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Posts posted by FieldMarshall

  1. Because I'm from the UK and they didn't call it SLR, despite being the SLR

    The SLR is just the UK version of the FAL. The gun in game is deffiatly the FN FAL.

    Explain to me how it is definatly the FN FAL then..

  2. Things to note:

    1. If the zombie maps come with the hardened edition, this means that the 2-4 player coop mode is stil undisclosed...I wonder what it could be...

    2. No one will ever obtain a Hardened edition because GameStop will have to close down having been sued for $9999999999999999999 by Treyarch for ruining the secret ;)

    3. Longest 88 days EVER


  3. Things i've noticed-

    -what appears to be illuminati code on the charging handle of the M16 (or whatever gun it starts out with), i havent had a chance to decode idk what you saw, but there isn't ANY illuminati symbol...

    -the buildings in the initial level are all numbered on the walls, leading me to think maybe secret military compound (area 51?)I really dont think so...

    -throughout the trailer it says H5- PE3 9932, not sure what this means

    -possible writing on FAMAS in the style of 'sally' near the rear TMH locking pin, (trigger mechanism housing)Nothing there that i saw...

    -lots of russian signs, which i cant read so i dont know if its a secret message or just something like 'warning danger of death'

    -writing on side of the first nuclear cylinder thing (technical name) at 1.01 could be russian or code, but it looks out of place either way as the writing is not then on the second one

    tell me if im right or wrong, its 0124 here so im kinda tired..

    also if you guys would submit anything you find here rather than in a new thread, to save space n all that


    I corrected you in red in the quote above^^^

    I dont mean to put you down but a lot of what you saw isnt true... I think you WANT there to be hints at Zombies, so you're SEEING hints at Zombies that arent really there... and trust me, i watched it in 720p on a 22" monitor, i didnt miss anything

    I watched it a half one in the morning on my phone. You win lol. But did you not see the numbered compounds on the walls of the first level? Where else can you think of other than like..a government scientific research centre would have that?

    oh also, @SoG Sean, I have absolutely no problem with you posting on my topics or critisizing me for what I've found if that's your opinion. However, that isnt your opinion, you are just pursuing a vendetta against me because i publically dont like you for what you did before. What you've done is agreed with the first person who disagrees with what I say so that you could possibly make some allies on here, whilst insulting me in the process. As well as being totally transparent you are also being a little bit ironic, seeing as you were the one who loved zombies so much that you pretended to be part of it. And as for why there would be zombies in multiplayer, maybe there were things in the trailer which won't be there in the game, that were solely there for hinting and for us to discover. Think before you post next time please.

  4. Things i've noticed-

    -what appears to be illuminati code on the charging handle of the M16 (or whatever gun it starts out with), i havent had a chance to decode

    -the buildings in the initial level are all numbered on the walls, leading me to think maybe secret military compound (area 51?)

    -throughout the trailer it says H5- PE3 9932, not sure what this means

    -possible writing on FAMAS in the style of 'sally' near the rear TMH locking pin, (trigger mechanism housing)

    -lots of russian signs, which i cant read so i dont know if its a secret message or just something like 'warning danger of death'

    -writing on side of the first nuclear cylinder thing (technical name) at 1.01 could be russian or code, but it looks out of place either way as the writing is not then on the second one

    tell me if im right or wrong, its 0124 here so im kinda tired..

    also if you guys would submit anything you find here rather than in a new thread, to save space n all that


  5. Cheese... Why are so quick to dismiss this as fake ?

    Lack of snazzy video?

    And yes please refrain from gay slander... You may offend a homo

    Do you remember the 'Fentna is a fake' thread from before? I think thats why everyone dismisses it as fake

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