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Posts posted by Mr.x

  1. Personally all 3 maps are some of the best in the series. All are in my top 10. 


    However, I'd hold off on getting anymore maps for BO1 just yet. 


    My reasoning being at least 6/10 (sorry that can be reduced) 3/5 lobbies I go into now are hacked to hell. Players spawn in and INSTANTLY claim the WW before anyone can get to the area with the box. Hacked lobbies take from the game, which is why I'm doomed to half-assed games where 20% of the time a hacker downs me for running into me with god-mode. 


    This next bit isn't part of my logic but it's a possibility. 

    Furthermore, they might produce a "zombies classic" game for next-gen consoles as it appears to be in high demand. Why pay for the sucky hack-filled lobbies when in 1 years time you could have paid for a better lobby on an improved console? 

    ​Well as I said, I'm more of a solo player anyway and if I do play with others, it won't be from a random lobby... Also I think the maps could still be worth buying even if they do remake them because I doubt the guns will be the same... think of the original WAW maps on Black Ops - there were some original guns but the box was almost entirely Black Ops guns.

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