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Posts posted by Dr.Z

  1. In current time in Der Eisendrache, if you look in the teleporter room where the fuses were when you went back in time, there's a camera like the shadow's camera. I dunno if anyone has talked about that yet or if I completely missed the comments but surely that's story related eh?


  2. In current time in Der Eisendrache, if you look in the teleporter room where the fuses were when you went back in time, there's a camera like the shadow's camera. I dunno if anyone has talked about that yet or if I completely missed the comments but surely that's story related eh?

  3. Right above mule kick you can find a black bird (Raven, crow, what have you) just perched up chillin. You can shoot him and he bursts into feathers. Surely this isn't for no reason. There's even paintings of the bird throughout the map!

  4. 13 minutes ago, Ragdo11706 said:

    Those are in fact, "HandCuffs" broski.


    Although I've never understood the "Water" that appears in each Altar once we've placed the corresponding item.

    Maybe since the 'Gateworms" have a "Heartbeat" instead of leaving all 4 until you complete the Rituals. Leave them for a while, until they "Consume" all the "Allaqua". In which time, they will indeed be ready to "Transform". Thus finally spawning in that elusive, "Cocoon". 

    Where we will than, pick up, and place our Beloved "Apothicon Servant" into. The "Gsteworms" will then turn into "Parasites" killing the "Shadow Man" thus completing our "Upgrade".

    Most plausible ideal yet. Do you think the order of placement would really make a shit, or just as long as the gateworms sit there long enough? I'm about to mess with this idea in about 10 minutes. Suggestions? 

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  5. So Nero has his book that we don't know what to do with, the boxer can activate those crazy boat noises out in waterfront.. I got the feeling there's probably more to the ruby rabbit and the burlesque if we poked around enough. I really think there could possibly be another story related EE, one that pertains to this map's characters sort of like MoTD that we just haven't discovered yet. It's like we're slowly finding these little things everywhere. I've read on here somewhere that Treyarch stated that we would be surprised at how connected everything is on the map, in my opinion that really says a lot about some of these things we are finding. Gotta be more to SoE.

  6. Personally I like all the hidden material. They have done some truly epic things with weapons. Blundergat, acid gat, tomahawk, golden spork, sword, reborn sword, APOTHICAN SERVANT... In my opinion Blundell does work and I like the gameplay. It hasn't been a full 2 months since BO3 dropped and I doubt they wanted all of SOE's secrets to be revealed just yet, so I think we should all quit complaining and just search/wait.

  7. I don't think treyarch would keep all these half existing functions in the game for no reason. They are trying to give us a difficult EE in my opinion. There are many things we are unsure about with this map; plenty of steps/quotes that we need to figure out how to replicate 100%. The journey with SOE still continues with me, I'm not saying we can get a WW upgrade today, but there are definitely secrets left still. 

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