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Posts posted by nayrcraig

  1. Five has always been a map I've enjoyed, There are many training areas and the elevators can make great camping spots. I'm usually stuck down in the "Pig room" (Room with the claymores and live pig) as my other friends take war room and elevators.

  2. When you are playing solo you can pick up multiple plane parts, but on multiplayer each player can only hold one each.

    On both solo and multiplayer you can pick up multiple "Buildable" parts and can assemble them at any table. You must first have all pieces to start assembly and there are only 2 buildables.

    I hope that clears up any questions you have on picking up things :D

  3. As some of you may have noticed when you go down there is a chance that the characters sometimes get a bit of time to collect there thoughts and speak there mind, often telling a little bit more about there life before Alcatraz.

    I have been collecting these "monologs" and am going to share them with you here and in a little while I am hoping to post a Bio for each character based on these and other quotes said in the trailers and through the maps

    Each character seems to have 2 of these and I will list all the ones I have found and update when I get the last few. Anyone hoping to hear these in game, they seem to activate when you go down far away from your teammates, when the game thinks it is unlikely you will be revived (credit to MMX for bringing that to my attention)


    "You worked hard to get where you are Sal, all those years of pulling and pushing those guys into shape, teaching them the value of respect. You had to kiss ass to all those creeps in city hall, the mayor’s office and worst of all, Chicago’s finest. They were all to happy to take your money, kickback after kick back, bribe after bribe. Where were they when you really needed them? You worked hard to get where you where Sal. On the outside, where you where, not where you are now"

    "What do you think will be waiting for you when you get out Sal? Do you think the city will be just as you left it? Can you trust your lutenants to keep order, to keep peace? You know the answer to that don’t you Sal? You know human nature, you know what greed can do. They’ll fight like rats over every scrap of turf, every nickel and dime. The only thing waiting for you is chaos. Is that really what you want?"


    “It’s ironic isn’t it Billy, the harder you try not to feel anything the more it actually hurts. You use to think you could push it all onto someone else, someone who actually deserved it, so many victims, so much pain, but you can’t push it away can you? Even when you hurt other it doesn’t make it stop does it. You got to just accept what you are Billy, a monster. ”

    “Daddy had no idea did he billy, just a hard working Joe tiring to put food on the table for his wife and son. He though he was the only one bringing money into the house, he had no idea what was really going on. You knew didn't you, you saw and you heard everything, Even as a lost little boy, you knew what the truth would do if it ever came out. It had to end some time billy, you just happened to be the one who ended it.”


    "It’s always the dames isn’t it, it’s like they have a f***ing sixth sense that leads them right onto your blind spot. Anglia, how f***ing stupid can you get. She was an actress Finn, saying things she didn’t mean was a way of life to her. She never loved you, she was only interested in what you could do for her. Not only did you marry her but you let her know the ins and outs of your business, you shared details Finn, you should have known better. Secrets are there for a reason pal."

    "Everything here is just a numbers game isn't it Finn. Just like back outside, all those years at the track, waiting until the last second before you would lay down the cash that would swing the odds in your favor. Every time you would take it right down to the wire, you're use to taking chances Finn, there is no thrill like it is there?. What now though, ain't no playback operations gonna change the odds. Are you still a betting man Finn? Wanna bet on how all this will end"


    "Rejection hurts, but it’s not the worst is it Albert? What really hurts is to be ignored, you know how that fells better than anyone don’t you. Sure they want your skills, your expertise but only on their terms they don’t care what else you have to offer, how different you could be if only they noticed you. Is that why you lie to them? Why you promise thing you can’t deliver? Be careful Al one day your promises may come back to bite ya."

    "Are you scared AL? You should be, if they don’t suspect you already they will soon and then what? What will you do when the truth’s reviled, when your whole house of cards comes tumbling down? Will you confess or will you run? Where will you run Albert? All around the mulberry Bush. There’s nowhere to run nowhere to hide, you know there’s one way this is going to end AL. Poor, poor weasel."

  4. I wouldn't consider ANY of those side quests but just things that you can do. Besides, "side quest" is an erroneous term. Side Mission is the correct term.

    -_- you must annoy your friends a lot lol

    No need to get offensive Applesauce, MMX was just trying to help the OP.

    Although when watching a game back in theatre mode I noticed it said "quest item" beside one of the plane part when it was picked up so the main EE is a side quest, the smaller objectives may be side missions or just other things to do depending on what you want to call them.

    Personally Getting the retriever and golden spork are the only main one i would consider "side missions" where as all others are just parts of the main quest or further steps in these side missions

  5. 1st skull-By jugg in the tree

    2nd skull-on the roof

    3rd skull -Docks 3rd pillar

    4th skull-in a toliet by spawn....damn those swirls\

    5th skull- in the office on the telephone pole

    Every time i try to do those skulls i forget about the first one near jug, I was convinced the Blundergat had glitched out once because it didn't appear :oops:

  6. It seems the "loop" the 4 in der rise are stuck in seems to be caused by Richthofen wanting them to complete the tasks for him, and the loop the 4 in MOTD experience is a sort of purgatory.

    They are both clearly stuck in a loop but I don't think the loops are connected, what is connected is the cause of the loops. Whoever controls the zombies are creating these loops, witch shows that they have power over time and space as well.

    The result of the loops I have not yet though about too much

  7. I don't think there is enough around Alcatraz to connect it to the cult of the flesh in any way. There is no mention of the cult and most of the rituals and sacrifices show satanic patterns rather than a group of people that have turned to eating zombie flesh to survive.

    Also, this cult seemed to be formed after a world-wide zombie out break and didn't exist until then. The out break in Alcatraz is confined to the island and takes place long before any sort of large scale breakout.

  8. He can lock traps. and there is another side quest, obtain the hell's redeemer.

    I've never seen him lock traps but I know he doesn't need to lock the traps to get the achievement, only perks, box, buildables and plane

  9. I didn't want to have to say it like this, but since this thread has now been labeled "blasphemous" I feel I must...

    BO:2 is for fanboys. Plain and simple. The reason so many out there like this new map and think it's the greatest is because of the quests, but Zombies did not start out with these quests, they've been added in as the Zombie popularity grew. Treyarch is thinking the quests make Zombies popular, so they're modeling their new maps to please these quest seeking fanboys and alienating the true slayer fans in the process.

    This is the real blasphemy.

    It's so clear to me, but I suppose the fanboys won't be able to see it. For example:

    Alluva sudden we have illuminated parts in MotD, big difference from the parts in TranZit and Die Rise. So, it's Treyarch saying, "Here's the part, get it." and furthermore you're given a list of all the parts on your game ending screen. They're telling you what parts you need. They're obviously wanting you to do the quest, making the quests easier, actually.

    Coming from a quest seeking fanboy's eyes, that's awesome. I get that, you're a fanboy, you like the quests, you're happy, but your happiness has cost me my enjoyment because I can't play MotD and just slay, I have to do some quest related things in order to get the setup I need for slaying. Such a shame because I really do like how MotD looks, I don't entirely mind the map's layout, either...It's not the easiest for slaying, but it could be worked around. Now we add in the perk issue and it's broken. It's not impossible, but it's so much bullshit effort that I'd much rather just play TranZit or any of the awesome maps from BO:1.

    So, go ahead fanboys. Revel in your victory. Zombies won't be the first thing you've destroyed for the real fans.

    Well maybe I am a fanboy...but what does that mean,

    What is a fanboy?

    Is it a bad thing?

    and why am I a fan boy for liking the changes they are making to the maps?

  10. Personally I disagree, I like having new challenges and even some small objectives like feeding the dogs to get the hells retriever.

    I also loved playing Der Riese and Kino back in W@W and BO but now I want some thing different, not more of the same. Having challenges to get perks make the game more interesting and fun for me and having to play without perks while I wait to get another afterlife to turn them on or enough points to unlock them after the wardens been on his run is a good thing for me, makes thing a bit different each game.

    Having the doors cost more makes me concentrate on getting points at the start of games and think more about were I really want to go and what I really want to get. Holding off hoards of zombies while waiting for a perk to come down the elevator is better for me than getting a perk then kitting the zombies for the rest of the round,

    But maybe I find fun in different things and what I like isn't in the spirit of zombies but Regardless I want zombies to keep getting harder and I want there to be more to do than just, turn on power, get perks and guns from one spot, kill zombies. If they kept making the same sort of maps I would have got board.

  11. well in that case I would like to apologize for suggesting that the video might have been fake, the lack of footage or even achievement mislead me.

    But on another note i really didn't like the way he was talking in that video, is figuring out the achievement by ourselves really a bad thing?

    But we have went there before, Congrats to them for getting the first video of the ending I suppose

  12. sooo basically your mad cuz the ending wasnt up to your standards? lol you dont even kno what led to it tho

    I'm not mad, I just though the lack of explanation or even an achievement looked a bit strange. I'm sorry if it seemed like i was raging because that is not at all how I intended to come across.

    And if I was one of the people you were referring too tac I'm sorry, personally I don't see it as they have spoilt it in any way, if codz had found it and uploaded a video to youtube would we have ruined it? They clearly labeled the video and promised to upload the steps, so they aren't even keeping it to themselves

  13. I'm not saying it is fake but Could the "kill" sign and the "life over" screen not be edited to look like that?

    There doesn't seem to be much proof that they did solve it, and I would expect more than a "game over" screen when we complete the Side-quest

    But I'll guess we will find out once they post the steps.

    PTG wants recognition, they wouldn't fake a video for it.

    Not telling who, but info has been spread that they've been invited by Treyarch, and they told all the steps of the way.

    Yea, well i was just hoping for more of an "ending"

  14. I'm not saying it is fake but Could the "kill" sign and the "life over" screen not be edited to look like that?

    There doesn't seem to be much proof that they did solve it, and I would expect more than a "game over" screen when we complete the Side-quest

    But I'll guess we will find out once they post the steps.

  15. One of my friends i was playing with claims to have heard Nicolai talking while playing as weasel, as of now i cant confirm this but he said he heard some Russian mumbling and then "Wheres my vodka"

    I'm going to go into theater to check soon but has anyone else experienced this?

  16. On a side note, does anyone know how to get back to the GG Bridge? We're stuck in the game now because we can't Pack-A-Punch anymore... There's no plane parts we could pick up, nothing.

    Once you finish the round you can find fuel bottles to "re-fuel" the plane

    And as for building the plane I had loads of fun trying to solve all the puzzles, the one in the warden's office took the longest but we got it after following the wires back to the generators.

  17. Just finished playing the map for about 3-4 hours straight, taking a little break now

    So far i am loving the map, got use to the map quicker than i thought i would, not as confusing as die riese. I haven't got a chance to look into them yet but story elements look really cool. Writing on wall and noticeboards ect.

    Game-play wise i love it, getting death machine from the box was a fantastic surprise and I can't wait to P-A-P it. Plane was really fun to build, solving the puzzles to get each piece and working out how to open the door on the roof. Not having a power switch was strange at first but once I realized everything was permanently activated and there was levers that let you use the afterlife without losing perks I loved the new power mechanic.

    Overall playing with 2 other friend it has been by far the most enjoyable first experience of a map pack I've ever had.

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