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Posts posted by nayrcraig

  1. in ascension i think the bowie knife is being replaced with a sickle as the bowie knife only appears in German maps

    and when you see Nikolia and the Richthofen guy on the lunar lander thing in the vid of new maps (worst description ever but you get the point right) in the back ground you can see a sickle outlined (thanks to dubz for this)

  2. also i no this is quite weak but there is the possibility of someone travailing forward in time then back maybe using this gun or something

    and why would 3arc put it a large tower that is either damaged or being constructed

    i don't think 3arc would put something that is easy to see and resembles a well known tower in Berlin just to throw us off or something

  3. I'm suprised we didnt give anti more brains for this, it makes sense, but to be fair, since all these new guys have turned up they jsut ignore all the factual stuff and go, "OMG ROFL LOOK AT THIS I SAID IT FIRST!!!!1!11!" ok ok we get it... this always happenes when the new cod comes out, this site is full of thinkers, then when black ops came out it was swamped by 5 year olds [brains]

    That's why we need another WWK!

    im sorry if ive sounded like one of these 5 year olds but now the more i look into this the more it makes sense and the harder it is to find too many problems

    although it started with just the face tattoo there is also multiple other things it could tie up

    but im not total convinced yet i do give you brains and will look more into both sides of this theory

  4. Their status as 'scars' is questionable.

    You'll notice that the prominent, apparent 'scar' on the nose is actually an open wound.

    Plus, there is BLACK BRUISING around all the injuries on Clarke's face, suggesting they are quite recent.

    If they are recent, it means they have not yet developed into scars.

    They might never have developed into scars.

    now in this comment you explain that clark was killed and brought back to life with out a brain

    there is no way to control zombies with out a brain

    I ALSO proposed the idea that some of his brain (or enough of) was certainly left intact.

    But Nayrc, I pose a problem to your idea of a brain nescessity...

    You suggest that a single bullet to the brain, renders a corpse unable to zombify...


    What happens when I shoot a zombie in the head in Nazi Zombies, once?

    Hey presto, it SURVIVES!

    And CONTINUES to be a zombie.

    Thus showing it is capable of being a zombie without having a complete brain.


    ok i admit you are right in that they might not be scars but i did NOT say you need a brain to be zombiefied as i fully support you idea that they can be zombies but what i am suggesting is to be controlled they need a brain but i will look over the facts again and see if i can find anything else

    i realise these do not rule out Clark being the thief but i would like to also point out when it comes down to the line all you have to say he is the thief is that the equisions are the same on both faces

    why do you blevie that clark is the so badly?

  5. ok first this whole thing as far is i am aware is based on the writing on his face. you pointed out about the identical writing on his face and clamied it was immediatly proven

    Even with those identical features, the identity of the Thief is IMMEDIATELY proven.

    and yes i agree the writing is identical


    http://i1117.photobucket.com/albums/k60 ... ised_c.jpg

    the pentagon theift(without glasses)

    http://i1117.photobucket.com/albums/k60 ... head_c.jpg

    and then you whent further and pointed out

    - CLARKE has GREY hair | THIEF has GREY hair (intel - "Hair:Grey")

    - THIEF is a SCIENTIST | CLARKE is a scientist (intel - "[Clarke] was outset from various SCIENTIFIC communities")

    - CLARKE has hair on the TOP and SIDES of his head | THIEF has hair on TOP and SIDES of his head

    - CLARKE has a moustahce and short beard | THIEF has prominent stuble around the mouth!

    - CLARKE is a part of project NOVA | THIEF related to NOVA (Can't remember why now....)

    and agian i agree

    -there is a bit of stubble and hair in the same place and coulor(although whitened with age witch i will come to later)proven by pics,

    -they are both scientist proven by clothes/intel,but

    -the nova gas thing is a bit weak i see no connection with the theif and nova gas but i undestand you had a reson you frogot would you care to share that with us or this point will not be noted

    but now my point

    if you compare there faces you can see clark has a few scars ect. missing from the theifts face

    should this not be as much proof as the writing

    now for the doubt people have been posting

    Clarke is dead"

    Zombification. The game is full of it

    "There is no bullet hole on the Thief"

    The bullet hit him where there IS HAIR covering it on the Thief.

    The Thief's hair covers his wound.

    "Clarke was shot in the brain. Zombies need brains"

    An entirely unsupported claim. No where in Nazi Zombies does it say Zombies need a brain.

    They are UNDEAD. Their brains have long rotted away.

    now in this comment you explain that clark was killed and brought back to life with out a brain

    now i think this may be your biggest down fall

    "Zombies are dumb. Thief takes guns"

    As we hear on the radios, they are trying to control the zombies.

    The thief is a good example of a success.

    "Thief is in the wrong time"

    Time travel. Also present in the game

    as far as i am aware both of these are WRONG

    a. first the only teleporter we no of that can time travlle is the one created in der riese notice when a zombie gose near one being activated it is killed? a zombie can not travle throuhg a teleporter capable of time travle (note that the ones in five cant time travle)

    there is no way for zombie to time travle

    b.yes, kino was used to brainwash the zombies and controle them BUT listen carfully to the radios

    part of one of the radios in kino"In the past weeks, we have made great strides in breaking through to their subconscious."

    now what is need to have a subconscious? a [brains]

    there is no way to control zombies with out a brain

    so i ask you again

    why is the Thief is in the wrong time?

    Zombies are dumb.how can the theif take guns if he is a brainless zombie?

    why does clark have scars on his face that the theift dosn't?

    there is more but that will do for now

  6. NAYRC...

    I have been FAR AWAY from ANY computer over the last week.

    I tried to look back over your doubts, but they are ALL OVER the place.

    Could you PLEASE compile all your evidance to suggest Clarke IS NOT the Thief.

    And I will look into them to see if they are valid.

    sorry i got a bit annoyed so i will post all my info or what ever you whant to call it now

    sorry for getting annoyed

  7. Now stop posting your doubts.

    i have posted pefectly good PROOF and have not used one bit of doubt in any of my posts but you completly ignore the good arguments and shoot down the easier ones to make your theory look better.

    and it is a THEORY not a discovery

    now please could you look at my post and give a good reason why i am wrong and there is still a possablety your THEROY could be right.

  8. U kno how wen u start up kino Richtofen say" this place could hold the true goals of group 935" and if u look at kino's bio its says" twist and clues could lead to the master plan" so wat is this master plan of 935 and wat r their true goals I think we really need to search into dis more and we still have to keep looking in der riese cuz treyarch has said we still haven't found all the Easter eggs that lead to story so we gotta starting who's wit me :shock:

    if you are on xbox ill play with you gt:nayrcraig

  9. 2 -"Clarke is dead"

    = Zombification. The game is full of it

    7- "Clarke was shot in the brain. Zombies need brains"

    = An entirely unsupported claim. No where in Nazi Zombies does it say Zombies need a brain.

    They are UNDEAD. Their brains have long rotted away.

    In pretty much every-zombie related piece of media, zombies need a brain to operate and one can only become a zombie by being bitten before death.

    However, I don't really believe that the thief is a zombie. I mean, he doesn't have any wound marks that I can recall.

    no, apart from a small blood stain and slight rip on his shirt pocket there is no wounds

  10. you mean richtofen that you play as?

    i supose five could be after the events of the other maps witch i havent considered befor

    a bit far feched but still a theory with proof.

    Well Five has to take place in 63 before the JFK assassination and after the Cuban Missile Crisis. Because JFK is still alive and the talk about the Missile Crisis in the opening video. Apparently Kino der Toten takes place in 1950. (On the comic before Kino the teleporter dates go 1941 1943 1950.) So the dates add up to as if it is Richtofen he would be 13 years older. And yes I do mean the Richtofen you play as. This is just a Theory because there is really no solid answer as to who the Pentagon Thief is.

    the exact date kino is on is 1965-1969 as the Berliner Fernsehturm(the tower you can see from the alleyway) was constructed between 1965-1969 and in the map it is clearly under construction

    sorry but that might rule out richtofen but this time travle is confusing shit

  11. just a few more qustions

    is clark part of group 935?

    if so how and do you have proof?

    and if not how do you explain the 935 logo on his bag?

    this suports the ludwig theroy more than the clark one so im starting to have my doubts

    http://i1117.photobucket.com/albums/k60 ... body_c.jpg

    check pic if you dont belive me

    he is also part of illuminati witch disaproves both theroys

    This is correct. [brains] to you man. This actually means it may be Richtofen:

    1. Part of group 935

    2. Part of Illuminati

    3. In Kino der Toten you see a film that has a scientist wearing a lab coat and it has E A R in the lower corner. Edward A. Richtofen?

    4. Picture of Richtofen in Pentagon. Why is there a picture of a crazy Nazi/Illuminati in the Pentagon?

    I'm still not sure who it is for sure, but the more I learn the more Richtofen seems most likely.

    you mean richtofen that you play as?

    i supose five could be after the events of the other maps witch i havent considered befor

    a bit far feched but still a theory with proof.

  12. I have to say now that I read over this it is a very smart and well thought out theroy but i still am finding it hard to see why he is stealing your guns or fits into the story at sll but i will look into that myself I'm not saying it is 100% correct but it is a large in my mind untill PROVEN otherwise not doubted

    How could his older self time travel or atleast actually exist if he was shot in the brain a long time ago? Dont say he altered the time line since this so-called "future Clarke" had no contact with the normal Clarke since if he did then Clarke from the future would have told our current dead Clarke he was about to be assasinated a long time ago and would have actually survived or maybe avoid being captured by hudson in the first place

    And some people need to read through the fourm a bit he was zombiefied after his brains where blown out (zombies don't need brain)

    So as a zombie would not be able to contact or comnicate with his past self

  13. i like your theory but can i ask a few questions about the nature of the thief and please answer clearly as i would like to believe you on this theory

    1. do you have a theory on why he is stealing your guns?

    2. do you no how he got to the pentagon and when he was zombiefied?

    3. do you no why he looks older in the pentagon?

    if you can give me a good answer to all of these questions i will believe your theory

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