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Posts posted by BrotherMAK

  1. I suppose that is true - but Tranzit wasn't just a Map it was more an adventure (and one I think they could've done so much more with).  Origins was another super involved Map.


    That said - I don't know the Outbreak map.  Maybe it's huge.  Didn't look ridiculously complex from the vids I saw though.  I was super psyched for some Zombies and am less so after the couple vids I watch.  No one appears to be blown away. 


    I'll do some more reading on everyone's thoughts and try to check out some more vids.  Still quite anxious for PSN release.


    Thanks for the replies all.

  2. So I'm a PS4 player and as such don't yet have Havoc.  From what I've seen of a handful of youtube videos so far is that there's only one Exo Zombies map.  If so - that's a bit dissapointing. 

    Blops Zombies was an initial game mode (and I know that this is now too) - but it always started with a few maps and then the DLC was a couple more. 


    Did the Havoc DLC really only have the one map?

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