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Posts posted by zombies

  1. I already dont like this map pack. The only map that actualy looks good is stadium. How many times will developers hear that weather does not equal a good map. Yet they insist to make kowloon, which will just be awful, unless of course you are inside the entire time.

    I will try and stay optomistic, but the maps on Black Ops are far worse than any other Cod. It is just hard to have fun.

    Agreed ;)

  2. So i heard about the new map pack thats coming out on february 1st i think. And they said that its gonna cost 1200 POINTS! I kinda think thats rediculas for the reason that all the other ones costed 800 points which was resonable. But now it went up 400 POINTS! The only reason i can think of them making it more points is because it 4 multiplayer maps instead of three. What do you think?

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