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Posts posted by Texratty
It depends what sort of gun you're looking for, the cel 3 is pretty effective in the higher rounds as a high damage single shot weapon. But aside from that or the lynx, which isnt as powerful as the cel 3. But seems to work better with a single file train of zombies (good for when passing the bus in the starting area).I use the hbra3 off the wall in the morgue. It feel like a high powered weapon and although you don't get as much ammo as the asm1 I feel its alot more efficient and kills the zombies faster, and when you run out of ammo just train the zombies through the traps to get some more.
I hear people saying the ameli is a good weapon too but i think it slows you down to much in the higher rounds, just seem to get hit all the time with lmgs but if you can work with them id definately head in that direction. Ammo being the only issue so i would always couple it with a weapon of the wall.
I just managed to get a max ammo on the rocket turret but it only gave me one extra rocket as opposed to 6.
And every time I've got it and its worked its been in the decontamination room just infront of the pad
Guy's it's called a full reload and we need to respect that....
Couldn't say it with a strait face....
They need to earn my respect for that, changing the names of the drops that are essentially the same is in my eyes disrespectful to 3arc and avid zombie players alike.
I think they did it to make it seem more original because lets be honest, the only differences are the eco suits and emzs. I would have expected an exo suit though even from 3arc seeing as though it has been a feature in advanced warfare on the whole, and the emz are useless without it.
Oh and then there's the awful upgrade system that you may as well not even use because the leaderboards are based on points and you get more point with an mk 1 weapon so they really failed with the whole thing IMO.
Guy's it's called a full reload and we need to respect that....
Couldn't say it with a strait face....
It happened to me when I first started playing this map. Got a max ammo with the energy turret and the energy level went to 100% but that is the only time it has happened. That's why I tried it again today after you said the turret head needed to be equipped, as I rarely have it equipped when I pick up a max ammo and thought that might be why it hadn't occurred again.
Played another game tonight and tried it with the sentry turret twice and the energy turret twice and, like yourself, no joy. Maybe it's a bug?
Please no! Not another bug
. Recently found one where you can sorta have 8 contact grenade, or if your fast enough you can have unlimited.
Not happy with firstly the lack of effort put into this tiny map, and then that there's soooooooo many glitchess in such a small map.
They really should have done everything to amaze us with this map trying to better 3arc zombies in ever way possible. Including adding a pause optiopn and fixing the glitches when they became apparent and abused.
Im going keep trying different things though because I really hope its not a bug and there's just method to it, not holding hope though
Unfortunately, the ammo in the turret heads cannot be replenished, even when picking up a max ammo with one equipped. The rocket turret doesn't compete with the MAHEM for damage, but the MAHEM is one of the strongest weapons available.
So i got the rocket turret and tried picking up a max ammo with it, and you're right it didn't work. I tried with sentry turret and it didn't work. So I tried again with the energy turret and it didn't work, I was sat there scratching my head. every max ammo I got I made sure to equip the turret before picking it up and round 26 i got a max ammo and it did get me back to 100% with the energy turret, I'm not sure how or why though I did nothing different from every other attempt.
Going to try again with the other turrets and wait it out trying to replicate what happened. But like I say I did nothing different from every other max ammo I picked up.
The MAHEM causes way more damage, larger radius, and extremely lethal even at Round 35. That is, if it's an Mk20 at minimum. The rocket turret acts more like a Mk10 at Round 35 as it makes more crawlers than anything else.
I thought as much, I see people using the mahem but I really don't like it, well I don't like it taking up a weapon space. If we had mule kick id certainly use it every game.
To be honest, 11 rockets is not a large amount. But then again, it should really only be used as an emergency weapon. Unfortunately I don't find it worthwhile if I'm going for high rounds since 1) I can use the trap and 2) the IMR or any wall weapon will suffice so long as I get headshots. The MAHEM is, however, crazy useful during the Infection round since it clears the lot of 'em and you're guaranteed a Max Reload reward.
Yeah I was only panning on the rocket turret to be an emergency weapon for when I run out of contact grenades, and from what you said it's just as powerful and the grenades, I think you only get 6 rockets in that though but if you can get max ammo with it then I think it's worth keeping. Especially for the infected rounds like you say.
Hmm, interesting. I knew if it wasn't equipped, you could not replenish the ammo so after reading your OP, I tested it with the sentry turret and it did not replace the ammo. Is this something you have noticed with all the turret heads, or just the energy turret? Just the energy turret, haven't spent much time with the others. Was playing solo at the time, I have been wandering if it was possible with it equipped and that was my first try. Haven't tried it since but, I'll try it again see if I can record it if it works again.if you have the turret head equipped when you pick up the max ammo then it will give you max ammo, but only if its in your hands, if its in your drop slot then it won't replenish the ammo.Was playing today with the energy turret head at 20%ish ammo picked up the max ammo after the dogs round and had 100% ammo again.
If it is just the energy turret though that's unfortunate
Did you try on the dog oor infection round or just a random max ammo?
I like to keep a rocket turret as one of my drops as back up. A lot of people seem to keep 3 camouflages but if you have distraction drones it's really not necessary. I can't stand having the orbital drops in the way on solo, so I will take whatever drops. If you need that space back for another orbital drop, use all the ammo from the turret head at the end of a round.Unfortunately, the ammo in the turret heads cannot be replenished, even when picking up a max ammo with one equipped. The rocket turret doesn't compete with the MAHEM for damage, but the MAHEM is one of the strongest weapons available.
Don't use the mahem ever but if I could have an RPG as an effective 3rd weapon then why not. But is it worth taking up a space in my drop slot?
if you have the turret head equipped when you pick up the max ammo then it will give you max ammo, but only if its in your hands, if its in your drop slot then it won't replenish the ammo.
Was playing today with the energy turret head at 20%ish ammo picked up the max ammo after the dogs round and had 100% ammo again.
I tend to keep 1 camo for just in case buut I rarely use it unless its round 30+ and all my team mates go down but I always end up getting downed right after it runs out, especially solo.
Other than the 1 camo I just keep a ripped turret. Everything else I pick up and use straight away just to get it out of the way of my train. I think everything is useless in the later rounds, I have noticed the ripped turrets have More power tthan the actual turrets.
The MAHEM causes way more damage, larger radius, and extremely lethal even at Round 35. That is, if it's an Mk20 at minimum. The rocket turret acts more like a Mk10 at Round 35 as it makes more crawlers than anything else.
I thought as much, I see people using the mahem but I really don't like it, well I don't like it taking up a weapon space. If we had mule kick id certainly use it every game.
Okay so I just found out that you can essentially have a 3rd weapon by ripping off a turret head, which I knew already but what I didn't know was when equipped if you pick up a max ammo then you get ammo for your turret also.
until now I've used the ripped energy turret because it seems to just kill zombies immediately up to round 25ish after that its not so good.
But does anyone know if the rocket turret works as well as the mahem from round 25ish.
Don't use the mahem ever but if I could have an RPG as an effective 3rd weapon then why not. But is it worth taking up a space in my drop slot?
glitch to get out of the way from zombies?Not sure what glitches you're referring to?
They added bumpers to the glitches that allow you to get out of the way from zombies. The one in the hallway by the first box spawn and the other jump glitch, can't remember where it was. So you can get up there, but constantly have to be pressing backwards (walking backwards) or it'll bump you off.
The glitch in the mourge hasn't been fixed, nor has the one in the holding bay. The one in the first hallway and hub might've never see people use it.
And the 'bumpers' in the holding bay, its just the zombies knock you out of the glitch easily. You can knock a player out while they're using it by jumping under them, they have started to walk backwards because its harder to be knocked out but you can still do it.
I'm pretty sure the 3d printer is just as random as the mystery box, a few times it has paused on a weapon and ive been able to get it but more often than not it just skips over After hitting x.
I do see people sitting watching it and wonder though.
And about a fix for the glitches I would have expected it already, if there isn't a fix by the time ooutbreak is released for playstation then it isn't coming I would say.
hopfully somewhere a lot bigger and with a wider veriety of weapons.
somewhere where 4 people can play a game without constantly stepping on eachothers feet.
Somewhere that brings a reason for the exo-suit.
And where the few weapons that are on offer aren't useless after round 25.
That's where I want to go.
Also id like to see a mall, like dead rising but more refined, more serious. And with a lot more to offer than outbreak. I want to see more (useful) perks.
And I think it would be cool if you could mix 2 'primary' perks for different effects. Like for example exo-reload and exo-soldier has a double tap effect or exo-soldier and exo-health mixed might make you run slightly faster after having been hit. But it only works for your first two perks. Would add a new element of fun and difficulty to it say if you wanted double tap you would need to hold off on buying jugg until higher rounds so you can buy exo-reload and soldier first
There are a hell of a lot of glitchers but its fun to knock them out of the glitch and watch them running around in a panic.
How do you do this? I cannnot get them off of that damn workstation in the hub for love nor money.
never seen anyone using the glitch in the hub, but the one in the holding bay you can walk under the the glitcher look up at him and jump. he will fall down, it might take a couple a jumps but you can do it pretty much every time. I've done it in the mourge too, same method but its not as easy
I tend to just train in the hub and when it becomes too much take them out into the spawn area, works well for me until round 30ish, after that I run pretty much the same rout as you only the opposite way.
I use the lynx and the hbr3a, with contact grenades and distraction drones.
When you hit round 40 though the lynx isn't to great. So id swap for a shotgun, I've heard the tac-19 is best but i haven't tried it myself. But you can always upgrade it at the same time as the hbr3a and swap between them and then you can always buy extra ammo as and when, but like I say I haven't tried it.
The randoms are basically the same as any other CoD game with Zombies. You'll get the split-screeners, the no mics, the glitchers, the "waiting in lobby" guys, and the occasional awesome team.
I'm one of those "no mics" because the ones that do have ones are all assholes =/ or loud kids so I don't bother with it.
But great thanks
I don't use a mic either but I started plugging it in last week hoping the people with mic's play to a better standard and play as a team rather than refusing to open doors and stealing kills.
Turns out the people without mics are generally better imo.
There are a hell of a lot of glitchers but its fun to knock them out of the glitch and watch them running around in a panic.
And overall I've found the randoms to be good, not great, but generally better than bo2.
its just the odd glitcher, splitscreener and doooche with a mic letting them down.
Update: I'm pretty that for this to work you must have the same weapon as the person who left. I have been trying to confirm it but struggling.
I have footage of the first time it happened with the IMR but I'm unsure if I was holding the IMR at the time.
Has anybody else experienced this? Does anybody know what's happening?
Okay so I was playing last night and a guy bled out and left straight away, i was seconds away from reaching him when he left and when i run into the main hub, i pick up his resupply and get the mahem mk1.
so you definatly don't need the same weapon as they player who left, and you won't always get an upgraded weapon. Which leaves me more confused about why this happens, it won't work everytime a player leaves the game so why does it happen at all?
This was the exact scenario when it happened to me me but with the mp11 mk5 and I had the basic mp11. It tripped me out but kinda stoked about it because I didn't have to spend my money on the upgrades and just traded the other one for a different weapon
Yeah it can work out well if it gives you free upgrades but not when it swaps the lynx mk11 for the mahem mk1.
I'm scared to run around now at high rounds in case i end up picking up a useless weapon and lose mine
Update: I'm pretty that for this to work you must have the same weapon as the person who left. I have been trying to confirm it but struggling.
I have footage of the first time it happened with the IMR but I'm unsure if I was holding the IMR at the time.
Has anybody else experienced this? Does anybody know what's happening?
Okay so I was playing last night and a guy bled out and left straight away, i was seconds away from reaching him when he left and when i run into the main hub, i pick up his resupply and get the mahem mk1.
so you definatly don't need the same weapon as they player who left, and you won't always get an upgraded weapon. Which leaves me more confused about why this happens, it won't work everytime a player leaves the game so why does it happen at all?
@Texratty No one was down and no one left. I was switching through my weapons rather quickly though. It's happened on multiple occasions that I'll switch to my second weapon to upgrade and I'll end up upgrading my first weapon. This time it must've switched my second weapon out for the upgraded first weapon, I don't know.
The MK5 weapon jumped to MK11 and the MK10 weapon was still MK10. I think it's because I have a weapon registered under a high MK, therefor when I upgrade the lower MK weapon, it jumps to the next highest between the two. It's obviously a glitch but an interesting one if done with the correct weapon.
I have to say I have not heard about either of these but thanks for heads up on not rushing upgrading your weapons.
Tried skipping upgrades last night, had the lynx mk10 and arx mk5 upgraded the arx and it just went to mk 6 :/
I had an issue where I would upgrade but I was in a hurry, so I would switch my weapons really fast between upgrades. I don't know what happened but as I'm running away from the upgrade machine, I notice that I have two SAC3s and lost my other weapon. I didn't run over a tombstone, no one left. I upgraded one to mk20 but then got stuck with the other on mk19. Another funny fact is, if you upgrade one weapon to mk10 and the other is mk5, upon upgrading the mk5 it will auto-upgrade to mk11. I was trippin' pretty hard on a hole in your paper heart.
When you upgraded and it gave you two sac's was a player downed?
and do you mean the 2nd weapon skips to mk11 or the one that's already mk10 upgrades too? Im going to have to try it out.
When you bleed out you drop your resupply, if somebody leaves the game after having bled out then you can pick up Their resupply and it will give you an upgraded gun.
But it only works if you have the same weapon as the player who left. I think that's how it works.
You cannot see the other players resupply but when they bleed out there's a skull where they died.
Update: I'm pretty that for this to work you must have the same weapon as the person who left. I have been trying to confirm it but struggling.
I have footage of the first time it happened with the IMR but I'm unsure if I was holding the IMR at the time.
Has anybody else experienced this? Does anybody know what's happening?
Okay so this has happened to me a few times now. What actually happens i don't know but it seems if a player leaves the game in a hissy fit because they went down, you can pick up their resupply. When it first happened i had lynx equipped and i don't know what my second weapon was but i walked over where the re-supply would have been and i get the noise and suddenly I'm holding an imr mk2.
The second time it happened i had the ae4 and the bal-27 i walk over the a certain spot and pick up the ae4 mk2. But it switched for the bal so i was running around with 2 ae4s.
P.s the first time when it gave me the imr mk2 i went to upgrade it, and it gave me the imr mk2 again so i upgraded again and still had the imr mk2 by the time the weapon should have been mk 5 it was still showing at mk2 but was a lot more powerful. Could this mean unlimited upgrades for weapons?
Idea list of where we can be going next.
in Outbreak
interesting idea, not thought about them expanding on outbreak in further dlcs and I think it would please alot of us complaining about the size of the map. However I would expect a seperate map also so we are not getting one map in 4 dlcs. But I think if they were to do it like this then both of the dlc maps would be rushed and half heartedly made. Which sort of explains why outbreak is so small and glitchy because they are working on the 'final' map rather than fixing glitches now.
my only reserves being that it would feel like a copy of five with the animal testing area and lifts and such. And I haven't thought about it until now but already it has similarities with five.
I think the next maps NEED to make use of the exo-suit. Like the verticality of die rise would love an exo-suit on that map.