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Posts posted by shri046

  1. More info


    If this is not intended for you, stay out of this! No one is so brave

    that he is not disturbed by something unexpected.

    yyuahrnqyf hcgi vxmly navgu ulli xmixo. 551961.


    > If this is not intended for you, stay out of this! No one is so brave

    > that he is not disturbed by something unexpected.

    > yyuahrnqyf hcgi vxmly navgu ulli xmixo. 551961.

    > http://rs700.rapidshare.com/files/383985365/551961.rar

    Did you get my MERCHANDISE??

  2. Anyone wait until the very end and get the yellow triangle sign with the "!" in the middle of it?

    Also soundslike there are voices in the music that are run at a different speed?

    You are talking about transmission!? :shock:

    The picture of the triangle with the "!" shows up after its run the loop two or three times. Same one that is in the game Der Riese.

    The other part was during the transmission it sounds like there are times when someone is talking but its at a different audio speed.

    I am confused, I just don't see that image anywhere. I let the transmission run through it's loop for like 5 times but all I see is the partial circle thing. What am I missing here?

  3. i wonder if we should be looking for a "giovan.sig" file somewhere?

    I was thinking along the same lines earlier today. A user "giovan" on some forum with a "sig" (signature) attached? Also the possibility that giovan and sig are abbreviations for two complete words?

  4. Nothing like waking to a new transmission and 4 pages of info to read through before you can make a post lol. Great work so far people.

    I tried to look at the "find sig giovan" piece .... nothing came up on google groups, no similar users ids or anything. Tried searching on flickr as well but nothing there yet. I think all it's suggesting is to "look" at a certain place to find the clue to finish the document.

    One thing I am still trying to figure out is if the entire document is out there somewhere or if we have to look into certain text to fill in the blanks.

  5. Just a few things I wanted to point out.

    First, why did the intro/outro tone on gknova6 change?

    Not sure about this one but it could just be that they are trying to divert us to looking into more than what we should be looking for. The tones by themselves I don't think hold any significance apart from the fact that they indicate the beginning of a transmission.

    Why does it say "azure has the task" three times in the transmission? One time would've been enough, so there's probably more to it.

    Probably a real life broadcasting station scenario? With noise, interference and other factors stations need to make sure that they get the message to the intended person. Broadcasting the same message more than once makes sure they infact do get it. So if they didn't here something clearly the first time maybe the second time it would make sense and so on.

    Do the chimes between "azure has the task" mean anything? I think there's 10, not sure. Probably just to fill the space though.

    They just may not mean anything. As with transmission 3 it could be just something trying to dig deeper into something that is not there? I dunno.

    Where it says "freezing point is in error, I question if it's one degree higher" maybe that means we'll use the number 33 for something. (since water freezes at 32 degrees, one degree higher is 33)

    Each of those sentences I think is only a reference to freemasonry. This is what I made of each of those sentences -

    freezing point is in error, I question if it’s one degree higher. - degree refers to masonic rank of some kind

    May all servants of nihilism - first letter of each word spell mason

    build the cornerstone of our - logical ending to that sentence would be "society" referencing masons again

    house in brick, stone, marble, and granite, to keep them at bay. But remember, the - everything points to what a mason uses in his job

    Does anyone know of any significance to these? Just trying to contribute.

    All contributions are always welcome and appreciated :)

  6. Can someone download the audio file played in the last transmission?

    Maybe this one has a name as well, like the 3rd one.

    Also, Azurewolf777 joined flickr back in 2008 (June).

    Just did that - file name is station_task.mp3 and the title of the file is Station_task. No other info on it.

  7. Hmmm the flickr thing is interesting. Here's what was posted on google groups thread

    > Azure: Since you have provided us with this information, we give you

    > a new task, and see if you can deliver.

    > We are looking for a specific document, one that we would very much

    > like to find. This document is posted by someone who remains just out

    > of our reach…for now. We have intercepted communications with a code

    > that we haven’t been able to crack. Post this document in a public

    > place, and we will correspond again in the future.

    > Transmission is as follows:

    > They came in a black helicopter to try and aid the dead president.

    > Even the cabal could not stop the spy.

    > An interesting Conspiracy, one the world would not soon forget, had

    > they ever known.

    As Requested


    The link displays the same document nothing new about it. What interested me was the part 27543574@N06 in the URL. The user's profile name that posted the pic is AzureWolf777 but you get nothing when you go to this link http://www.flickr.com/photos/AzureWolf777. Not sure if there is a way to setup the profile name or something but I can directly access my flickr account with my account name http://www.flickr.com/photos/shri046.

    So is the next clue 27543574@N06? N06 probably means nova 6 or the gknova6 site itself.

  8. What if all that text leads to the one password

    It surely does. I guess we'll have to keep our eyes peeled for the trailer huh lol. BTW coming back to this

    They came in a black helicopter to try and aid the dead president.

    Even the cabal could not stop the spy.

    An interesting Conspiracy, one the world would not soon forget, had

    they ever known.

    The text in bold was meant to lead us to the 4 file parts (great job on that find btw whoever did that search). The two lines above I am still not sure about. Ofcourse if "black helicopter", "dead president", "cabal" and "spy" where meant to be clues to each of the alt.conspiracy groups then those are taken care of too I suppose.

    So that leaves the rest of the sentences to hint to the ONE password to unlock the files. That's the summary so far :D

  9. I pulled this from all of his posts, its the last section

    May all servants of nihilism

    build the cornerstone of our

    house in brick, stone, marble, and granite, to keep them at bay. But

    remember, the

    freezing point is in error, I question if it’s one degree higher.

    Since the rar files are in parts there must be only ONE password. Extract one file with the password and all others will be unlocked too.

  10. I have all the for parts. The bottom sentence in each of the messages is a clue to the password -

    part1 - freezing point is in error, I question if it’s one degree higher.

    part2 - May all servants of nihilism

    part3 - build the cornerstone of our

    part4 - house in brick, stone, marble, and granite, to keep them at bay. But remember, the

  11. One thing that still intrigues me is that why was this message posted in the "alt.conspiracy" google group. Does alt.conspiracy necessarily translate to "alternative conspiracy"? Maybe we are just looking for more clues and information in the wrong places after all. Given the fact that zombies in WaW was based on alternative conspiracy makes me think there are still sources out there that they could be hinting to indirectly.

    I found an interesting site http://clogic.eserver.org/2003/snedeker.html trying to search alternative theories on "NOVA" and this was something that caught my attention.

    Nova Express predicts a future apocalypse and recapitulates the entire mythology of the trilogy. The plot of the story describes the invasion of earth by a group of superhuman beings from outer space, the Nova Mob, who control humans by assuming the form of three-dimensional beings. The goal of the Nova Mob is to produce a Nova on earth as they had done in the Crab Nebula. The Venusians operate through sexual needs, the Uranians through heavy metal addiction, and the Crab People through the addiction to power.

    Ofcourse at this point all my mind is focused on the zombie storyline more than anything else lol. This may not be related to the game at all but until they release any information about zombies I just can't resist looking up alternative theories :D

  12. Here's an interesting piece of information I happened to stumble upon http://althistory.wikia.com/wiki/The_Curie_Bomb

    The Curie Bomb:

    In 1915, a German phosgene gas shell strayed from its target and hit a small village in France where Marie Curie's daughters were visiting a sick friend and were killed. Grief-stricken and seeking revenge, Curie proposed to the French government the idea of a dirty bomb to seed the enemy with radioactive material. A secret project began and two years later, several dirty bombs were dropped behind the Hindenburg Line in Northern France, killing thousands of Soldiers with deadly amounts of radiation.

    The German army, decimated by the attack and already suffering heavy economic losses, are forced to surrender.

    Curie + radioactivity + nuclear bombs = zombies? There's gotta be a zombie clue somewhere in those transmissions :D

  13. Where does "linear not algorithmic" fit into all this?

    My guess is this is how the Temporal Frequency Analysis (TFFT) is to be done. You can graph data on an algorithmic scale or on a linear scale. If the TFFT was done on a logarithmic scale, the text would show up rather distorted/compressed/unreadable. I saw someone post the images with a logarithmic scale, not sure where.

    My 2 cents...

    As someone else mentioned earlier in this thread the "linear not algorithmic" might fit into the type of decryption method used - not an algorithm but linear shift instead. And that is what it turned out to be in the end :roll:

  14. Well congratulation then, it seems you got the damn thing! Plus, the google announce has been posted on april 20 so it's most likely the real sh*t (a day before the update of GKNOVA).

    That is the part that I am concerned about too lol. With the growing popularity of gknova site it is going to get harder to separate genuine information.

    Great work none the less Shizzire. Question though - once you got the text sequence did you put it back in the Vigenere cipher? Or did you just go through the normal decrypt method of rearranging them?

  15. This came to my head today. Whats the significance behind transmission 3 being a "no signal" picture while transmission 2 shows kennedy's speech and transmission 1 being like a science class video?

    also at the end of transmission 1 it shows kennedy's speech and does a burn effect and in transmission 2 the picture jinks around...

    Maybe the transmissions are from newest to oldest? as if we're going backwards?

    Kinda makes sense. The "trifecta" definition does mention 3 bets in order that could translate to specific order of the transmissions. So we need the right order of transmissions and use clues from one to the next.

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