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Posts posted by plsza

  1. Well, they've shown footage of round 26, so we know at the very least it's 26. There is an achievement for "escaping", but none of us know what that entails.


    Where did you see 26? i only saw 20 as the highest round. in the gameplay. Ah, yeah, sorry, I'm a dumbass. Blame the A.M.

  2. I'm seeing this and reading this as a survival based zombies mode that is likely limited and cannot see any EE based achievement???

    I think the limit is optional at best, however I think there will be a narrative. The EE will most likely be the "Game Over Man!" Achievement.




    Why is their insta kill, seriously things like insta kill and double points are 3arch zombies thing, you cant deny that because they came up with those drops. Also how come no one noticed that the bear trap power up thing was on when the traps were on?


    You've been pretty outspoken about not liking them borrowing ideas from treyarch.  How do you feel about multiplayer's Pick 13 system (taken from treyarchs pick 10)  In Call of duty the devs are always borrowing what works and innovating on what doesn't to make the games as good as possible.  I don't see any problem with them looking at some of treyarchs ideas, realizing they are great ideas, and implementing them into their own mode.  That's how you make things better, You keep what is good, and improve what isn't



    I am fine with them borrowing ideas as long as they credit them. They credited them for the pick 13 system, I saw them do that. But they havent even mentioned that treyarch have a zombies mode, not even given it credit because looking at the mode, it is obviously taking lots of things. I like SH but I dont like how they havent acknowledged them. I think that doing what they do is fine but the fact that they havent said anything about the call of duty zombies before it gets on my nerves, I dont understand why people try to change my mind about it either, why do people think its acceptable to take ideas without giving credit.



    Wait.. what?


    You're saying that you're upset that CoD took ideas from CoD? Uhh...




    boutta start hating on Valve for putting crates in CS:GO because they did it in TF2 first lmao


    To be fair, I've been hating on valve for CS:GO since launch. Glad i still have 1.6.

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