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Posts posted by Donpedro

  1. Thanks for the help guys and battlefield has never been played by me much so i dont know if i will like it.

    On the PC, you will be able to try it out FOR FREE. There will be an open beta in september!

  2. I want to know is w@w or black ops better for pc and custom zombies since black ops is more and pay for the map packs that i already have for xbox. Also is w@w hacked on pc like xbox and ps3.

    Why would you buy Black Ops for the PC, if you aready have it on the Xbox? Buy Battlefield 3, it is going to be superior on the PC. See you on the battlefield at october 25th!

  3. Finally, a thread that makes me think (after all the sh!t about xy theories and so on...). Well, CoDWaW's DLCs were free mainly because Activision did not have a distribution system. Now they have one: Steam. In MW 2's case PC DLCs had the same release date as the PS 3. But now they don't talk about the PC release date, hmmm.....

    Case 1

    They simply do not dedicate enough resorces to deliver it on march for the PC. That's why they don't talk about it. Remember, when the PC version had stuttering lag, everyone kept his mouth shut, like the problem did not exist... => sadface

    Case 2

    PC sales are 1-5% of overall sales, so they don't look at it as a potential platform to get serious $$$$ from DLCs. Sooo they look for sponsors and release it for free. Maybe with even more delay comparing to the PS 3's release date. => happyface

    Plz Activision and Treyarch, please choose case 2! YAY! Would be so cool!

  4. Geez... I laugh at people who think that there is more to this easter egg after having a look at the mapscripts... The dude who ripped this script ripped it from an actual Xbox harddrive. Which means the game loads and uses THIS PARTICULAR file. So the ones saying something like "oh, Treyarch is smarter than that, the script proves nothing" plz GTFO ASAP. It's the same thing that happened after der riese. Oh there is more to this flytrap easter egg OHOHOHOHO. History repeats itself.

    Callofdutyzombies.com should be redirected to a blank page with huge red letters saying THE MYSTERY MAN EASTER IS OVER, THAT'S IT. GO BACK TO YOUR LIFE.

  5. Didn't find this topic until now, so i copy-paste my findings:

    CIA user accounts:

    vbush - majestic1 (Dreamland server)

    vbush - manhattan (CIA server)

    roppen - trinity

    wraborn - bromlow

    twalker - radi0

    tbrooks - lauren

    rnixon - checkers

    rkain - sunwu

    rjackson - saintbridget

    rhelms - lerosey

    lbjohnson - ladybird

    jturner - condor75

    jmccone - Berkley22

    jhudson - Bryant1950

    jfkennedy - lancer

    jbowman - uwd

    gweaver - gedeon

    fwoods - philly

    dking - mfk

    asmith - roxy

    amason - password

    Valid remote netoworks (rlogin):

    dreamland, dod, derriese, CIA

    Users of the derriese network:

    drmaxis, edward, erichtofen, nbelinski, peter, samantha, sophia, tdempsey, tmasaki

    For proof check this post: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=4344

  6. Hi there

    You know, in the SP main menu, you can stand up and access a lil' computer with a lil' black screen. On the system, there are lots of user accounts. There is a password associated with them. According to the CoD Wiki, not all of them was cracked (http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Category:CIA_User_Accounts). So i thought i would crack all the accounts using the PC players epic obvious superiority (naah, just kidding my fellow console mates :) ). I looked into the games memory map, and look what i have found:

    Well, those are the possible passwords for all the accounts (unfortunately, only on the CIA server...). After this, it was easy to figure out each account's password, here is the full list(i know some of them was already cracked):

    vbush - majestic1 (Dreamland server)

    vbush - manhattan (CIA server)

    roppen - trinity

    wraborn - bromlow

    twalker - radi0

    tbrooks - lauren

    rnixon - checkers

    rkain - sunwu

    rjackson - saintbridget

    rhelms - lerosey

    lbjohnson - ladybird

    jturner - condor75

    jmccone - Berkley22

    jhudson - Bryant1950

    jfkennedy - lancer

    jbowman - uwd

    gweaver - gedeon

    fwoods - philly

    dking - mfk

    asmith - roxy

    amason - password (LOL'd when i saw this)

    After this, i kept looking. And i found more interesting stuff. You know, there is this rlogin command, which attempts to log you in into a remote server.

    So the valid inputs (existing servers) for the rlogin commands are:

    dreamland, dod, derriese, CIA

    I dunno what this DoD server could be, any ideas?

    I saw in some topic that ppl were trying to crack into the derriese remote server, and they used lmaxis as a login name (logically). The said truth there is no user named like that on the der riese server (bummer, huh? :mrgreen: ). Proof:

    So what do we know? (Some of the?) Existing users on the derriese remote server:

    drmaxis, edward, erichtofen, nbelinski, peter, samantha, sophia, tdempsey, tmasaki

    That's all i've found. Unfortunately, i could not locate the password for the derriese accounts, neither anything for this mysterious DoD server (Day of Defeat maybe? Just kidding :D ).

    So. We have to figure out only one of derriese's accounts' password, because using that i can locate all the correspoding passwords.

    P.S: Plz gimme [brains] for my finds, and for this topic not being totally senseless and silly(like OMG THE WOMAN IN THE END OF THE CAMPAIGN COULD BE HITLER WADDAYATHINK)

    P.P.S: Someone should update the CoD Wiki :mrgreen:

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