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MDI Cold Gin

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Posts posted by MDI Cold Gin

  1. My main problem with the map is related. If you are in the higher rounds and someone goes down and dies out... You could be screwed. Every single map I've played has at one time or another required a mid round upgrade after someone has died in order to clutch it. That's not possible in this map. If someone dies... and you don't get a max ammo and it's round 25 or higher.... you're pretty much screwed unless you get very very lucky.

    If they would make it so that if a player dies out the remaining players can still upgrade it would make this map much much better IMO.

  2. This is a misinformed Easter Egg. Rather what this actually does is increase the amount of zombies that spawn and the speed in which they spawn as well. The reason why people believe it increases drops is solely because they are getting those perks sooner but at the risk of being overwhelmed. This can be a problem for later levels as this particular effect stays with you for the rest of the game.

    That is a myth. We've tested it numerous times and the number of zombies spawned does not change regardless of if two players down each other or not. There is a set formula in the code and that never changes.

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