and I don't think that's real fair, since that ONE vote can win.

    Don't add a poll, just make everyone post their vote, which CANNOT be themselves.

    Not much to add, I just think it'll be much more fair.

  14. Here is mine, I may refine some stuff, but this is version 1.

    EDIT: Already made a change :D It would be best to view it in a new window, as you don't get the WaW guy from the site background showing through.

    http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j309/ ... 6/menu.jpg

    EDIT 2: Added something to the Co-op bit ;)

    Hey Mikeh, what dimensions did you use?

    I like the size, hope you don't mind me wanting to use it. :P

    PS: Everyone should post the dimensions they used (Height//Width) just incase.

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