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Posts posted by dinasur21

  1. 5 hours ago, NaBrZHunter said:

    Welcome back! Since you've been gone, we invested in the new CoDZ LFG-it's in the tabs above. Check it out!

    Will do. the website looks great and there's a lot of diiferent features ill have to check it all out.

  2. Hello fellow zombie slayers, I'm dinasur. I have been using this site since black ops 1 and I used to be a member. I'm back now and playing black ops 3 and I'm looking for teammates who love zombies as much as me. My gamer tag is Dinasur and I'm on Xbox one. I still have my 360 and I own all of the Treyarch versions of call of duty and have all the old map packs. Anyways it your ever looking for a teammate for high rounds, ee, or just general mayhap message me on here or Xbox and we can team up.  I'm in the eastern time zone and usually get on after 5pm but I'll be on all day today.

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