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Posts posted by Thelardicles

  1. Why is that fair that you call us stupid, we are allowed to hold our own opinions. I dont like infection, does that mean I dont like it because it isnt Treyarch? No I loved Outbreak. I just dont like the map, it isnt hard either its actually quite easy.

    I meant if you didn't like it for the wrong reasons. If you don't like the map because you just don't enjoy it, no problem. It's if you try to hate the map because it's made by sledgehammer, then that's what is stupid and ignorant.

  2. I came on this website wondering what other people thought of the exo zombies map "infection" and the opinions I saw were horrible. I actually got so mad at how ignorant and stupid people were that I made an account so I could post this. Opinions are opinions, and you are free to think what you want, but I feel like people are finding every small reason to hate on infection just because treyarch didnt make it. I personally think infection is one of the best zombie maps. Here's the reasons I've seen that people don't like the map and why I think they're justified-

    1. The magnetron- People hate on this because it's not game-breakingly good like the paralyzer, and this is actually a good thing. First of all, the last map's "wonder weapon", the cartilizer, is also on this map, as it will be on all future dlc, as it is sledgehammers equivalent to the Ray gun. So nobody's forcing you to use this thing. Second off, it is a SUPPORT weapon. Meaning you can use it to weaken/ slow the zombies, and then use another gun to finish them off. It's not like the thundergun, where you can use the weapon and nothing else to carry yourself to high rounds. Last, if the weapon was too good, the map was too good. Exo zombies has done a good job at keeping the difficulty similar to normal zombies.

    2. Gas waves- Again, increased the difficulty. If you could just train in burgertown the whole game, it would be too easy and boring. I love how you can get trapped in areas, including the sewer, adding an adrenaline Rush to the game. Plus, a tip- if you're in burgertown, just use the trash shoot, and you should be fine.

    3. Survivors- It makes the game fun. It's an objective. I hate outbreak. It's boring as hell. With an objective, it gives you a challenge, and a break from just running trains. Plus, you get a care package drop and weapon upgrade. And if you don't want to do it, you don't have to, the penalty really isn't a big deal.

    4. The sewers- yes they're dark, yes they're a death trap- because it's supposed to be like that. It adds a scary element to the game whenever you're in that area.

    Just because a map is hard doesnt mean it's bad. And the map actually isn't hard at all. I beat my outbreak record by 5 rounds on the second day of infection being released, Probally mainly because I usually quit due to boredom on outbreak. Personally infection is my second Favirote map behind only origins. If you hate on this game only because it's made by sledgehammer, you're an ignorant and stupid piece of trash. If you dislike the map because you honestly just don't enjoy it, feel free to tell me why.

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