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Everything posted by harryham1

  1. Sadly, he's right. Every time (this isn't just with DLC) Activision takes their product, makes out to be amazing, and then we are all a little disappointed inside (not because the game is crap, but if you are told that you're going to inherit millions from a relative, and then in their will you recieve a couple of hundred, then their is still that broken promise that has to be swallowed). I think that Activision need to get their heads right and put the customers first to make more sales; we should be able to say no these people that each year promote their product (as every business does) to the point where it actually negatively effects their sales (if a person feels a slight disappointment each year to the game they buy for quite a high price, they will stop buying becuase they are unsure with what they are being told by the product owners e.g. They lose faith in the creators of the game. Where I do disagree however, is with . The music is great (listen to the lyrics as well, it is some serious sh**, especially in "The One"), and the Matryoshka Dolls are just a fun laugh. The radios build an excellent background story to zombies which most of us crave in a map. As to the massive easter egg, I find it way too much hard work for death machines for about a minute and a half (ballistic knife, pack a punched weapons in one spot, and gersh devices in an unbelievably hidden plot), although I bet it was fun to those who figured it out. I hope that Treyarch will sort out what the customers want where Activision don't, and deliver the DLC with zombies maps that are EXTENDABLE (start off with a small-medium map, and then unlock things through easter eggs to satisfy the craving for zombies for even longer to give less of a wait between DLC) Please let me know if anyone aggrees with me. Sorry for the time it took you to read this, I just had to get my opinion out there.
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