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Posts posted by DEMON xMYQx

  1. So I was playing the mission on Rebirth Island at the part where you are going through all the scenes as Mason after escaping the chair room. If you pause at first the Objectives say "Ascension" followed by a series of numbers. Then, after you meet up with the guy again your objectives update and it says "Echelon", again, followed by a series of numbers. Could this be the new zombie map?

  2. everyone keeps moaning about the spawning, but i think its perfect just because you cannot get spawn whacked, i mean yeh maybe sometimes you get a bad spawn but its not like u spawn in the same spot 8-10 times and get spawn whacked like moderwarfail this game is so perfect.

    Jungle, Domination. I spawned in the exact same spot and got killed by the exact same guy 11 times in a row.

  3. Call Of Duty: Black Ops. Such a marveled game, so well promoted and so well described. Personally I think the game is great, lots of action, fast paced maps and multiplayer. The zombies are back and better than ever, of course. Haven't finished the campaign yet but so far it is incredible. Now there are some issues that need to be looked at (i.e. server structure, spawning, perks). But the game itself is at a good level. I feel it was overhyped a little bit, but not near as much as Modern Warfare 2. I do think they could improve on some of the weapon balancing (that's my opinion) and the killstreak rewards also. It seems submachine guns dominate the game yet again. Sniper rifles are a huge disappointment in this game and I think they should be worked on.

    The game itself is beautiful, so much detail to weapon design, map design, characters. The maps are incredible, so much detail. My favorite map has to be either WMD or Cracked. Those two are really good maps spawn-wise and gameplay wise. The campaign is so deep and rich it's almost impossible to stop playing it. It drags you in more and more as the missions progress. Someone said it's like "Every level is like a final level, it just has that climatic feel to it" and I'm not sure who it was but they are so right. The whole campaign is indeed very well done. The AI is highly intelligent and they do not mess around when it comes to wrecking you and your squad before you get to your objective.

    Zombies. They are back, better, and they are more then I expected. New weapons, new types of zombies, new settings. It's just one big grouping of awesome. I think zombies is very well done in this game, even the reworked maps from World At War are up to par. Only one complaint about zombies, the double hit technique those freakbags have managed to perfect. Watch where you swing your knife when you're near them, they may just maul you in quick succession. Other than that, zombies is excellent. I hope to see more maps as time progresses and even more clues to help unravel and solve the zombie storyline.

    So there you have it, that's my thoughts on Black Ops. Feel free to comment about your likes and dislikes (refrain from bashing Treyarch or flaming members please!!!) and I will definitely be checking back at the responses.

  4. AHH it's pricks like him that make me wanna smash someones face in!! He is probably soo shit at quickscoping that he has to whine for ten fucking minutes...

    First I just wanted to say could you please refrain from swearing on the forum, it is a violation of the Forum Code of Conduct.

    Second, I totally agree with what you're saying, it seems like the person was just too busy wingeing about the fact that he isn't very good at the game, he's making himself look like a crybaby online.

  5. I like the banner idea and i like the Mystery box idea but keep in mind those things cost money.

    I mean a banner that can be done in paint. Or we could each sign something, scan it, upload it to photobucket. Then someone could edit the signatures into a Mystery Box slideshow style. That would be sweet.

  6. Everybody can have their own opinion on quickscoping. Just a note, please don't start a flame war here, it's just a thread for people who want to discuss Quickscoping in Black Ops.

    Personally I think it's good that they took out quickscoping. It got to the point where people got full teams of 6 together and went out quickscoping. That to me is wrong. I know it's fun and all to quickscope, but once it gets to the point where it's the only thing you do, it gets annoying. I join matches, I'll snipe somebody and get cried at for "Hard-scoping". Why? It's not hard-scoping, it's using the sniper for it's purpose. If you hold your scope for more than 1 second it's now "Hard-scoping". I think that if you want to quickscope, go for it, but don't be angry because they got rid of it to try and compensate for the majority of the community's wants.

  7. This is not relevant to Black Ops zombies. This should be posted in "General Discussion". Only zombie information should be posted in the Zombie part of the Black Ops forum. Thanks. :)

    -DEMON xMYQx

    It is in general discussion or did it get moved? I honestly don't care about in game stats I'm still gonna use the ak-47 even though its far down in stats.

    It was moved.

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