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Posts posted by BBS

  1. I don't see any extra stars either.

    It clearly shows more than 50 stars...

    Well I disagree, nothing you can really do to prove it anyways since it's not that clear.

  2. 1) This should be posted in the main thread

    2) Don't act like this is some definitive answer.

    3) Weapons are manufactured in a factory?

    Seriously, why would treyarch be hinting that. I think it's pretty obvious that a weapons factory would produce weapons.

  3. Probably already discovered by someone else, but...


    Sorry, but this was discovered and it was confirmed that FPSRussia that the Tacitus COD and FPSRussia are referring to, has nothing to do with the LLC, or the Website, orrr the Roman Emperor. Good Luck Next Time, hopefully we can figure this mystery out!

    When did he say the Website has nothing to do with it? I just checked all his tweets and he only denied it involving the Roman guy.

    It can't be a coincidence that this website launches the same day Treyarch teases tacitus.

  4. The MP7 could just be a placeholder, just like the map and everything else in the that picture. They be using a older model of the MP7 that IW used in earlier builds of MW3.

    I think it's fake though. The map looks like it might be from some modded cod4 map (It has a similar texture quality to cod4.) And this early into production they wouldn't make separate mini maps, they would just take a screenshot of a overhead of the map and put it as the mini map for now (See: MW3 Spec Ops trailer). Plus the mini map doesn't seem to match with the map on the screen.

    Everything in this just screams COD4. The smoke and frag grenade symbol is taken from cod4 also, the shield has a cod4 texture quality. The shotgun that is protruding from the right of the shield looks cod4 quality.

    The text in the "Hold X to pick up" looks like it is just some generic photoshop text also.

    Many questionable things, 98% chance it's fake. If it is real, it must be from at least 4 months ago since they would be way behind schedule if it is recent.

  5. I will say this, asside from the EA and Activision war, I have a personal issue with Infinity Ward. They treat Treyarch like a second-rate developer, going out of their way to publicly humiliate them. They have came out an said that thier maps and mulitplayer games are "overly complicated" and have intentionally left out everything Treyarch had put into Black Ops (dolphine diving, CP, heavy forms of customisation) and have instead choosen to place in the same mechanics that they placed in Modern Warfare 2 and insist there was nothing wrong with them even though that game almost killed CoD.

    The way I see it, Treyarch had surpassed Infinity Ward the moment they outsold them in Pre-Orders alone.

    They never said their game are are overly complicated. They never bashed treyarch. And I do agree that they don't incorporate enough of treyarch's innovations, but they will incorporate much more in MW3, wait till the reveal.

  6. My Thoughts: A Zombies live action series for COD:Elite. We have confirmation on a live action call of duty series ( http://kotaku.com/5829541/from-the-director-of-alien-blade-runner-new-content-for-call-of-duty-elite ) This could be what they are working on.

    My other thought on what this could be is that it will be a standalone zombies game. The reason why i say this is because it looks like Activision might need a call of duty game for 2012. We have mw3 in 2011, made by sledgehammer and IW. Sledgehammer was already working on their own game, which probably would have been released in 2012. Since they stopped working on that, i doubt it will be ready by 2012. I also assume treyarch would be scheduled to release a game in 2013. Gaving them a 3 year release schedule for the first time. Now since treyarch has 3 years to make a game, activision probably fingures they can make treyarch scrap together a zombies game in 1 1/2 years. This game would probably be the COD equivalent to ODST for halo. That being said, activison is extremely secretive about their game. So i dont know why treyarch would be teasing it. Unless if treyarch is just doing it for the lulz.

    That verbal diarrhea that just came out of my mouth probably makes no sense. It 3:30 at night so im half asleep so im not even going to bother proofreading.

    tl;dr Don't read this. Its not worth your time.

  7. Lol and that crawler at the end looks extremely real.
    I can't wait for everyone to rage about how there are new characters.

    I can't wait for everyone to rage about how there are new characters.

    And creepy crawlies are somewhat confirmed, you can see it during that flash at 2:45. I dont want to say they are completely confirmed, because it doesn't look like actual gameplay. It looks like its CG.

    No original characters. I see Tank Dempsey clear as day and I think I see Richtofen too.

    I know what scene your talking about with Tank, but if that is him he looks incredibly generic. I think i see a scene with Nikoli, but its hard to tell. The reason i thought they were new is because of the scene in the beginning where a guy is looking at the space suit, he looks really generic. But it could be Takeo.

  8. There was a different part where Creepy crawlers were definitely seen in the map. So they are confirmed :/ Maybe the new perk is a gas mask to prevent them?

    In the loading screen there is; Speed Cola, Monkey Bombs, Pack a Punch, and the Thunder Gun. Hmmm, so maybe we will see the thunder gun again. There is also some other trivial stuff, but i dont think any of it has any significance.

  9. I can't wait for everyone to rage about how there are new characters.

    And creepy crawlies are somewhat confirmed, you can see it during that flash at 2:45. I dont want to say they are completely confirmed, because it doesn't look like actual gameplay. It looks like its CG.

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