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Posts posted by Saito


    Hello! I am Dr. SM Me, and welcome to Latenight-crackpot theories, where I on an irregular and random basis throw crackpot and somewhat groundless theories at the public and see what they throw back! Both metaphorically and physically! (Also it's 12:30 here so, yeah... Latenight)


    To start off this series here's a topic for you: Vril-ya initiative and dead richtofen. 

    As revealed in the giant's opening cinematic, young richtofen blatantly shoots WW2 era richtofen smack dab in the face. Now, this obviously removes richtofen from the timeline, but there's another aspect yet to be considered. 

    Richtofen received his madness from his first visit to the moon when he tested his own teleporter on himself. Here he met the MPD which shocked him with "Static electricity". After this shock he began a set of delusions and hallucinations that led him from being the normal genius from origins, to the MADMAN that we see in WAW and BO1. 

    Now, it can be inferred the device built by the vril-ya(The MPD) forged richtofen's mind to think like it does. We can assume no one else was effected like he was because the vrill-ya needed a puppet. But now, their puppet has lost his strings. 

    Now what to do... If the vrill-ya are long gone and simply left this mind-control-madness as a blackbox sort of system, it just means the story continues forward without WW2 richtofen. HOWEVER if the vrill-ya are still watching... Their new goal is to get a new puppet.... Now... 


    Who is the next person to touch the MPD? 


    That's right, Samantha Maxis.

    We know this as the moon radio depicts samantha appearing in the teleport bay, which we can assume is right after the teleport with her father, which takes her to moon and takes place right before the giant's cut-scene, where we see richtofen get killed. Sam then runs into the (Now open thank's to shuster and groph) MPD. She then takes control of the zombies, but what if NOW, she gets shocked and becomes the new puppet just as mad as richtofen? 


    SO, your thoughts? 

    ACTUALLY, puppets are just not possible.

    Think of it, Richtofen got his delusions

    (before giant) 

    Sam and Max get Teleported. 

    Sam entered the MPD and she was in control, what means that richtofen COULD NOT have any rolę regarding vril-ya. 


    The more interresting thing is that they "or only O4 Richtofen" can hear richtofen after his death. Its not the logic that bothers me, but hów is That possible?

    maybe after he touched the MPD,  that touch COULD have made connection to the MPD that allows ( a bit similar to maxis on moon) connection to people.


    Sry if u find some mistakes or couldnt understand everything, its my first time here and i am german... Tha. Explains everythin




    Written on a fckin phone.



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