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A story for the ages?

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Where we left off, Richtofen has switched body's with Samantha, making him the wielder of the zombies and ultimate power, also unraveling Richtofen's master plan. Maxis made you blow up the earth so that Richtofen couldn't cause any "Further Damage". This leaves Takeo, Tank, Nikolai, and Samantha (In Richtofen's body) to remove Richtofen from power and get Sam back in her own body. Now then, originally, Sam was trying to kill all four of them, so the trick is, will Samantha see in a twist to the story that the other 3 were never bad guys, nor a threat, or will she still try to be killing them? And what maps will we be seeing? Mars? That mysterious planet in the asteroid belt they named "Planet X", or maybe even other galaxies that may hold different life forms, making room for new types of epic zombies and story turns? There's no telling, all we know is that the fans are a major influence to Treyarch (They love their fans) and i would be seeing a Mars map in the future, but truthfully, they might send us back before the time of Richtofen to show you everything that happened before, or maybe even in between. There's much room for this to be more epic than any other CoD game to date, but there's truthfully no telling what might happen in the Groups future. This will most likely be a story for the ages, but what do you guys think? What should we be seeing in the future? After all, your ideas really do count.

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