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Posts posted by ArcanicBlood

  1. I was playing MOTD with some friends and we were about to finish the easter egg but then we got down and then rather than it turning into a game over we all went into spectate mode and we couldn't do anything. I'm posting this because I'm confused and was curious if it had happened to anyone else. Anyone?

  2. Hey guys im starting up a new clan and its called FreeBorn (FB for short). I used to be a member of OpTic and they ripped me off so now im making a new clan and i need people to join. I need anyone that is awesome with snipers and assault rifles. And this is a PS3 clan so if you wish to join message me and ill get back to you. Thanks

  3. yea i use stakeout alot like my strategy is you wait till you and the other person get about 3000 and then open up the doors where the stairs are and then wait where the mp40 and stakeout are till after the dogs leave then open the other doors leading to the place where you turn on the power and stay there for a couple rounds then turn on the power, link the pad, and then just run the rest of the time.

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