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Posts posted by Strwrsbob

  1. I bet that would be the time it would go live on the CallOfDuty.com site, so it would most likely air on the basketball games a few minutes ahead, and then they'll post it on the site. Still, good to get time! thanks!

  2. I've sent an email to the link on the site, asking him if he knows of any COD viral marketing, or prototype quadrotors.

    Upon further research, this man DOES exist, and has run a few companies in the past. he has 374 linkedin connections, so I do not think that he is some kind fake person created for the viral. Hopefully I get a response.

  3. looks metallic... almost futuristic...

    FPS Russia did a video with the drone where he says "This won't be available for 10 year." It is believed that FPSRussia is working with Activision on this, and... I can't help but wonder if BO2 could see some action in the furutre...

    Also, MVG teased "Big news" on May 1st, so I don't think we will get exactly what we expect...

  4. The official viral site for the Next COD game has gone live. It features the "soldier" background, with different windows marked as "Classified", each with a date when they will unlock. There is a timer counting down, in seconds, to the march 1st reveal.


    Diffrent classified panels, one opening each day!


    So, my first reaction to this is that each day we will get another picture unlocked, and eventually we will have to assemble them. You can drag the windows around, so it's possible we'll have to assemble something.

    Things of note:

    - The background is the same soldier used in the gamestop promotions

    - You can drag each classified window

    - Each window has a date when it will unlock

    - The timer counts down in Seconds

    I'll keep this updated each stop of the way!

    DAY 1:

    The basis of this is that this image seems to confirm a drone, with a gun on the bottom, and a self destruct function. It is believed to be a killstreak.


    Day 2:

    Here is Day 2's image

    Also, from @PrestigeIsKey

    Also, FPS Russia confirms Tacitus IS NOT the site.

    Day 3:

    Here is a new image, a code. LETS GET TO WORK!

    Numbers are






    Day 4:

    Day 5:

    Believed to be the Avenger drone

    Also, a video wYQHpGcrZ5U

    Day 6:

    Day 7:


    Day 8:


    Looks like a veteran to me, notice the old hands and medal display cases. Also, the triangle display case would have a folded American flag in it, either given as a gift or from the casket of another fallen soldier.

    Day 9:

    An old friend


  5. Zombies is coming, like Alpha said. I would point to a May reveal, because I think they need to keep promote MW3 and the Elite content season while they can. Black Ops was announced / viraled so early because sentiment for MW2 was very low at the time, and IW was also going through legal troubles with IW. Activision wanted to get the attention somewhere else.

    I think Black Ops 2 will be announced later, but still soon. Soon, soon we will get our zombies back.

  6. Zombies started in WAW, and was HUGE for the time. this was before COD was "Big" but yet the WAW map packs still sold over a million copies, which was HUGE.

    Black ops continued zombies, arguably in a diffrent style, but it was not an experiment.

    Zombies will continue in BO2, hopefully in an even larger fashion

  7. For those who don't know who Telixion is, he's the first guy who noticed a story developing in zombies (The damned TELIXION Theory!)

    Good ideas, However I think if they make DOA 2 they should make it a bit easier to understand, I couldn't ever get into it because it seems like the progression felt a bit random, and I couldn't find a way to play the gamemode and get a good run started.

  8. I think I should say here that alot of gliches are simply caused by the fact that the Xbox and PS3 Hardware isn't developed to handle all of the stress of high rounds, hopefully for BO2 they can optimize things somehow.

    However, for PC errors, I'm not sure what the problem is with that, PC's should be fine to handle higher rounds easier.

  9. A teddy bear is a teddy bear, they've been in COD forever. A little girl also doesn't mean much, it's an IW game. I sound like I'm being a downer, but there's really no valid reason to believe any of it is related to zombies, and I don't believe sledgehammer worked on zombie maps, They would've been working on MW3 at the time, and I think only trey arch and Raven worked on Black Ops.

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