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About iskizombies

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  1. Alright you guys. The trailer was released today. Watch it if you haven't yet. Idea's on the look of the new game? I think the first map is called Tranzit right? Looks pretty epic, but it's only one map. They should release at least three plus the bonus maps. Any ideas yet?
  2. I'm thinking that Sam is going to play a bigger role in BLOPS 2 then Treyarch is giving her credit for. Sam was in almost every level since World at War and I think she is going to make her major attack on the new team (or maybe the old team...) in Zombies 2. We're just going to have to wait and see.
  3. if you're saying that samantha, the evil little girl that we all despise for giving us crappy weapons out of the box, is hot on that poster... ehh, i'd actually have to agree
  4. The other day I was watching ghost hunters international and something caught my eye. I was watching an episode about Fursteneck Castle. This castle (I assume) is where Treyarch got the inspiration for Verrukt. Now the next episode I watched was also an eye catcher, Wolf's Lair. Wolf's Lair is where the infamous Valkyrie bombing took place. Many German officials of the nazi party died there. I don't think I could possibly think of a better place for a zombies map. Hitler spent 800 days at Wolf's Lair and almost died there. It just has zombies written all over it. At Wolf's Lair, there have been many reports of paranormal activity, such as voices, footsteps, gun shots, and loud knocks. I'm thinking that there could be zombies that infiltrate Wolf's Liar when Richtofen goes back to present the NZT Teleporter to German officials. So you get zombies and then instead of dogs, maybe some demon thing that flies or even poltergeist. I really think that this is a good idead guys. Let me know what you guys think and hopefully this will make it to Treyarch before they finalize there Zombies maps!
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