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Posts posted by Strwrsbob

  1. Yeah, GRFXP Gave me this stuff

    Also, CoDz is a community site, I think the community overall built this site, and I think that someone who is no longer directly active on the site should not be overturning good decisions made by the other Admins.

  2. Snake did some awesome stuff with the way Dwellers work, and It's awesome.

    Overall Covert and Snake are just great Admins :D

    Glad to hear things are going good in your personal life!

    + congrats on 1,000,000 views!

  3. ^That video there with 1,100,000 views? Mine.

    The other video with 500k views? Mine

    The reason the guide is "bad" is because it was made literally HOURS after the map came out, my team was the first in the world to complete the easter egg, and this may be why the video gudie is "bad". We were at the time the only ones to have completed it, so we forgot some pieces and things along those lines.

    LiamFTWinter and testify to this

    on another note, you can do these in any order. you can do the plates step first, the black orb, whatever order. Once again, we were the first to do it so we had no idea.

  4. Hey guys, I'll be doing a stream, of about 24 hours, in honor of moon. We'll be toying with all the new features then going for the big easter egg! This is a must-see for PS3 users!

    you can go to the stream at http://twitch.tv/thatgamingshow , going live tomorrow around 4:45 AM EST.

    ALSO, as a notice for people posting tomorrow, PLEASE be sure to use the search function! I know there are going to be alot of new things to discuss, but if you use the search function, chances are there is already a thread about it (This goes especially for the music easter egg, chances are you aren't the first to post it.)

    Also take into account if your post is necessary for a new thread, IE a thread about the undead astronaut is more important than a thread about something you THINK you saw miles off the map.

    If you are linking a youtube video, be sure to embed it! This can be done by using the

    tags, with the video key in the middle. (This is what comes after "=" in youtube link) So, for example, you code could look like this

    So, when posting, be sure to think, and remember to search!

    Have a great Moon day,

    The CoDz Mod team

  5. Alright its the same as always, 2AM PAST, 3AM MST, 4AM CST, 5AM EST.

    10 AM Uk. You can adjust this to your time zones, but I'm going to lock this so there is no more confusion. some time after 2AM PST, just be watching twitter and you'll see people start tweeting when it comes out

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