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Posts posted by nayrcraig

  1. I have a suggestion. I think we should have an Easter playdate. (not on Easter Day though) There could be challenges to see who can complete the Easter eggs the fastest or something like that.

    Ha ha ha

    I'm loving this idea acually, meaby I could finally get shangri-la and the full moon EE done

  2. I'm too young to understand most of this, buy I'm going to speak my mind and I hope I don't offend anyone

    The way I see it is carbon's put a lot if money into this site to keep it add free, from what covert is saying i would think he wants to keep it that way, but noone seems to be able to support it like he could,

    I cant say this is how it is but to me it is how it looks

    Now I've said I'm young and I don't understand how much £80 a week is or how much adds pay but I, like everyone else want the best here so I hope you can work it out, I just wanted to have my say

  3. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=68&t=19044

    Absolute vs. Relative truth, you say? :D

    Anyway, I like the discussion. There should be some line, but hey, do we really know anything?

    exctly :twisted:

    i loved that thread especially Faust's comment, i had never actually thought about his point and now i do all the time :lol:

  4. I just really do not know where we can draw a line stating "this is strictly for gameplay" and "this is story related".

    i don't think that line can ever be strictly drawn as this game isn't a reality, if 3arc make a mistake on one map that doesn't add up they can still publish that mistake and we will then have to disregard it or change the story to fit it

    although if we look at it as a game then it is impossible to link up theroys as you said so that is why i hate looking into this sort of thing too deeply we are just going to confuse every thing

    please disregard this comment as a serious statement as i am not good at looking into this sort of thing and talking about it

    i think i might be going into some of the Absolute vs. Relative Truth stuff as well but if you want to discuss it i will try my best to make more sense :lol:

  5. Yes you could think that it does not matter, but then to be fair we should really decide that nothing matters.

    Dismissing this, would be lazy.

    We need an explanation, you can not just look at any wrinkles in what we thought we knew and just dismiss it by saying that it does not matter because it does not fit with what we already have.

    People have so many interesting theories about the Wonder Weapons, well if none of these guns matter because Sam can just pull them from anywhere, then none of those guns matter either. It really is that simple.

    but if we find an explanation for the guns being in this time for zombies then that also has to apply for campaign as well

    so it can not be anything super natural,

    a.there must be a natural, logical explanation for them appearing in campaign so that same solution would work in zombies


    b.we can dismiss it as it would restrict the choice of guns for campaign/zombie/multiplayer

    either option you chose it doesn't affect anything elses meaning and nither is "being lazy" as there are no other option imho

  6. Quite simple actually. The box is not controlled by are hero's but rather by Sam. Sam pretty much see's the guns as "toys" for are hero's to use, and like most little kids she picked the "toys" that seemed the coolest. Given the fact that Sam was some what of a omnipotent being, she had the power to put guns in the box that were not even invented yet simple because she wanted to. So theoretically any guns from any point of time can be used in zombies even if they are horribly out dated or not even invented yet!

    This is a good explanation but the wepons being in the wrong time era has nothing to do with the zombies timeline as they conflict with the campain timeline aswell

  7. hey, i remember seeing you around a a while ago,

    you probable dont really know me :lol: im not a very "well known" vet

    I remember you.

    You had posted that AMAZING synopsis about Richtofen, right?

    Good read, and all of it is 100% plausible.

    Lovin' the welcome messages,


    yea that was one of my better threads, haven't been doing too many recently, but got something big planned

    nice too see you back

  8. Just a few things that I learnt from SAMs quotes I thought i would share

    When you are in the pyramid you are in aether

    Killing zombies gives who ever is in the pyramid more power

    Killing every last zombie will still not defeat whoever is in the pyramid(not really sure how to word that one)

    And I remember a quote that was either

    "I can hear the voices in this body now"


    "I can hear the voiced in this body too"

    Or something along those lines

    And btw why would you fear immorality

  9. So your still working away at that list, some nice work there

    I always thought it was possable that peter created the perks in verrauckt as they are the first appear there and peter was doing 115 reashearch there (acually I belive that Peter testing the perks on mental inmates is what cause the outbreack)

    But I definatly think they where originally intended to be for public use as 935's goals was to improve the human condition and because the have theme tunes and posters, although some theme tunes are directly related to zombies so...

  10. What if....

    Perhaps Dragons fire....could be a weapon (obviously)

    Possibly a new weapon of mass destruction? Like the power of the SUN DESTRUCTION!?

    But then again, earth is pretty much fried.....

    i though it might be reference to the p-a-p Olimpia or "hades" as the spaz-12 incendiary shots are called dragons breath

    and hades is the god of the under world right

    beware the wrath of the god of the under world, how does that sound?

  11. just finished an major update

    *re-wrote a few section

    *added some pics

    *put into colored sections

    *added/took away some bits

    but the ideas and theory are still the same its just re-worded and looks better

    thanks for your feed back before and i hope you like this new format

    if anyone can get a pic of the bottom of the pyramid or the dials in the mud room it would be greatly appreciated

    thank you and good night

  12. Then maybe you and I should talk more in the future DarkJolteon. I am a theorist, and I mainly theorize about how the technology in 'Zombies' actually works.

    great not as many theorist round now as there use to be

    i hope to talk more with you on the forums

  13. i like this theory, personally i think the earth hasn't been destroyed although i still think the rockets may have ben targeted to destroy a certain part of the earths crust but that's a different theory altogether

    but just one thing...

    jeez they went a few millennium's back in Shangri La, a matter of months wouldn't be a stretch.

    when did they go back millenniums, there is a fairly modern radio both during the eclipse and in the time our heros are first there

    Yes but that's during the eclipse. When they first teleport and Richtofen's original trip, they are thousands of years ago. The Rock hadn't hit yet.

    when? when you play there or when Richthofen goes there in the moon radios?

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