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Posts posted by Ibanez

  1. If you are using one from the userbar gallery you can just right click on it then select "copy image URL" and the put it into , if you have others not in the userbar gallery you will have to upload them to an image sharing site like imageshack and use the url that it gives you.

  2. Hmmm... hope they will also release a patch for matchmaking and stuff with this Map Pack.

    Hopefully there are no corners to hide for nuke boosters :-)

    Well... I guess they did make a patch for match making the last map pack, but it actually made the matchmaking worse. Oh Infinity Ward :roll:.

  3. uhm i dont know if im posting in the right spot but i need to know what all this shit is. like with the usbs and all that can someone fill me in please?

    If you look at the top navigation bar you will see a GKnova6 tab with things that we have found from all the transmissions that have had a write up so far.

  4. See I dont want camo. I dont want titles or emblems. These are why people boost. This is why FFA is ruined on Mw2. This is why my legit emblems and legit camos mean nothing.

    People boost in MW2 FFA because of Tactical Insertion.

    For Cod: Black Ops, I do want camo's and just normal killstreaks because people just camp way too much with high killstreaks, maybe they could make them 5-7-9 though because that presents more of a challenge that 3-5-7.

  5. Before the new maps were out I was just not really playing xbox at all because there were no good games and I was waiting for The Passing DLC for Left 4 Dead 2 to come out which was currently delayed. Once the MW2 maps came out I waited till the second day because I knew that there would be problems, and look at that I was right.

    Then when I got them it was a breath of fresh air and I enjoyed playing again. But after a couple weeks of playing them im starting to get tired of the game and now that CoD:Black Ops is announced, that cannot come soon enough.

  6. Just recently got to 193 going solo. Completely blew my last record out of the water.

    That such ull no one can make it past round 30 or 35 with out glitching. ur so full of crap :evil:

    Not really, I know how he got there and I've done the exact same strategy and gotten to 68. Search youtube for the Comm room strategy and you'll find it. Do your research before you make such a bold statement next time.

  7. Some info on that stamp -

    - the year 1961: Bay of Pigs.

    - the same year Cuba became a communist country

    - "Richard Wright" was the famous author of Uncle Tom's Cabin, whose wife was a communist party organizer in Brooklyn

    - Wright was also a Communist

    If it was the Bronx then it would relate to the image of the proposed Yankee Stadium.

    A quick look at wikipedia says that he moved to New York and became more involved with the Communist party while there.

  8. Hello everyone. Im sure you know me from the old forum. However, if you dont I will introduce myself again. I am one of the moderators here, the second youngest next to firevice ;).

    I stumbled upon Cod:Z a while back last year. It all started when I was following JD 2020 on twitter and he said something about the people that were going to the First to Play event and their twitter names. One of them happened to be our own carbonfibah. I then followed them, and carbon announced that he was creating a site to discuss the storyline to the zombie mode. At this time I also was reading through the posts over at the xbox forums discussing findings of the zombie backstory and I was very interested in that so I decided I was going to join the forum. The forum then became a big hit and everyone was happy. Then a couple months ago in the forum we held an event to write an essay to try to become a moderator. I decided to write an essay not expecting to be selected for a moderator position but to my surprise I was actually chosen along with Lisa110.

    Along with my near obsession for zombies I definitely love video games, and everything related to them. I also enjoy computers and I am in programming classes at my school. Along with those I am a big fan of almost all electronics. Playing guitar is also one of my hobbies and I am always trying to learn and get better at it.

    With that said, I just want to say I hope this site will grow as much as the last forum did.

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