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Posts posted by lissa110

  1. As a reminder introduction topics are for new users and users who have been away for a long time. It is not meant for a current users who are wanting the medal!!! If its persists the violators medals will be removed!!

    If you would like the intro medal and have been with us for a long time and never made an intro make one, your ok. If you made an intro in the past please pm a staff member and we can verify and give you that medal.

  2. So he didnt actually take the credit. When we merged the topics, we saw both topics were done at the same time, literally! The system during the merge then put the post in order of when they were added. Sorry about the confusion but hope this helps a bit!

  3. Just a bit of work, Nator!

    DaPikmin like Ehjookayted said all the post will be moved to one section so we can move them back into the topics if need be. Also it wont affect anybodies post count.

  4. Hello all of CoDz!! Over the next few weeks the staff will be doing some cleaning of the topics. We will be moving out the post that are no longer active, now don't worry if we think it will be used again in the future or it is still active it will be left.

    If theres a post you think is missing and we should still have up please pm a staff member so we can bring it back to life!



    CoDz Staff

  5. The site was never meant to be a money maker. Undead is right we will not make the site a place to make money off of. Our Founder Carbon put all his time and money into the site and didnt earn a dollar from it. We will continue in this manner.

    When the time comes for our dear friend Covert to leave we will then be making more changes to continue the growth of the site and yes there will be more staff changes at that time, Im sure!

  6. There are no personal attacks going on when we remove posts there is always a reason. Right now we just want to keep this topic in this section only! We also dont want the flaming or new teams to spread, while we are working through this!

  7. As a reminder we at no point said we werent going to have teams again. But we have started to notice little flare ups here and there and current setting for the teams are a bit overwhelming. As previously discussed we will be coming up with new changes for the future of our site. Please be patient with us. I do think you guys will like the future of teams on CoDz.

  8. Doggy we as admins, mods, ect dont regard ourselves as better then anyone on this site! We just have to keep things in order and we now are trying to get the site ready for the next zombies!!

  9. perfectlemonade... I know that most the teams do is exactly what your saying but, because if you just come on here it is all about the teams you dont see most the theories or story lines. You see the teams first and it can be a bit shocking to only really see them. I know we have xbox, psn, and wii, sections but the idea about doing the teammate finder by consoles is a great idea!! It will definently make the finder more orginized!!

  10. Doggy I know that your upset. At no point did we say it was against the CoC, but it is putting a very large divide on the site, please keep topics like this in the right topic.

    ps Doggy I may show mod but if you didnt read Carbons going away speech I and Covert have been left in care of the site!

  11. As we all know teams have become very popular on the site as of recently. But the staff feels it is drawing away from the real reason we all started coming to the site, the zombies! At this time we have come to a decision to lock all team topics. We know this will sadden many of you, however for our site to continue to grow and everyone to feel welcome, this at the moment is the best option.

    We are having a staff meeting this coming saturday to discuss this topic along with many others to help decide how to make this site become even more glorious than it already is! Do not be to sad about the closed topics because we already have many ideas how to keep your teams going with out them being the main focus!

    Please feel free to pm me or any one of the great staff here with any questions or concerns with this or anything, or if you have an idea to help the site grow, or something you feel we may need to talk about in our meeting!

  12. Obviously the best choice is to clone myself so I can work my new job and then keep my clone locked in a closet running this site 24/7.

    However, as I know nothing about cloning this option isn't plausible

    Maybe we should go see those doctors that clone pets and see if they are ready to do humans yet!!! It would be for a good cause. It will be a sad day when you do end up stepping away, the site site will go into a state of mourning for a period. But since this post came out I also have been thinking about when I joined, I love this site!! This is the only site I still go to on a regular bases that I have ever signed up for. When I think of you Carbon I think of the night we had the play date and all the laughs that were had!! I also I have gone into a rant......

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