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About shtaffa

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  1. Any one have access to the logs of the web server where this forums resides? It may point you to where GKNova6 was connecting from. i don't want to disclose another member's information, but this person signed up under the name John F. Kennedy and used a @hotmail address, the email doesn't seem to tie in with GKNOVA6, so I am slightly skeptical to the validity of this account and the above message. I'm not concerned about the name and the email address. However, those two facts would make the post appear to not be authentic. If you could tie in the time that the account was created or the time that the post was made with the IP log of the web server, you may be able to find the IP address of the person that made the post. You may then be able to find out if that IP belonged to a particular company by looking at the IP's of the suspected company's addresses of their publicly facing servers. Make sense?
  2. Any one have access to the logs of the web server where this forum resides? It may point you to where GKNova6 was connecting from.
  3. I guess I'm not see it. How have they been updated?
  4. My guess would be that the next transmission will be just the login/password prompt. All stations will be deactivated and that will be the only thing that you can do. I'm also guessing that the immediate "prize" for logging in with the correct information is the image that we have all seen of the first person perspective of the man sitting in the chair. It would be nice to have a hyperlink given as well explaining all of the back story behind the ARG.
  5. Hmmm....they all end in 2. EDIT: and since they are all the same length, you may be able to get a useful number out of them by decoding them with a Caesar box cipher.
  6. "Dragon Lady Statue U2 can own!" is a reference to the U2 spy plane. "A beautiful statute free to good home. Pick up only 63ft 1in long, 104ft 10in wide. The lady was here. xjjf://hqfytixqhu.sec/vybui/384014383/vybui.zfw" The specifications found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_U-2 seem to match the dimensions in the description of the classified ad.
  7. Just joined so I could suggest something. Have just been a troll up until now. From one of the previous transmissions, the spectral analysis showed that 5 + 5 = 10 and freedom = 7. I've seen quite a few other codes where a known fact (5 + 5 = 10) is given first and then something else that doesn't seem to be a given fact is given. The codemaker is attempting to demonstrate that if the first condition is true, so is the second. However, what is the significance of the 551961 number given in the usenet post? It could be a date (5/5/1961), but what if it is somehow required to decipher the text? What if 551961 is actually 101961 since we know that 5 + 5 = 10? I'm just grasping at straws. Trying to think of stuff from the previous transmissions that didn't really lead to anything.
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